The Genius' First Love

Chapter 570 - Subdued Thunder

Report came that Dannah Samuelle was heading to the Loch and so Darryl hurriedly drove past town to catch up to her. Xhemin without invitation, joined Darryl in his car, deeply bothered on how in the world did Dannah get a hold of the children she had been hiding for almost like forever.

"I told you so," Xhemin couldn't help but say it while Darryl was maneuvering the steering wheel, driving fast, even beyond fast than he was allowed by law. "I told you this is going to happen,"

"It can't be helped milady," Darryl told her. Some guilt was creeping in him yet he chose not to dwell at it at the moment. He needed to find Dannah, he needed to make sure the children were safe. "She already had her suspicions before you even confirmed it to me,"

"Since when?" Xhemin became even more worried.

"Since the day my mother saw the children at the Loch," He revealed, eyes still on the road with a dim expression in his face, "My mother said something about the children that rose her suspicion,"

"Oh God!" Xhemin was almost losing it. "She must have been planning this a long time. She was only waiting for the right time,"

"Calm down Xhemin!" Darryl's voice was like a subdued thunder that silenced her. "We are not sure yet. Besides your panic won't help."

Truth was Darryl's emotions were already in chaos that he couldn't anymore hold his anger and frustration. Despite then, he was still thankful his sanity was still functioning well that he was able to use his uncle Franco to find Dannah. They had men almost every corner of Hampshire and so long as there were no termites that could betray them like before, his uncle could surely deliver accurate reports.

It wasn't long before they reached the loch, they both ran through the gate, eyes everywhere looking for Dannah. Another car was following them behind, probably Ziggy or Franco but they were both in haste that they did not wait for it anymore. Xhemin immediately called for the children's name, checked the loch cottage one room after another as Darryl scrutinized the whole ground.

"Darryl, they are not here," Xhemin rushed to him when she was sure no one was inside the loch cottage. She combed her messed up hair frustratedly as she thought of the terrible things that Dannah could do to the children. Knowing how Winter ended up dead, she couldn't help but think this too would end in such a terrible tragedy. Her heart was already beating fast, faster than she could remember.

"To the duck," The thought just came through Darryl's mind immediately and ran ahead towards its direction even before Xhemin could react. He trailed on the steep steps in a hurry that Xhemin who was behind him became worried he might fall. Good thing he didn't.

The duck was also empty aside, nothing was there aside from one wooden boat that was tied on the end.

"Oh God where could they be!" Xhemin yelled with a trembling chin. It felt like every minute that passed was an agony. Right then, she cursed herself for not being able to prevent such a situation. She did everything in her power so that the accident that happened six years ago wouldn't repeat itself, and yet right then, her feet were in the same situation. Was Winter's life not enough?

She had sacrificed enough. She was judged and called many names- selfish, cruel, pathetic and yet nothing seemed to be enough to make sure her children were safe. The culprit was smart enough to reveal herself and just get through the day without being punished. Why did they ever release Dannah? Wasn't all the evidence enough to prove her guilt?

If only. If only she could turn back time, but it was all too late to even think about it.

"My babies," Xhemin felt like crying but a strong force within her was keeping her up. She had to keep sane or things will just fall apart without her being able to do something about it. "I hope Dannah will have mercy on them. Oh God!"

"There she is!" Darryl's eyes caught something far ahead in the big ocean blue. There was a boat that blocked a portion of the horizon and even though he cannot clearly see whoever was standing on that boat, he knew it was Dannah. What was she doing in the open?

"O my God Darryl, don't tell she's going to drown the children! Willow doesn't know how to swim for Christ sake!" Xhemin's hand was shaking in panic but her motherly instinct made her jump to the boat in the corner, unloose it and paddled over yonder. Darryl got in the boat just in time and he helped Xhemin with the paddling.

"Wolf-" Xhemin tried to call her children but Darryl was able to grab her and covered her mouth before she could make a sound. She stumbled under Darryl's arms, a bit surprised with his sudden reproach. She almost let go of the paddle, gravity made it fall inside their boat instead in the water.

"Shhhh…" Darryl hushed her. He was acting calm, but under his arms, Xhemin could feel his surging heat as well as her beating heart.His breathing was also heavy and every muscle of him was tense.  He was nervous to the bones she could say.

Even from afar, Darryl knew Dannah was at her back and was occupied with doing something. Startling her by making sound would only alarm her and who knows what she's going to do next. If the children were with her, it would help if she won't notice him and Xhemin, coming close to her boat. He planned to catch her off guard so she would not be able to do much damage of course. The Lagdameo heir acknowledged the fact that even Dannah looked like a harmless dog, she was actually a trained hound, ready for blood and howls any time.

He cued Xhemin not to make a sound, which she easily understood.