The Genius' First Love

Chapter 610 - Left Aghast

Ziggy found instant relief on the fact that someone was there to help them already. Although he knew most of the people that gathered before them, he didn't let go of Willow because the recent things that happened in the bridge and with Dian being the culprit, got him a bit distrustful of anyone. He held on to Willow tight as if someone was about to snatch her away.

"Youngest sire, it is I," Ang called on him when he realized Ziggy was not himself. They all wanted to help Willow but he just wouldn't let anyone touch her. "Its me,"

"Ang?" He drew his eyes to him and realized it was really him, Ang.

"What happened to you and Willow? Where's CEO Leigh and the Lagdameo heir?" Ang bombarded him with immediate questions as they too were confused as to what was happening. They all didn't expect that something terrible happened at the bridge and the fatalities were too painful to speak of. Some of them even thought that it was only a minor thing, that the children kind of escaped again and went to see the bridge.

"Lagdameo hier?" The mention of Darryl's name immediately reminded Ziggy of Darryl's ordeal. Already in panic, he surrendered Willow to Ang's arms "Take her to the hospital immediately,"

Ang without doubts accepted the girl's frail body and planned to bring her to the ambulance that was already awaiting. However, he did think Ziggy would come along but in just split seconds, he saw him running back to his previous tracks as fast as he could.

"Follow him!" Ang instructed their men as he knew something wrong was happening. If Ziggy left Willow in such a state, then it meant whatever was he going back for was far worse and unpleasant than the view of Willow so weak.


Ziggy ran to the ocean again but the heavy big waves came crushing on him making his rescue futile. Knowing that he couldn't save Darryl by being too reckless like he was doing then, he looked around and thought of something.

"Youngest sire!" One of his men called his attention when all saw him going back to the ocean that was raging wild at the moment. After a few loud calls, Ziggy turned to shore hastily, gave him one look and instructed, "The Lagdameo heir is in there wounded. Send for immediate rescue,"

"Yes youngest sire," the man understood immediately. No wonder why their boss was in panic, it was the Lagdameo heir he was worrying about. They don't know what exactly happened but it seemed that Darryl was in the water and that the youngest sire was desperate to save him. Before he withdrew to attend to Ziggy's request, he saw him grab a motor boat parked a few meters from them, dragged it to the ocean and started venturing into the sea full of monstrous waves and hostile breeze.

Ziggy drove as fast as he could knowing that Darryl needed immediate care; however since the pile caps were all identical and big, he was kind of lost where he left Darryl. So he searched for a few minutes and found none. Not even the previous track of bloodied water was there.

"Darryl!" He shouted his guts out. Where the heck was he?

No one answered him and he kind of expected that already knowing how weak Darryl was when he left him. He keeps searching and searching to no avail. Soon, the youngest sire saw two rescue boats approaching and knowing that they came to help him search for Darryl, he signaled them to search the pile caps. He should be there somewhere. Still hopeful, Ziggy continued searching with the rescuers on board of the rescue ship but they found nothing but his jacket, floating in the water with no body visible nearby.


In the bridge

"My prince," Xhemin knew a bullet was fired and seeing Huzey in front of her idled, she was afraid he was the casualty of it. Even Wolfe who realized the sacrifice he did couldn't help but pull his shirt and cry hysterically in his c.h.e.s.t.

"Uncle Huzey. Hu hu hu"

Even Huzey then couldn't move, waiting for something as he held both Xhemin and Wolfe in his arms. He knew he was kind of late but he was just glad he was there at the exact moment Wolfe and Xhemin were to be shot dead. As soon as he stepped out of his car and heard some bullets being fired, he knew they were in a danger zone. Worried about his friends, he cursed himself for not being able to reach the place earlier than he intended. However, the way to Puente De Amor was a long one and although he had full speed on, he failed to be there at the most crucial time.

Huzey closed his eyes as he waited for the pain to crush him. He breathed deep and tried to be firm as he didn't want to make Wolfe afraid. However, a few seconds passed but he felt nothing but the soreness of his feet and instead of blood, he dropped nothing but sweat. He opened his eyes and met Xhemin's worried deep black but before they could all succ.u.mb to any anguish, they all realized Huzey wasn't shot.

A bullet was fired but Huzey isn't the casualty of it! Surprised by what seemed to be a miracle moment, they all looked back to where Dian stood and was left aghast to see a  dreadful scene!

Dannah was half lying on the ground with her wounded body and a gun in her hand. She was still raising it in the air and well pointed to Dian's direction. In her face was an expression of pain, hurt, regrets and most of all horror!

On the other side was Dian's body lying across the ground. Bloodied.

Dannah had shot her before she could fire another bullet to the running mother and child.

She had shot her very own sister.