The Genius' First Love

Chapter 611 - Madam Diana's Children

Dannah woke up in the middle of the chaos. She was wounded and bleeding hard right in her c.h.e.s.t. She tried to move but she couldn't as her body was very weak. However as she was lying across the ground idle, she had seen how Darryl was shot and how he had intentionally fell off to save his daughter. Danahh screamed his name but no sound was coming out of her mouth. However the view of his brother being mercilessly shot by Dian got her so angry and mad that for a few minutes, she did nothing but fought so hard to be able to move.

Alas, she was able to ball her fist!

She turned her head to Dian's direction and saw her raise a gun aiming straight and she knew right then that Xhemin and Wolfe were her target. She was very glad that Xhemin had grabbed Wolfe at the moment Dian was distracted with her and all she could think of the moment was how she could protect her nephew and his mother who was then running for their lives.

At the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of her gun and so while Dian was occupied with Xhemin and Wolfe, she reached for it with all her might. As soon as she caught it, she raised it to Dian's direction and fired without hesitation. All happened so fast that Dannah didn't realize she aimed at her very own sister. Only when she saw how Dian's body fell hard on the ground did reality struck into her veins.

She had shot her own sister.

She had stained her hand with a Lagdameo blood.

In a rush, different emotions came into her and she cried. However, before guilt and hurt overtook her, her weak body saved her from all the misery by falling away. Dannah passed out again and two Lagdameo women splattered across the surface of Puente De Amor that fateful afternoon.


Madam Diana was sitting in the garden of the Lagdameo Marble mansion with a few of her friends. They were having small talks about the current societal issues while occasionally sipping on their tea cups filled with tea. The servants served them earlier as soon as they settled in the garden to enjoy the afternoon sun.

"I heard your son's new project with strawberries was a success," One of her guests brought up the latest business hot news, "I do envy you a lot with the Lagdameo heir. He is perfect in every way,"

"Same. I do wish my son would be as good as him,"another friend of the  Lagdameo madam complimented.

"Thank you. My son indeed is a competent person but believe me when I tell you things weren't that smooth on him as you all thought. He had tough days," Madam Diana recalled and smiled bitterly at the memory of Darryl locking himself in the Loch for six long years.

"We all have tough days. The good news is that he was able to survive it and emerged strong. Look at L'Empire these days, it is getting strong and powerful. More glorious than it ever was I could say,"

"Well we all owe it to the Lagdameo heir and—"

Madam Diana wasn't able to finish her words as the sound of broken teacup filled the place. She had carelessly let go of her cup and it went straight to the ground broken.

"Careful madam!" A servant who was attending them warned her. She was about to clean her dress that was spoiled, unfortunately some sharp pieces from the broken teacup hang in the apparel and cut her hand. She bled instantly.

"I'm so sorry," She could do nothing then but apologized for such careless mishap. The servant ran to her immediately and assisted her.

"Get the first aid," One of her friends instructed the other servants and one of them went running to get one inside the mansion.

"I'm so careless today," Madam Dian sighed. Truth was for some reason her heart seemed to be unsteady. She had been nervous and oddly feeling unwell since this morning that she thought of cancelling the tea party that afternoon. "Such an odd day to speak of, I'm feeling so uneasy. Hormonal imbalance probably,"

"You should have cancelled this tea party," Her friend came apologetic of the fact that even when the madam of the Lagdameo was unwell, she still pushed through the agreed little gathering. "We would understand especially that you are feeling so unwell. Look at you, you are so pale. Should we go and see a doctor?"

"Oh no no! I'm fine really," Madam Diana refused. She knew she wasn't sick but there's something bothering her that she couldn't describe nor comprehend at the time. Earlier, she even tried to call her son, Darryl, but for some reason he seemed to be busy. Even her daughter Dannah was out of reach. Perhaps she should call her other daughter Dian later and ask about the two, maybe she knows where her siblings are and what they are doing these days.

In just a minute, a servant came with a med kit and started attending to her wound. She had just a small cut but because she bled hard, it looked like it was big and fatal. Her friends just waited on her, too worried to even leave her. They were aware she was alone in the mansion as her children were busy and her husband was out with some friends. So they stayed to keep her company for a while.

However, as they all think things were just running normal in the house. The marble mansion received an unfortunate call that would probably change their lives.

"Madam there's a call from your brother-in-law," A servant came with a wireless phone in her hand. She was shaking and her face couldn't be painted.

"It's Franco isn't it?" Only Franco can make all the servants in the house go berserk and so when she saw the servant's face, she immediately guessed.

"Yes Madam," The servant answered but as she couldn't hold it anymore, she shed some tears.

"What is it?" Madam Dian instantly felt nervous with how the servant acted. Curious and with her hand shaking, she took the phone immediately. However, when she heard the news Franco brought, the madam of the household instantly fell on her knees, covered her mouth with her hands, cried and prayed relentlessly.

"My children!" She screamed with agony.