The Genius' First Love

Chapter 594 - Shattered Pride

There's nothing more torturing than the scene of your future wife being owned by another man. It wasn't only Edmun's Huang's heart that was torn to pieces right then, at the sight of Dian being intimate with another man, but also his ego.

He knew he had been very wrong on how he treated her previously and he had already paid for it. Yet Dian thought his punishment wasn't enough  and so she went as far as stripping off his ego by making him watch her seducing another.

He hated such a sight and he immediately turned his back onto such a scandalous scene but Dian's loud m.o.a.ns haunted him all throughout the night. She promised him an heir and if this was the way she was to give him an heir, he'd rather not have it. But what can he do then? He was not in the place to even lash out and be angry with her. All he could do was just watch her do all her misdeeds shamefully.

Who knew the second miss was this wicked?

They all thought she was pure and gentle, turned out she was a bitch snake hiding in a lamb's skin.


Scar and Dian's love making lasted till almost morning. Dian made sure Edmund Huang could see how she had given her body to another man and she made sure to enjoy every bit of it so the Huang's young master would know how she was very pleased with being unfaithful to him. He can imprison her in a marriage certificate but he cannot and will never have her love, not even her body.

"Do you need to work this morning?" She asked her lover as she laid on his chest, her fingers rubbing it.

"Need to report to the base," Scar replied, his voice sounded tired but he dared not to sleep on her. How could he when a goddess was lying next to her? He never in his entire life would ever think he can have the second miss, all the more be her first.

"Scar I know you and Dannah are close," Dian opened right away knowing that Scar was to leave soon. Before he does, she has to make sure their relationship will remain a secret, "But will you not please tell her about us yet? I wanted to be the one to tell her when the perfect time comes,"

Hearing Dannah's name made a light pinched in Scar's heart. What would Dannah feel if she learned about his and Dian's relationship? When he first had her interest with Dian, he never thought they would end up in bed and so he was not prepared for Dananh's scrutiny. He wondered what the third miss would feel about it? Will she even approve it?

Although he and Dannah were clearly not romantically involved, there was a part of him that was hoping they could be more than friends. However with her blooming and advancing relationship with Dian, he doesn't think there will ever be a chance. Perhaps this was their destiny. Besides, didn't they both decide not to be more than friends?

"As you wish for a second miss," Unknown to Dian, Scar was relieved that Dian didn't want to tell Dannah yet.

"You are still gonna call me that?" Dian raised a brow at how the boy called her.

"Call what?"

"Second miss," Dian pointed. "Don't you think it isn't appropriate for you to call me second miss anymore when I'm already your lover?"

"What do you want me to call you then?"

"Babe," Dian smiled sweetly with her own words and Scar who was amused to see that somehow the second miss has some cringey side chuckled at it. They knew what they have was a forbidden and risky venture and yet they didn't deny themselves some small joy and teases.

"Why are you laughing?" She pouted in front of his face.

"Nothing….babe," The boy made emphasis on his last word and kissed the girl's head. Dian responded to his kiss with a ravenous one on the lips and it only took a minute before the two started another round of love making.


Edmund was awakened by bright lights. The cabinet where he was locked was opened so suddenly and since the sun was already up, the brightness filled the whole suite.

He couldn't remember anymore what time he slept last night and how he managed to sleep provided he was in a cabinet. And yet he survived the night.

"Wake up young master Huang," Dian greeted with sarcasm and picked up Edmund from the cabinet's floor by grabbing his clothes' neckline. "You dare sleep on me?"

"I had seen...seen enough," Edmund said, wanting to communicate the fact that she had fulfilled whatever she wanted to fulfill that night. While Dian grabbed him, he had a chance to scrutinize the room and realize his wife's lover was not anymore in the room. He must have left early.

"Good," Dian smirked. "You can go home now. You can tell your father you came and sleep with me in the same room tonight. By that he won't get surprise if I ended up getting him the heir he had always wanted even before our marriage ceremony,"

Edmund's balled his first with anger yet he dare not show it to Dian. He knew no matter what he did, he cannot anymore escape her, not even her shameless plans. He had never once imagined that the Lagdameo second Miss was this evil because she had never let anyone see this dark side of her. Yet here he was already, at her mercy.

He indeed had messed up the wrong woman, if only he knew, he could have saved himself from her.

"Did you hear me?" Dian repeated his instructions because it seemed like Huang's young master wasn't listening to her.

Edmund only nodded in response wondering when will Dian's revenge on him end. Will her act of giving him an heir through another man the end of it or it will just be the beginning?

"Good. Don't worry, my lover is a skillful man, so I'm sure I can give you a brilliant heir, something your father will be proud of," Dian mocked at him all the more. "He'll never be as useless as you, I promise"

Hearing it, Edmund could do nothing but only swallow all his pride. He dare not speak against it, afraid that he might upset her. As Dian had already shown her true colors, Edmund knew it wouldn't be wise to go against her wishes. She's far too dangerous to mess with.

"By the way before you leave," Dian paused and gave him one final look, "Remember, whatever you saw and heard tonight, make sure nobody knows. If not, I'll ripped out that tongue of yours,"

Just that and Dian walked away toward the bathroom laughing like a mad woman. Edmund could do nothing but sigh deep and leave the room with nothing but his shattered pride and dreams.