The Genius' First Love

Chapter 574 - Her Version of Truth

"For you?" Xhemin had a bitter laugh for a moment, "Dannah you just all told us you were innocent and yet right now you are admitting Scar did it for you?"

"I am innocent. Believe it or not I am and I am confident that the law will side on me," Dannah replied, wishing Xhemin would just listen further, "I didn't know he did it. But I know for sure he probably did it for me,"

Xhemin was having a hard time believing Dannah's innocence. "Dannah you know what-"

"You don't understand," Dannah pressed in, "Scar and I are like Ziggy, Huzey and you. We were friends...we were family...we got each other's back… we were there ever since life robbed us out of innocence!"

Dannah got everyone's attention and so she continued, "We grew up together just like you three. However we didn't grow up as loved like Dr. Miles all loved you.... I have a very complicated family who do not recognize my worth and Scar was an orphan. He was a poor errand boy in the marble mansion and I was the invisible princess...We were both sad... and struggling and so we found comfort in each other. We were so close that when uncle Franco recruited Scar to his syndicate I ran away from being a princess and followed him... In our world, there were only the two of us and we vowed to be together, to stick with each other and to care for each other no matter what... I am the only family Scar considers and he was a brother to me,"

"The vow we have I believe was what drove Scar to kill the last heir," While Dannah said those words, it was like her childhood with Scar flash in front of her face and the scenery was both wonderful and sad. Everyone in the room felt the sincerity of each of her words and finally understood how deep their relationship was. However the reason why Scar killed the last heir was still vague.

"I don't still don't see it Sam," Xhemin honestly said but this time her tone was implying she was ready for more explanation.

"I had a very sad life growing up and Scar witnessed all of those. L'Empire wasn't too good to me, to all women in our family actually, but I suffered the most because I was the one who couldn't accept I am nothing but just a live asset of L'Empire. I believe I can do more than just marry another rich man to expand our business. Aside from that, my grandfather hated me and so I grew up being hated by everyone,"

"Scar had seen all my tears, all my misery and we both endured it together for many years. However years ago before the accident of the last heir, something happened to me…" Dananh paused for a bit as if she was gathering strength to continue her story because the next things to be uttered were things she don't want to remember anymore, "Something happened to me and Scar blame it all to L'Empire,"

"Was that the reason why you had gone missing for almost like a year previously?" Darryl asked as the words that Dannah uttered were something that she revealed only then. Until then, it was still a mystery to him and his family why Dannah had gone missing previously just before Xhemin's accident. This was the reason too, why Don Samuelle thought perhaps she got pregnant and gave birth to Willow somewhere, however that wasn't the case.

Ziggy tensed when she heard her story and he too knew Dannah  had gone missing for a while but he was too angry right then to care about her and that was also the same time the Dugmoch's household had been struggling with Huzey's injury and Xhemin's adventure to the island.

"Yes," Dannah answered her brother with a nod, "I want to keep things private so I won't tell you the details but the only thing I could say was that Scar I believe got so angry with L'Empire that time and this drove him to get revenge,"

Dannah tried so much not to shed tears but she did, however she wiped it immediately as soon as it fell.

"I didn't know he did it but when my uncle Franco told me Scar did it, I immediately understood why," Dannah added.

There was an ocean of silence right after Dannah's narration. Everyone gave each other some time to grasp the version of truth that the Lagdameo third miss gave them. Xhemin particularly had her hands balled into a tight grip. She was soo mad with the truth that Dannah gave her but she can do nothing against it. So it was not Collet's jealousy but Scar's act of revenge for Dannah? More like so and since the accident was carefully and neatly done, Scar having planned it all was more convincing and realistic as they all knew Collet can never pull such a brilliant scheme.

"So this is it?" Xhemin's voice was shaky. Her eyes were warming up with tears but she had enough of crying the past few days. She doesn't want to be such a cry baby anymore. She had tried too hard to be strong but when it all came to Winter, the wounds that she thought that had healed just freshen up raw again. It always stings and the pain never ends.

"So my baby was really killed because someone wanted revenge…"

"I'm sorry," Dannah saw the pain that rushed into Xhemin's eyes. She wanted to comfort her  but she wasn't the little miss she used to know and with the death of the latter's son as payment for the all the wrongs L'Empire did to Dannah, the Lagdameo third miss had lost all the right to be a friend to the previous Dugmoch's little miss. "I'm sorry for what Scar did. His death may not be enough of a payment for you but I hope you had found the justice you long have searched for,"

Xhemin's trembling had already gotten to her insides and with the desire to calm her tensing nerves, she picked up the teacup that Darryl had previously served to her. He needed some little distraction to keep her sanity and perhaps a hot tea will help her ease her pain and so she took a sip and let the hot liquid run down her throat.

Ziggy knew Xhemin's emotion was a mess so he took full strides to sit beside her and give her some shoulder tap. However when he turned to her side, he saw some expression in Xhemin's face that he didn't like. With the teacup in her hand and with deep ink eyes that had gotten big upon some realization, Xhemin panicked and gasped.

Then the sound of breaking teacup filled the whole room!