The Genius' First Love

Chapter 593 - Heart and Body

When Scar uttered nothing but only her name and his expression flushed a surprised face, Dian somehow had gone shy. She immediately lowered her head full of regret that she had decided to confess only to be rejected at once.

"I'm sorry, I know full well you only had your eyes on Dannah," Dian turned her back, not wanting to face her rejection. Truth was she already knew Scar was into her but she was not sure then if he was willing to give up Dannah for her. As far as she knew, they had nothing but just some complicated friendship yet she still had her doubts.

"It's not that second miss," Scar was a bit frustrated on how things turned out. He was very into Dian and he thought he had made it pretty obvious already, it's just that apart from Dannah, he didn't know how to handle women, all the more their confessions. "I just think I am not worthy of you. Don't you think? You are an heiress and I'm nothing but.."

"Please don't say that," Dian cut him off, her back was still on him. "I would never confess to you if I ever think about that. Besides, I don't think of you as not worthy of me, I am the one that is not worthy of you because...because I'm nothing like Dannah. She was smart and carefree and most of all brave and here I am. I'm nothing but an heiress who could not dare defy my father,"

"I would never ever judge you for that," Scar told her, wanting to make her understand that for him, she was perfect.

"Oh Scar what am I to do?" Dian let her body fall into the bed and acted more upset. She had plans for the night and although her confession was somewhat true, she had other intentions for saying it specially that she had Edmund Huang on the cabinet nearby. Although she was sure the Huang's young master cannot hear them clearly, she had made sure he could see it all. "I am not brave as Dannah. I felt like I am just my father's property, his puppy, his ever perfect daughter who don't have the courage to say no to him,"

"Second miss please don't feel bad," Scar comforted her but Dian's breakdown was making him more helpless. Seeing her in that state made him want to comfort her thoroughly but he had no experience with women so he certainly doesn't know how to deal with it. "Although you are nothing close to Dannah's bravery...I...I like you the way you are,"

"You do?" Dian was almost crying. "Do you like me even though I do not own my life? Can't you see everything about me is being directed by my father. I felt like I do not own anything not even my own body,"

"Do not say that miss," Staring at Dian's sad and weak face made him so vulnerable to the girl's enigma that he couldn't see the truth behind the mask she wore. She was trying to seduce him and yet she was so good Scar could not see such a trap. Dian had let her tears fall in just a minute  and Scar, as helpless as he was of her act, ran to her side immediately to wipe it off, "Please miss don't cry. You are perfect, know that to me you are perfect,"

"Scar, I feel so cold," Dian intentionally opened her mouth a little bit to entice the boy for a kiss. Who knew he could easily have Scar this way when all these years she thought he had his eyes only for her little sister. "My heart feels so cold,"

"I'm here, miss. I'll keep you warm," Scar awkwardly hugged Dian as he tried to give her some warmth. Dian chuckled inside at how inexperienced Scar was and how she had easily put a lash on the boy's neck. Sooner or later when her lash on him was tight enough, she can use him and his devotion to her for bigger things. Wasn't Scar the Lagdameo's syndicate top agent? Surely he will become very useful to her specially that her dream about the future was becoming bigger than she had previously planned.

"Please keep me more warm, will you?" Dian's eyes glowed with something else, something that got Scar's tremble into a hot mess. His arms were already around her and her skin touching his, ignited some passion that was only surging up as minutes passed by.

"I'll be here as long as you want me too," The boy replied and his answer only made Dian feel more victorious that night. She squeezed out from Scar's hug and slowly stood on her feet as she dared to stand in front of Scar.

Her actions got the boy confused that he could do nothing but just follow all her actions with his eyes. She saw how Dian stood in front of him, her h.i.p.s were then just in front of his face that he could smell some sort of fragrance that got him intoxicated.

"Scar," Dian called him and from her h.i.p.s, the boy's eyes travelled up to her already red hot face. He didn't know if Dian blushed or not but all he knew was she looked so beautiful that he cannot help but be mesmerized by it. "You know I cannot dare defy my father and he had every part of my being controlled, so was my future. But there were  things I didn't want him to control. Do you know what those are?"

Scar didn't have any idea so he shook his head confused. Clearly, he could not think of anything at all but his growing need inside.

"My heart," She said those words with such conviction that Scar's heart leaped from his chest but her next words and actions got all of Scar's insides twisted harder than ever. Dian, in front of Scar's face, pulled the ribbon of her robe and the only clothing that covered her n.a.k.e.d body fell into the floor.

Scar was awestruck but he dare not turn his eyes away. How could he if a fair goddess stood n.a.k.e.d in front of him.

"And my body," Dian said in a hoarse voice as she dug her eyes into Scar's, trying to be one with his soul.

"You promise to keep me warm right?" She continued and just as the words escaped her mouth, the Lagdameo's second miss daringly sat on Scar's lap n.a.k.e.d and captured the boy's lips.