The Genius' First Love

Chapter 595 - When He Came Back

Dian's thoughts were dragged back to the present when the private car she was in halted.

"We are here, miss," The driver announced and just then Dian pulled some cash in her purse and gave it to the man. Since he didn't want anyone to know where she had been, she always rode a private rental car on her way back. Without a word, Dian exited out of the car, stood on one side of the road and dialed an L'Empire driver assigned to her.

"I'm near the entrance of the building where you dropped me off earlier," She told the driver on the other line. Earlier she had her driver drop her off there on the pretend that she had some private meeting in the building she mentioned. However, after her driver dropped her off, she rode another car to go to Scar's place.

In just a few minutes, an L'Empire car stopped in front of her and Dian entered the backseat comfortably.

"Bring me home," Dian instructed and tried to sit comfortably at the back. "To the marble mansion,"

The driver just nodded politely and started driving. However while they were on the road, Dian noticed that the driver was looking at her in the front mirror as if there was something he wanted to say but was hesitating to disturb her.

"What is it?" Dian asked, although annoyed already, she managed to say it gently not wanting to give a bad impression to the L'Empire employee.

"The Huang young master called me earlier," he relayed.

Dian almost rolled an eye with it but tried so hard to pretend she was pleased with the employees announcement.

"Why did he call you?"

"He was looking for you, Miss. He was asking of your whereabouts," The driver added, "I told him of course you have a meeting today,"

"I see," Dian replied. Wanting to end the conversation about his good-for-nothing fiancee, she added, "I'll call him then, later. Thank you,"

"You're welcome miss," the driver then focused his eyes on the road as he did not want to disturb Dian again for it was obvious from her face that she was tired. Unknown to him, she wasn't tired of work but because of her recent bed venture with her lover.


Dian fell asleep on the road and she woke up only when they reached the marble mansion. With deep relief that she can finally rest in peace she exited the car immediately. However her relief was cut short when she saw Edmund Huang's face at the entrance.

"What the heck are you doing here?" She spat with an instant anger.

"Relax," Edmund stepped back a bit, "You know I wouldn't be here for no reason at all,"

"Then what could possibly be a good reason for you to dare show up in front of me?" Dian asked, eyes raging like fire. Just the sight of Edmund Huang was enough to ruin her day. Their engagement continued without much of an issue but unknown to everyone, Dian had put a leash right through Edmund Huang's neck and thoroughly instructed him not to show up in front of her.

"They asked me to pick you up," Edmund announced and glanced to one side to show Dian her own suitcases being prepared.

"Pick me up?" She was obviously surprised by his audacity,"Who told you that you can pick me up anytime you want? Edmund Huang are you seeking your death?"

"Hey second miss, it's not like I did this on a whim," Edmund defended himself, "It was President Manuel  who asked me to pick you up. I came here out of his instructions,"

"Father?" Dian was surprised to hear her father's name. Why would her father send her  back to the Huangs when just before she left earlier, he had instructed her to accompany him for a meeting with a client tomorrow. Surely, the Huang's young master is lying!

"Edmund Huang, do you take me for a fool? My father would never send me away," Dian convinced herself thoroughly that her father had nothing to do with this. They were fine. Her relationship and engagement with her father for the last few months were running great and she was pretty sure she had done a good job to impress her father. By then she was confident he would have her share in L'Empire knowing that it was she who had been there to help him while the Lagdameo heir rebelled and went to that forbidden island to seek his own end.

"Well he already did," Edmund Huang sighs. Although Dian was doing shameful things in his own prejudice he had somehow seen her all her efforts for the sake of L'Empire. Besides, although their soon to be marriage was hopeless, the Huang's Incorporated had greatly benefited with it. All thanks to the second miss and seeing her being thrown away just like that, somehow made him pity her, a bit. "He already sent you away before and he-"

"No that can't be!" Dian refused to believe it. Everything was just so fine before she left, how could things crumble like this in an instant without warning. Sending her back to the Huangs only meant one thing, she was stripped again of all her rights and responsibilities in L'Empire and that also means she loses all her chance of succeeding.

"Dian please," Edmund's face was almost a mess. They were in a marble mansion and the servants were already noticing that they were arguing on something. He was just there to pick the second miss and bring her back to her penthouse which the Huang's provided and he certainly didn't want to pick any fight with her. Not there and certainly not ever. "Let's just go. Do not anymore confront your father as it will only cause trouble. Besides, as soon as I heard the news, I already knew you are to be brought home back to us,"

"What are you talking about? What news are you talking about?" Dian asked immediately, very lost as to what he was saying.

"Don't tell me you didn't know?"

"Know what?"

"Your brother is back," Edmund announced and instantly, Dian's face fell as realization hit her, "The Lagdameo heir is back from the island,"