The Genius' First Love

Chapter 592 - Unexpected Happines

After Scar saved Dian from Edmund Huang's assault, he found himself constantly drawn to her. Also, Dian's treatment toward him seemed to have changed and because the two sisters-Dian and Dannah almost looked the same aside from the difference in their hair and eyes, it became easy for him to be comfortable with her. Besides, these days he felt that Dian needed him in a way and such need got him attached to her.

He could see through Dian's eyes that she was not happy with how things turned out, especially with the decision of her father to get her married to Edmund Huang and yet she could dare not defy him. Scar could see her hidden suffering and he knew somehow, like Dannah, she needed someone to understand her.

After the incident, his relationship with Dian deepened and because Dannah was out in the South to attend to her first mission, he spent more time with the second miss. Thrilled with this new blooming friendship, Scar always took time to check on her.

Tonight was Dian's debut party and at the same time her engagement with Edmund Huang was officially announced. Because L'Empire threw her a grand party, Scar was one of the guards stationed to take watch. Of course he saw Dian tonight wearing a dashing glittery red gown that made her glow so ever beautifully. Her smile was genuine at the start but during the announcement of her engagement, her smile turned into something else. Seeing her expression changed and her smile turned fake, Scar knew she was not okay. That's why after the party when everyone had gone home, he did not think twice when Dian called him to drop by in her suite. Careful not to make anyone know about their blooming friendship, specially that Scar knew L'Empire would not approve of it, he secretly went to her suite passing through the balcony.

"You came," Dian welcomed him as she opened the balcony's door and Scar, careful not to act awkwardly, as he couldn't help but notice that she was wearing rather seductive clothing. However he thought the second miss was becoming more comfortable with him so he tried to hard keep his eyes straight to her face.

"These are for you," Scar revealed a bouquet of fresh lavenders in front of her face. Lavenders were Dannahs favorite flowers and he knew they were also the second miss favorite too. Dannah had once told him that she wasn't really into flowers but had grown some fondness for lavenders because Dian loved them. "Happy birthday second miss,"

"Lavenders," Dian's face glistened at the sight of them. "How do you know I love them?"

Scar only smiled at her question not wanting to tell her how. Dian of course took time to appreciate the gift Scar gave her before they both entered the suite as if it was already growing cold in the balcony.

"How are you?" Scar asked her as Dian put the lavenders she received from an empty vase nearby.

"I'm okay," She replied bitterly and flashed a fake smile that only made Scar sigh.

"I'm sorry second miss," Scar empathized with her. "I wish I could-"

"It's not your fault Scar," Dian replied. "And to be honest I am thankful to you because even though things made me feel terrible and afraid, you always," Dian then raised her head and looked at Scar with her shining, almost teary, hazel eyes. "You always makes me feel better,"

The expression that flashed on Dian's face made Scar swallow a lump on his throat. The second miss must not have been aware that her sad face was rather so alluring that one would want to wrap their arms to comfort her. She looked so vulnerable and fragile that one would never think twice of handling her with thorough care.

"I'm happy that somehow I made you feel better," Scar felt something rising in him and he knew right then he had fallen into something so deep that it would be hard for him to get up. And yet such hole was full of beautiful things that he didn't want to even want to depart from it. The hole was the second miss, and even though her persona came so deep to him, he wanted to explore more into it even though he knew a pit of fire was waiting at the end.

Dian flashed a more attractive smile this time, "I really want to thank you Scar. With every terrible things that happened to me lately, you are the only thing that came out good and I want you to know that appreciate you so much than you ever wonder my sister-"

"You don't have to thank me for it,"Scar cut her off completely because at this moment he didn't want to be reminded of Dannah. His ventures with Dian although there was nothing wrong with it was somehow making him feel guilty. And yet Dian was something he couldn't resist. "I am glad somehow I am of help,"

"But still I want to thank you,"

"Alright," Scar replied and opted to give the girl some wishes for her birthday, "You know what second miss, I really wish you happiness. I justĀ  hope that somehow even though your upcoming marriage started out bad, I really wish you would find happiness within it. You deserve it,"

"I don't know if I can ever be happy with such marriage Scar," Dian let go of another bitter smile, "Specially that these days when things were somehow dark and messy, unexpectedly I had finally found my happiness in the most unexpected, unexpected..." She intentionally cut her words and boldly looked at Scar in a different way. "In the most unexpected person I only noticed till now,"

"Second miss," Dian's eyes told Scar everything she had inside and he was sure by the way her eyes glistened with tears and genuineness that he was the person she was talking about.