The Genius' First Love

Chapter 573 - Motive

Darryl had a quick change of clothes and had heated the pot. He planned to serve everyone some tea to ease up some tension. Although he had transferred the loch property to Xhemin, his things were still there, well kept and tucked.

Soon, Dannah and Xhemin were already sitting in front of each other at the dining table. Ziggy was standing nearby, his eyes in the window looking outside. While Darryl was serving everyone tea.

"So he was your friend," Xhemin opened the conversation whilst Dannah took the cup that Darryl just gave her. She knew within her heart that she had nothing to do with Xhemin's accident six years ago but knowing that Scar was behind it made her shiver a little of guilt.

"He is. He was a dearest friend," Her answer rang to Ziggy's ears like a hot mess. He didn't like the sound of it but probably because Scar was the one who was behind all this chaos, it cannot be helped.

"So he was Collet's friend," Xhemin asked, trying to connect all the dots. She doesn't understand how Scar and Collet were able to pull such a clever way of murdering a child. It was a clean job, something that no one would probably take notice of if she didn't come back from the dead. "Or lover?"

Dannah shook her head, "I'm not sure what's their real relationship but I know for a fact that Collet was not the kind of girl Scar will get devoted to. They might be more than friends but I'm sure it is not something as deep like what you are implying,"

"How could you be sure of that?" Ziggy couldn't help but interject. For some reasons he was annoyed that Dannah wasn't confirming her friend and Collet's relationship.

"I grew up with Scar. I know every ounce of him and know that-

"And yet you didn't know about what he did six years ago" Ziggy cut Dannah off. He was done with her talking about a man as if he was some kind of saint when they all knew then he wasn't close to anything like that, "You clearly don't know him and I guess it safe to say he and Collet were good lovers. If not then why would kill the last Lagdameo heir if not for Collet's sake?"

"It wasn't for Collet's sake," Dannah turned to Ziggy and met his eyes. For the first time in a long time they had finally stared at each other, wondering what things were running both their heads, "Look. I have already talked to uncle Franco and he told me, Collet and Scar's friendship were all planned. Scar planned it. It was him who befriended Collet and took her trust,"

"And that friendship as far as we knew wasn't platonic. They had intimate moments. They had an affair, ask you brother, he can tell you that," Ziggy spatted out to Dannah's face. The girl was obviously denying Scar and Collet's affair when Collet herself had already admitted to Darryl previously that she and Scar had more than friendship. This affair was the reason why Collet trusted Scar and had him work on Xhemin's accident previously. However, with how Dannah was being in denial about it, Ziggy certainly was totally annoyed.

"As I said, the youngest sire, whatever they had, was all planned," Ziggy's words hurt her in some ways but Dannah Samuelle tried hard to keep her cool and her sanity over all the things she recently figured out. "Scar was a trained assassin. In our work, to get out mission done, we used all ways possible to get them done and that includes gaining other's trust by building whatever kind of relationship,"

Hearing it only made Ziggy more annoyed. It was as if Dannah was telling her that whatever relationship they had previously were all part of the job and nothing significant like Scar did to Collect.

"You kind of guys are disgusting," Ziggy hollered. He can't believe what kind of person Dannah was and was so ashamed of himself that once, he had fallen into her schemes.

"Ziggorioh," Darryl intervened as Ziggy had become aggressive even before the two ladies had a proper conversation. However they all acknowledge that Ziggy, being the person who had taken care of the children and the dad they knew and both grew up into, was a party interest in such conversation. "Insults will not help this time.Let's keep this conversation as calm as possible,"

Ziggy was still annoyed and he certainly didn't want to give Dannah an easy pass. However when he looked at Xhemin, her eyes were like telling him to keep his emotions steady and so instead of questioning Dannah further, he went to grab a cup of tea and turned his focus back on the greenery outside the window again.

"I don't understand the part where you said Scar planned her relationship with Collet," It was Xhemin who started looking for answers this time. "You mean Scar was the mastermind behind all this and not Collet?"

With the evidence at hand, Xhemin assumed that it was Collet who instigated the accident that made her lose her son and the reason behind was Collet's jealousy. But with what Dannah was telling her, it was like Scar was the mastermind of it and only used Collet to gain money and probably some information he was able to use to get done his plans six years ago. Also, it seemed like Scar was smart enough to make it look like Collet was the mastermind of it all. As Collet had all the intent to kill Xhemin and her child, it would only be reasonable for everyone to think it was really her who instigated everything.

"Are you telling me that Collet was a push over?" Xhemin confirmed the things that were totally bothering her then. It was hard to believe Dannah's propositions but it won't hurt to listen to her side of the story. "That she was just used by Scar? With all that you are telling me it's seemed like my fake sister was caught in the trap of someone who at the end pushed her at the edge,"

"More like so," Dannah answered with a sigh, "I'm not saying Collet was innocent. It's just that Scar probably used her desire to get rid of you to make it look like it the accident was all because of Collet's jealousy and not of something else,"

"That that something elseā€¦ What reason is that? Why would Scar kill my son if not for Collet?" Xhemin's questions became more intense.

Dannah paused for a bit, held a deep sigh and braced herself for what she thought was the most reasonable truth. The truth she deeply believed in, "It was for me. He did for me,"