The Genius' First Love

Chapter 591 - The Huang's Future Heir

A pervert will always be a pervert

Dian thought before she continued, "Of course it wasn't because I like you or because I had forgive you for what you did,"

"I...I know," Edmund's eyes faltered. He was afraid of Dian, very much to the point he can't stand her gaze.

"Good," Dian was pleased. Looking at the man before her now, she knew there was no hope for him but just be her willing servant. However the status of being her personal servant was far too easy for him, she had to think of ways to torture the man with her own hands. How about stripping him off all his manly ego? She was thinking then all ways she could make him suffer emotionally now that her uncle was done making him suffer physically.

"You are also aware that you are in no place to disobey me right?" Dian added, trying to measure how far the Huang young master can go with all her demands.

"I was told not to upset you in any way," Edmund replied.

"And disobeying me will make me upset dear husband to be," The end of Dian's lips twitched. If Edmund Huang thought all his toture's were done then she'll end that fantasy. She planned to make his life hell throughout their marriage that the boy could wish he had just died in her uncle's hands.

"Now since I will be your wife, I am obliged to give you a son," Dian went to the topic that he called her for. "And because I am a very considerate person, I shall give your family the heir they all wanted,"

Edmund swallowed hard on what he had heard. Did Dian just told her she was willing to go intimate with him so he can have an heir? The moment he heard that it his heart beat fast. He never knew why fate had been good to him, he previously survived Franco Lagdameo's tortue and his family's rejection then he got lucky enough to be engaged to Dian that made his family accept him again. Now, it seemed that his luck stretched further that Dian was so willing to give him an heir when he all thought she would have nothing to do with him.

"Are-are you saying, you and I shall-"

"Don't ever think about it," Dian dismissed the thoughts that she knew were running in Edmund's mind. She knew he was too perverted and delusional to think she would surrender her body to him. "I shall give you an heir but it doesn't mean I'm going to bed with you,"

"Then how?" Edmund was confused.

"In the cabinet," Dian's answer seemed to have been lost from the topic.

"Ca-cabinet? What?" When he repeated Dian's words, he saw how her eyes went from his to the big cabinet behind him. With confusion he inquired again, "What's with the cabinet,"

"Go inside, now," Dian ordered as if the thing she asked him to do wasn't that confusing for the man.

"Second miss-"

"Do you want to upset me Edmund Huang?" She raised her voice when he was hesitating to do what she asked him to.

"No.. of course no,"

"In the cabinet then," She repeated again.

Without much of a choice, Edmund went and opened the big oak cabinet just in front of Dian's queen size bed. He thought she wanted to make him get something for her only to find the cabinet empty.

"There's nothing here," He turned to confront her but even before he could move his head, Dian who had followed him to that part of the suite, pushed him inside the cabinet without warning.

"Second miss!" Edmund called for her when she closed the cabinet's door in his face. He was trapped inside with nothing but his own foolish self. The cabinet was designed with straight line holes so he could perfectly see Dian's face looking at him.

"Do not make a sound or I'll make sure you'll be dead in the morning," Dian threatened him. In fear, Edmund swallowed all his pleas and just zipped his mouth shut. When he didn't make any sound, Dian was pleased and smiled, "Good boy. Don't worry I will fulfill my promise to give you an heir, I even invited you here so you could watch me fulfill it,"

Watch her fulfill it? Edmund was utterly confused at Dian's words. He could understand that she hated him but had she gone mad to lock her in a room's cabinet?

From the cabinet, he saw Dian withdraw back to her bed, took her phone and went to the bathroom. She stayed there for sometime and when she came out, she was all in a mess like she had been crying. He was not certain what happened and what the girl's plan for the night was yet he prayed that it was not something life threatening. He had been to thorough torture already, he cannot take more of it. But why was she crying?

She seemed okay a few minutes ago, even went as far as threatening him with lots of things then came out the bathroom door crying? Wasn't that all too suspicious?

In just a minute some sound came rushing in the suite's balcony. He could hear it even when he was inside the cabinet and he was sure Dian could hear it too and yet she wasn't that alarmed like him as if she had been expecting it. Instead she went to the balcony and opened the door then in just a minute, someone wearing a black hooded jacket came in with a bouquet of fresh lavenders. When he appeared, Dian said something to him, something he couldn't hear but just after a few exchange of words, he saw Dian walked back toward her bed, eyes still with the man and in without much of hesitation, pulled the ribbon of her robe and let it fall in front of her anticipated guest.

Edmund's jaw dropped.