The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1255

"Young man, if you have the ability, please repeat what you said just now. I don\'t seem to hear you clearly." The bald man said coldly, looking towards Ye Tian.

But Ye Tian said with a smile: "I can\'t control what kind of enmity you have with him, but he can\'t be busy today!"

"Little guy, do what you can, otherwise you will be the one who gets hurt." The leading man said coldly, "If you don\'t believe me, you can try."

At this point, the leader\'s expression was cold, and Ye Tian dared to move, so he would not let Ye Tian go easily.

"Let\'s do it!" Ye Tian smiled: "Let\'s make a deal, the five of you will go together, if you can make me admit that you are beaten to death, I will admit it, but if you lose, you will give her to her." let go."

"Mr. Ye, don\'t be reckless." Yang Liwen said: "The purpose of these people arresting the CEO is only for money. If you offend them rashly, I\'m afraid you will feel worried."

"Since I dare to speak out, I\'m sure I can do it." Ye Tian chuckled: "You don\'t have to worry about me."

"What a big tone!" The leading man sneered: "We are all professionally trained, otherwise we wouldn\'t do this business. If you want to hit five, I can help you."

Ye Tian didn\'t take it seriously, and walked towards the outside of the bus, his eyes were even more flat, as if he didn\'t take them seriously at all.

Liu Yue frowned, he was very grateful to Ye Tian for speaking up for him, but Ye Tian was so reckless, he might get into trouble today.

When he came to the open place, Ye Tian looked at the leading man: "Since we want to compete, let him go first. Anyway, in this barren mountain, it is impossible to run. If the five of you go together, if you can defeat me, it will be natural." It\'s your job."

"That\'s a good suggestion." The leading man smiled, snatched the bus driver\'s key, and then walked down.

Everyone in the bus looked ashen, but Ye Tian was such a hero, he might be in trouble, at least in their view, these people were all tigers and wolves.

"Mr., what should I do?" Yang Liwen frowned: "Mr. Ye, I\'m afraid something big will happen today."

"Why, you are so worried about him?" Li Shangxian said with a smile: "He is not a treasure, so it is no problem to deal with these people."

"Old man, don\'t brag." Liu Yue frowned: "I\'m afraid he will be doomed today!"

"Why, you don\'t believe in Mr. Ye\'s ability?" Li Shangxian cast a glance: "He did this because of you, you don\'t want to repay your kindness, do you?"

"Of course I know he\'s doing it for me." Liu Yue said, "But isn\'t he going to die like this? These people are not easy to mess with, and they\'re just doing it for money. Even if they take me away, I can still be safe. Come back, but now that he is provoking so many people, today is bound to be a bad day."

Faced with these words, Yang Liwen nodded again and again, with solemn eyes, if something really happened to Ye Tian, ​​no one in the wilderness could stop it.

"If you kneel down now and knock your head a few times, I might consider letting you go." The leading man looked at Ye Tian: "But if you don\'t know what to do and insist on fighting against me, I\'m afraid you will stay here today. "

"You can\'t say that, if you want to keep me here, it depends on whether you have the ability!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Let\'s go together!"