The Genius' First Love

Chapter 609 - The Hardest Part

Just as Ziggy suspected, the bloodied water led him to the other side of the bridge's pile cap where Darryl tied himself and Willow. They were both unconscious and the only thing that was keeping them afloat was the jacket that was tied on the metal.

"Darryl, Willow..." Ziggy swam toward them with urgency. The ocean water that surrounded them was already deep red signifying how much blood Darryl had been bleeding through.

Looking at the two, Ziggy had a hard time deciding who to save first. Darryl was bleeding thoroughly while Willow's complexion was turning violet and as a doctor himself, Ziggy knew both needed immediate medication. However, he cannot carry or pull them to the shore together. It had to be one at a time.

"Sweetie," Ziggy cupped Willow's head and shook her, trying to check if she was still breathing. "Willow, can you hear me?"

As Ziggy had his full attention to Willow, he felt Darryl moved. He turned to him and saw him opened his eyes.

"Darryl," Ziggy tried to grab his hand but he realized that Darryl moved to loosen Willow from him. To secure the girl, Darryl had wrapped her thoroughly with his arms and the jacket tightly earlier and so now that Ziggy was there, he loosened it so the latter can take Willow without much hassle.

"Take her," The Lagdameo heir told him, or more like begging him. Even at the point of death, he thought of nothing but the safety of his daughter. "Please, take care. Save her…"

Ziggy doubted his proposition for a moment as between Darryl and Willow, the latter needed the most care, considering the gunshot he successively received earlier. However, he can't just leave Willow then in the middle of such a dangerous ocean.

"Please," He heard Darryl begged again. His eyes were desperate and Ziggy knew then that Darryl wanted nothing but to secure his daughter's life. "Please save my little girl, like you did before. I beg you,"

Darryl's last words struck right through Ziggy's heart. It was already painful to him as Willow's adoptive father to see his precious child being subjected to such a dangerous situation, how more painful could it be to Darryl who was Willow's biological father?

The pain could be more painful than his fresh wounds.

Without thinking much about it and to grant Darryl's sincere request, Ziggy grabbed Willow and secured Darryl back, tying the jacket that was keeping him afloat to the metal.

"I'll come back for you. Hold on," Ziggy promised as he was ready to leave. "Promise me you'll hold on,"

Darryl only nodded and closed his eyes again. Ziggy looked at him one last time before he steadied Willow's body and positioned her in a way that he could pull him safely ashore. He hated to leave Darryl on the verge of death but he could lose both the father and daughter if he won't take a move then. So, as fast as he could, Ziggy started swimming toward the shoreline with Willow.

The shore was of considerable distance and the waves were so harsh at that time that even Ziggy, who feeling fine, felt like he couldn't make it. However, thinking about the whole ordeal they suffered and the sacrifices that had been made, Ziggy felt the need to survive. Besides, he had Willow with him and he can't just give her up.

After a good twenty minutes, Ziggy was able to reach the shore safely. Breathing hard, he carried Willow further into safety and laid her in the sand. The first thing he did was do a mouth to mouth resuscitation on her. Ziggy worried that the child wouldn't make it anymore as she had been rescued too late. She had suffered an injury even before she fell into the water and the impact of her fall only made it worse. Also he suspected she had drank too much ocean water that she wasn't responding to his first aid anymore.

"Willow come back to me baby," Ziggy's cheeks warm up with tears already as he continued pressing his hand to her c.h.e.s.t. Looking at her lifeless face was such a painful view to watch and especially that her father, the Lagdameo heir, also sacrificed his own life to save her. "My baby, don't leave dada yet. It's not your time. You always wanted to meet your Appa right? Your Appa just saved you, let's not fail him both!"

Ziggy made another attempt on reviving the girl even when all the hope was lost. Willow's color had gone purple already but he refused to pronounce her dead.

"My baby," Ziggy pressed on her c.h.e.s.t, harder than he could. His face was dripped with both the ocean water and his tears and he feared that a minute more he would lose himself. He just couldn't take it if her daughter's life ended then. He would forever cursed and blamed himself for being an incompetent father.  Didn't he lost a child to Dannah too because of his careless ? How far can his incompetency go? He should have watched his children, guarded them and had never lost them in the first place. However things just got out of control and in a split second they were taken under his watch.

"Baby! My sweetie!" Ziggy couldn't be more thankful and grabbed the girl to his c.h.e.s.t. She was still coughing hard but her color was slowly changing back to normal and so Ziggy knew she somehow survived the hard part. However, she still had other injuries to think of and so the youngest Montreal sire carried her again in his arms hoping some rescue was nearby.  Franco's men and his men should be here by then and so he ran toward the gate, hoping to see some help.

Luckily his expectation didn't fail him and as soon as he emerged from everyone's sight with the girl in his arms, many ran to welcome him.

"It's the youngest sire and Willow!"

"Quick!" Someone screamed when they saw him in distress and with a weak child in his arms "They are injured!"