The Genius' First Love

Chapter 572 - Suspect's List

"I can't believe you did that," Dannah told her brother when he was back at the boat. He was soaking wet and she can do nothing but just watch him succ.u.mb to his frustration.

"I'm sorry," He looked at her with guilt. "For a moment I hesitated. I thought..I thought…"

"Come on Dee. You know I understand. You have been through a lot these days," She shut his guilt and apologies. She knew he felt bad for giving into suspicions about her, but with all the things he had gone through just in a day, she totally understood.

"But Dannah-"

"Dee, Xhemin told me the children are still missing," She reminded him of their unsolved ordeal, "Hurry now, lets go and find them before it's too late," Dannah moved and started paddling the boat back to the shore. She was not aware about the children yet but with how the couple was acting then, she knew Darryl had already confirmed it.

Darryl grabbed another paddle and helped his sister while Xhemin was in the other boat, also charging it back to the duck. Dannah looked at the disoriented Xhemin at the end of her eyes and caught her messed up face. For a moment she calculated their distance and when she was sure that CEO Leigh couldn't hear them if she started a conversation with her brother, she then slightly turned to him and asked, "Which one is yours?"

Darryl paused for a moment but when he realized what she was asking about he immediately answered, "Both of them,"

"They're twins?" She asked, surprised.

"Triplets," Darryl sighed then added, "The other one died. It was my son's grave afterall,"

The truth struck Dannah both with joy and sadness. She kind of hoped the grave was empty and that they had to mourn no longer, yet she was wrong. Scar did manage to kill one Lagdameo heir six years ago and it was a boy. What a waste. Lagdameo's children, especially boys come with great happiness and pride for them because of their struggles with fertility and it was such a shame that her poor nephew didn't get to enjoy any of that nor they, the Lagdameos got a chance to enjoy the pride and joy of having triplets in the family.

"Ziggy?" Xhemin's call halted their conversation and dragged both their eyes to the duck where the youngest sire stood. He was sure waiting for them as if he needed to tell them something important. When the boats reached the duck, Xhemin was the first to jump out of it and immediately ran to the youngest sire, "Do you have any news of the children?"

"I'm sorry it was a false alarm," Ziggy was almost ashamed to admit especially with how messed up their faces were. He could see from afar how Xhemin confronted Dannah and how Darryl jumped to the water in an attempt to save someone who wasn't there in the first place, "The kids were still at the hospital. They were in the rooftop having a snack with your sister," He turned to Darryl and Dannah, "It wasn't the third miss who made a visit, it was the second miss,"

"Dian?" Both Dannah and Darryl were surprised to hear it. Darryl then added, "She went to the hospital?"

"She must have heard you are here," Dannah told. Knowing how caring their sister was, she was sure she went to give Darryl a visit when she learned he was at a hospital in Hampshire. She must have thought he was hospitalized himself. Besides, Woodbridge is just a few hours away so it was convenient for Dian to come and visit.

"Apparently, when she came, she saw the kids teary eyed because they can hear both of you arguing in the other room" Ziggy revealed, turning his head from Darryl to Xhemin. Dian herself phoned him earlier to explain. He was already on the road when she called as he was trying to catch up with Darryl's car. Instead of heading back, he decided to follow the couple in the Loch to ease them up because he was afraid they both might end up hurting Dannah who at the moment was no doubt innocent with regard to the disappearance of the two kids.

"Where are the children now?" Xhemin asked, still worried.

"On their way to the ranch. I made arrangements earlier for Wolfe's discharge before they had gone missing and the doctor just gave one last check and cleared him just a while ago" Ziggy explained, "Dian was still with them. She promised to bring them home herself"

When CEO Leigh finally was assured that the children were safe, all guilt came rushing to her and immediately she turned to Dannah and apologized for accusing her of kidnapping.

"I'm sorry about earlier," She gave Dannah a humble bow but refused to meet her eyes. Although she was innocent of the children's disappearance today, she wasn't sure if she was innocent of all the other crimes that involved  her name so she wasn't ready yet to clear Dannah off her suspect's list. "I should have not acted that way against you and all the words I said if it hurt you in some ways, I deeply apologize for it,"

"It's okay CEO Leigh," Dannah answered and drew a heavy breath, "To be honest, you have all the right to be mad at me especially that Scar was my dear friend and…"

"I guess it's best for us all to talk about these in the loch cottage," Ziggy cut off Dannah's words momentarily because he thought such conversation needed to be sat at for a long time. Both Xhemin and Dannah and maybe him, needed to hear what each has to say to clear things up, "Besides, President D needs to change,"

There was silence for a moment as Xhemin was still considering it. She wasn't ready for what Dannah had to say but with the kind of insults she threw at her earlier, Xhemin thought it was rather best to give Dannah a chance to defend herself.

"To the Loch cottage then," Xhemin agreed after a while and everyone climbed back to the Loch to get something to drink and ease their tensions.