The Genius' First Love

Chapter 569 - Under Their Noses

Xhemin moved toward the door. She was done with him, she finally revealed the truth to him. Although L'Empire wasn't in her hands yet, knowing that Dannah was already captured gave her some assurance that Wolfe and Willow would be safe. With the culprit in prison, then telling Darryl the truth wouldn't be as dangerous as before, besides he already knew it before she even had the chance to tell it by herself.

Darryl on the other hand needed more from Xhemin then. Seeing that she had gone for the door, he stopped her for once.

"What's gonna happen now?" Darryl asked, wishing Xhemin would at least give him an idea where to start. Now that he learned the truth, his wife could not just take the children away like he was not part of their lives.

"Nothings gonna happen now," Xhemin turned to give him one last look. It also bear some warning for him not to messed up with the children, "So long as Dannah is not convicted yet, then things will remain as it is,"

"Xhemin I told you-"

"Just stop Darryl okay? Stop!" She was so done with all his pleas for Dannah who in the eyes of law and of all the evidence that surrounded her was so guilty beyond doubt. Xhemin would not just bend on it no matter what her husband would say. This was the prime reason why she chose not to tell him about the children because Darryl, until then, refused to acknowledge the problem lies with L'Empire itself. "Let's just stop here,"

Her last words were full of meaning that Darryl could just do nothing but let her go. As far as his conscience goes, he did everything to uncover who was behind the accident years ago. He even conducted a private investigation within L'Empire itself and found no faults in it, so he was confused and conflicted then. There was a strong part of him that wanted to believe Xhemin but a part of him too didn't want to put the blame entirely on L'Empire knowing that he had seen no wrong in his own family after a thorough dig.

Darryl was left in the room for a while, tending to his own pain and hurt. He didn't know then but it was like this conversation put a big  gap between him and his wife. He was hoping that perhaps the children will bring them back together yet it seemed like it was pulling them apart even more.

Xhemin just doesn't trust him. She wouldn't risk  on him anymore.

What happened in the past had entirely destroyed them and that only came obvious to him by now.

Darryl was still full of thoughts when he heard a sudden commotion outside. He immediately ran for the door only to find the messed up Xhemin and Ziggy confronting all nurses on sight.

"What happened?" he asked as he joined them.

"Are you aware that Dannah was released this morning?" Xhemin confronted him right away. She was shaking in panic as if the news caught her off and left her in deep paranoia.

"I didn't expect it would be too soon," He admitted. Apart from him as glad Dannah had been released but Xhemin and Ziggy's frustration was all over the place, it was hard for him to show his relief.

"Did you have anything to do with this?" Xhemin was already in front of him and spatted out the question as her fingers dug in his arms.

"No," He told her the truth. He was confident that Dannah was innocent and so he knew he could just easily get out of prison after some questioning. So Darryl did not offer his help anymore for he knew Dannah can make it by herself as she promised.

"Why what's wrong?" Knowing that Xhemin wasn't in the mood to answer his queries he directed his question to Ziggy. "What is happening Ziggorioh? Tell me at this instant!"

Ziggy didn't answer and just turned to the nurse beside him as if asking her to answer on his behalf.

The nurse who was shaking in fear swallowed hard before she spoke, "President. Your sister came here a few minutes ago. She came to look for you and visit the patient,"

"My sister is here?"

"Few minutes ago," It was Ziggy who answered this time, "I haven't seen her since I was speaking with Wolfe's doctor and when I came back, she's not here anymore. So were the two children,"

"What?" Darryl could not believe it. He ran to Wolfe's room only to find an empty bed and Wolfe's broken glasses on the bedside table. Refusing to believe that her sister took them, he even went as far as checking the bathroom to no avail.

"She took them Darryl," Xhemin's tears came back and frustratedly held her head. It was only a matter of minutes. They were just there at the next room and yet Dannah managed to sneak out the children under all their noses. "She took my babies away,"

Darryl immediately grabbed her phone and called Dannah. If she was released in prison, then she could have gotten hold of her phone.

"The subscriber cannot be reached. Dial again later," An automated voice rang to his ears again and again as he continuously dialed his sister's number.It was rather odd since Dannah always picked up Darryl's calls and on how she was refusing to answer, Darryl's heartbeat raced.  Was Dannah the culprit after all? Was Xhemin's suspicion rather true?

He had just been defending her sister a few minutes ago which a reasonable brother would. But had he been, as Xhemin described it-too trusting with her sister that he missed all the red flags? However, he couldn't just find any fault in Dannah that it was hard to accept everything other people  were accusing his sister. His little sister could not just do it. She cannot hurt her own nephew. She can't lay her hand on her own blood.

With no hope, Darryl called his uncle Franco. The line opened in the first ring and he spoke even before his uncle could welcome him, "Where is Dannah? Find her this instant!"