The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1258

"Thousand-year snow lotus?" Liu Yue frowned: "Although our company has contracts with pharmaceutical companies and has business contacts, I have never heard of thousand-year snow lotus."

"It\'s natural." Li Shangxian smiled: "Thousand-year snow lotus is not an ordinary thing, not everyone can get it, nor can anyone find it."

"What\'s the use of Mr. Ye needing thousand-year-old snow lotus?" Yang Liwen said: "Maybe I can help, after all, I am quite familiar with the pharmaceutical industry in the pharmaceutical market. In the entire Jiangdong, there are also many pharmaceutical industries. There are quite a lot of contacts, it is not difficult to find a medicinal herb."

"Really?" Ye Tian smiled: "I want a thousand-year-old snow lotus to save lives."

"Secretary Yang, if you don\'t make it to Jiangdong, you can go with Mr. Ye." Liu Yue said, "If it wasn\'t for his help today, I\'m afraid I would have been arrested. I will repay this kindness."

"Sister Liu, don\'t worry, I will definitely take them to the best medicine market to inquire!" Yang Liwen nodded quickly.

Ye Tian looked at Li Shangxian: "Did you feel the breath of the thousand-year-old snow lotus all the way?"

"Mr. Ye, I haven\'t sensed anything." Li Shangxian said seriously: "How can there be a thousand-year-old snow lotus in this remote place, Mr. Ye should not have any hope!"

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I naturally don\'t want to miss it." Ye Tian said: "But then again, thousand-year-old snow lotus is an extremely rare thing. If it is that easy to find, it won\'t be so."

Li Shangxian stood aside and nodded silently. He naturally understood Ye Tian\'s mood. Su Qingya needed a thousand-year-old snow lotus, and the time limit was not much. If she didn\'t find the thousand-year-old snow lotus as soon as possible, she might die soon.

While they were talking, the bus slammed on the brakes, causing everyone to turn pale with fright, and some even hid in their chairs, their faces pale with fright.

They met the robbers just now, and now the bus suddenly braked, maybe the same thing happened again, otherwise they wouldn\'t be in such a hurry.

"Master, what\'s wrong with you?"

A woman in the front row asked, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

The driver was lying on the steering wheel, his face was quite pale, and he didn\'t know what was going on. Many people on the bus hurriedly looked at it, and they had a bad premonition in their hearts. It was getting late, and the driver of the bus had become Such an appearance is quite frightening.

"What\'s going on?" Liu Yue stepped forward: "Master, do you feel tightness in your chest?"

"I feel shortness of breath, not only chest tightness, but I can\'t even speak." The old driver said, but he looked quite weak, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat, as if his life was not long.

"What can I do!" Yang Liwen frowned: "Is there a doctor in the car? The master is so seriously ill. If you don\'t let him go to the hospital, it may be too late."

"This is a mountainous area, and there is no ambulance at all." A man said: "It is really unexpected that such a thing happened. It will be dark soon, so it is impossible to spend the night here tonight."

"Let me take a look!" Ye Tian stepped forward, looked at the old driver, and found that the old driver was shaking, with cold sweat on his forehead, and the situation seemed to be quite critical.

"Do you know medical skills?" Liu Yue looked at Ye Tian.

"It\'s just a little knowledge." Ye Tian nodded.