The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1256

Everyone on the bus looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. They looked at Ye Tian with a sense of sadness. Facing four or five such strong men, Ye Tian was still so ignorant.

"To deal with a small person like you, do we still need us to go together?" A bald man stood up and said, "You should use your means and see what you can do to me!"

"Overestimate yourself!" Ye Tian smiled, and his expression was even more flat. In his eyes, these people were just a mob. Ye Tian wanted to deal with them, but he just raised his hand.

As soon as the bald man approached Ye Tian, ​​he felt a strong force from Ye Tian\'s body. Before he could make a move, he fell to the ground, even unconscious.

Many people present waited and watched, with surprise in their eyes. I don\'t know what happened. The man fell down as soon as he approached Ye Tian, ​​which was a bit too mysterious.

"What\'s going on?" The leading man frowned, and the other men were also very curious, naturally not knowing what happened.

"As I said just now, you are not my opponent, so you should leave as soon as possible after releasing you! I don\'t want to be your enemy either!" Ye Tian looked indifferent.

"Are you playing with me?" The leading man said coldly: "You knocked out one of my brothers, is it possible for us to leave now?"

"Since you don\'t want to leave, you can give it a try." Ye Tian said indifferently: "I can knock him out or knock you out, but I don\'t know if your lives can be saved. "

The men looked at each other with fear in their eyes. The scene in front of them was so bizarre that even they didn\'t know what was going on.

"Everyone, don\'t listen to him, let\'s make this kid for me together!"

The leading man\'s eyes were cold, one of his brothers had already fallen to the ground, and he didn\'t know whether he was alive or dead. Now that Ye Tian is still so arrogant, how could he just sit back and watch.

When the other men heard this, they rushed towards Ye Tian one after another. Ye Tian was so ignorant, they naturally wanted to make Ye Tian suffer.

"It\'s over, it\'s over, it\'s over!" Yang Liwen\'s face was livid: "Mr. Ye is probably in great danger, so what should I do?"

Standing on the bus, Liu Yue\'s expression became a little dignified. Ye Tian was standing up for him no matter what. He naturally didn\'t want Ye Tian to have an accident, but now it seemed that they were not able to control him.

"Don\'t worry, Mr. Ye is not someone in the pond, and anything will happen naturally." Li Shangxian said with a smile: "Don\'t you believe me, what I say has always been true."

"Old man, things have come to this end, and you still have the mood to make sarcastic remarks here." Liu Yue rolled her eyes: "He is your colleague after all, so why can\'t you tolerate him in your eyes?"

"Little girl, don\'t talk nonsense." Li Shangxian hurriedly said: "He is my friend, how could I just watch him have an accident, but then again, what I just said is absolutely right, he Nothing will happen."

Liu Yue was full of disbelief. Facing the siege of so many people, even a master of supernatural skill would never be able to easily dodge it.

Many men were approaching Ye Tian with a guy in their hands, their eyes were full of arrogance, as if they wanted to completely destroy Ye Tian, ​​their expressions were extremely arrogant.