The Genius' First Love

Chapter 596 - Dian's Ace Card

When Scar reached Dian's penthouse, he already knew things were in a mess. He received a text from Dian earlier that she was sent back to the Huang's penthouse and with the news of the Lagdameo heir being seen at the capital, he already knew what happened.

The smell of strong wine lingered around his woman's house and he found her sitting in one corner face tainted with dried tears while her hand held on to a bottle of liquor she had been drinking ever since she entered the penthouse.

When she learned from Edmund that Darryl was back, she willingly went with him without question. It was obvious why her father sent her away just like that and the reason was because she was no longer needed. The Lagdameo heir is back and so she had to live under his shadows again-Darryl shadows.

"Babe," Scar sat beside her and took hold of the bottle she was holding but Dian wasn't letting go. Instead she raised the bottle to her face and drank more.

She had a big gulped and chuckled after, "I wanted to drink to forget everything but it seems that even this liquor wasn't giving me chance,"

"You had drank so much," Scar noted.

"But I'm not drunk enough to forget it," She replied, sighing. There was a moment of silence before Dian spoke again, pouring all her frustration out, "I thoroughly believe that somehow I have a chance but then again, father just threw me away like I'm nothing. He just used me,"

"Dian I told you not to get your hopes up," Scar already knew this would happen and as much as they dreaded it, there was nothing they could do to stop it.

"But I had my hopes up," Dian's tears started falling again. "Will you blame me for hoping that somehow I could be enough? Why am I not enough? Why are they always looking for my brother, for Dannah? Why are they not giving me the same chances?"

"Dannah had her own set of struggles you didn't know," Scar tried comforting her, showing her that she wasn't alone in such a situation and yet it only made Dian feel more bad.

"But at least she was loved," Dian whispered, enough for Scar to hear. "At least once she was loved and she had her chance then while I didn't have any,"


"I want to sleep, Scar," Dian announced suddenly and although Scar wanted to talk to her further about what just happened, he had seen how exhausted she was already so instead of comforting her with words, he instead picked her up and carried her to bed.

Dian curled on the soft sheets feeling very downhearted at how she was sent away. Scar was there beside her and could do nothing but just succ.u.mb to her own devils. He knew this was her greatest weakness and seeing her hurt like that was like his heart was stabbed a million times. Right then, his anger towards L'Empire was surging up like a blazing fire.


Dian was very awake. She could feel Scar's warm arms wrapped around her body and could hear her gentle snores. Her lover had fallen asleep already while she couldn't. Truth was her mind was full of thoughts, schemes and hatred for how L'Empire had abandoned her to the Huangs for good. If they think they can just get rid of her like that, then they have to buckle themselves up for her rebound.

L'Empire could not get rid of her like that, not that easy.

Right then she was thinking of ways on how she could get a hold into L'Empire's seat without much complications. She must have it, she didn't work that hard to just accept defeat easily.

Truth was that she already had plan B even before things became this messy. She had already planned things ahead but hoped that things will run smoothly and she will not be forced to use plan b. But here she was, already back in the Huangs and that pissed her off to the point that she had lost all her sanity away.

She had to get back, she had to complete plan B since plan A didn't work. Her biggest challenge then was how to stop her brother from taking over L'Empire. She knew Darryl came back to get a hold of L'Empire. She knew her brother so much and she knew he would not come back if he did not intend to have L'Empire. She'd better check on him and confirm his plans. Darryl and her were very close and she knew he would always open up to her.

Dian squeezed out from Scar's arms and sat on the bed. Scar was sleeping peacefully without any idea of what was running on Dian's mind.

"I'm sorry Scar," She smiled the wildest. If there was one thing that gives her confidence that all her plans will work, it was Scar. She had successfully seduced the man to the point that like Edmund Huang, she had put on an invisible leash on Scar's neck. Unknown to everyone, Scar was her greatest ace card. As long as she got Scar, nothing can stop her from getting whatever she wanted. However she  must confess that although she seduced Scar to use him, she had somehow fallen in love with him and so she had him included in all his plans. Besides, when she had the seat of L'Empire in her hands, she could always have Scar by her side.

"Babe, you'll do anything for me right?" She continued whispering, "I cannot demand anything outright to you but if you see me losing my sanity for what L'empire did to me, I know you'll wipe them all for good, all for my sake,"

Dian knew she cannot get things she wanted by demanding them all from Scar. The man had his principles somehow so since she cannot force him to do things, she just needed him to voluntarily do it for her sake and she knew just how to make Scar do whatever she wanted without asking him.

With that, Dian stepped out of bed, opened the door to the balcony of her room and climbed to the railings.