The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1257

Ye Tian stood on the spot, his eyes were even more indifferent, as if all this was not worth mentioning in his eyes, he only saw a flick of a finger, and a stream of light circulated from his body, rippling towards the surroundings.


There was a roaring sound, and with this sound, everyone on the bus waited and watched, with a look of shock in their eyes, and felt that it was a little impossible. After all, the five men dealt with Ye Tian, ​​but Ye Tian finally got rid of it, and all of them Being knocked out seemed a bit of a fantasy.

But the facts were right in front of them, without any argument, Ye Tian stood beside them, it seemed that Gujing Wu Bo didn\'t even have any injuries, but the five men in front of him all fell down, and they didn\'t even have consciousness.

"How is this possible?" Yang Liwen was stunned: "This is too powerful, Mr. Ye is really not a thing in the pool."

Liu Yue stood aside, with a look of shock on his face. Although he didn\'t believe what Li Shangxian said, he could clearly see the scene just now. Ye Tian\'s means were extraordinary and he could possess them. Otherwise, how could there be so many men? Maybe lose to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian took the key from the man in charge before walking onto the bus. There was a round of applause on the bus, and everyone looked at Ye Tian with admiration. They didn\'t expect Ye Tian to be so extraordinary. The five gangsters did not show any fear.

"Master, the key has been brought back, so don\'t worry about them, let\'s leave the valley as soon as possible!" Ye Tian said: "After all, it\'s not safe here, maybe they will arrive soon."

"Okay, okay!" The driver hurriedly nodded, took the key over, and his eyes were full of joy. He thought that he would be doomed here today, but he didn\'t expect Ye Tian to be so straightforward and suppressed the five men. up.

"Thank you just now." Liu Yue said, "If it wasn\'t for your help, I\'m afraid I\'d be in trouble today."

"It\'s just a trivial matter, so why bother to thank you!" Ye Tian smiled faintly: "Besides, I\'m not all here to help you!"

"Mr. Ye, if it wasn\'t for you, our president would still be in someone else\'s hands." Yang Liwen said seriously, "You don\'t have to be so modest."

"I\'m not humble!" Ye Tian smiled awkwardly.

The car also restarted, and quickly left the valley and headed towards Jiangdong. After this incident, the interior of the car became a lot quieter, and everyone became a little depressed. I don\'t know if those men will come up.

"There is 100,000 yuan in this card."

Liu Yue took out a card: "Thank you for your rescue just now, I don\'t like to owe people favors, so you take this card!"

"Why, are you only worth 100,000?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "The president of the company is worth thousands of gold."

"What do you mean?" Liu Yue frowned, "Could it be that you want more?"

Yang Liwen\'s face also changed slightly, he didn\'t want Ye Tian and Liu Yue to have a conflict.

"Don\'t get me wrong, I\'m just joking." Ye Tian smiled lightly: "I\'m not interested in money and things!"

"Then what are you interested in?" Liu Yue frowned: "As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely help you!"

"I want to look for thousand-year-old snow lotus, which is extremely rare." Ye Tian said, "And it\'s in Jiangdong, so it\'s very close."