The Genius' First Love

Chapter 568 - What Every Mother Would Do

"Have you not once for the past six years thought maybe you were wrong?" Darryl tried to talk all her suspicions away. He wanted to make a point with her but she was just too fixated upon the fact that it was his family who did it to her. However, Darryl had gone so far as making Franco and even her own father admit if they were behind the accident from six years ago and yet, he had not found any faults in them. L'Empire also suffered a big blow after the announcement of the last heir's death so he could not find any reason or benefit that comes from killing his child. "I went as far as confronting my father about it and there's just nothing I could find. L'Empire wasn't the one who killed Winter,"

"It was easy for you to say that," Xhemin was becoming more weak and exhausted with the conversation so in order to help herself, she sat on the empty bed before her and started wiping her tears away. "They are your family,"

"Xhemin If I know they were wrong, you know I am not going to tolerate it," Darryl assured her, "How could you not trust me in this and go as far as taking my children away,"

"Because I know, that once you will know the truth, the culprit will also know," This is what Xhemin wanted him to understand. The past years of misery made her realize that whoever was behind her accident was someone they should not underestimate.  Whoever that person was, then he or she had eyes and ears in every part of L'Empire that no secrets will be kept hidden from such a person. "If I had told you about the children, the culprit will surely now. That is what I was trying so hard to avoid,"

"So you don't trust that I can protect my own children?" Darryl confronted her recent words, "Do you think I am not capable of protecting them?"

"Were you able to protect us six years ago?" Xhemin asked him head straight and Darryl's face dimmed at it.

"That was uncalled for. I was young then and powerless," He emphasized. He knew he had wronged her for leaving the island and that he wasn't there at her lowest point. However things were different then, Darryl was not aware of the danger that was shadowing them and thought their dilemma was only love that had been forbidden. He had been foolish to think that no blood will be shed and the worst that could only happen was broken hearts and tears. But that was all before, and for Xhemin to open his past mistakes wasn't fair for him then.

"What makes you different now?" She pointed, her heart was unwilling to trust. When she said the word, Darryl then understood that the problem lies not on Xhemin's fears but on her mistrust. She had been so wronged before that her heart refused to trust anyone outside her family, not even he, her own husband himself.

"I have learned my lesson the hard way," Darryl replied but he was aware that Xhemin's distrustful heart will not bargain anything below certainty.  "I will not let it happen again,"

"Then If I had told you about the children, could you have kept such a secret to Dannah?" This time, Xhemin's dug to him deep, "For sure not. You trusted your sister too much to the fact that you'll never deny her of the truth about your children. If had told you before then, Dannah should have known easily. Then my children should have end up in the grave like their brother,"

"Xhemin, I don't know where to start my explanation but Dannah did not do this. She had nothing to do with it," Darryl defended her sister. He trusted that she was innocent and he wanted Xhemin to be reasonable enough to look  beyond the evidence at hand.

"You didn't answer my question," She shoved off his defense in an instant, "If I told you about the truth, could you have kept it away from Dannah?"

Darryl stood silent for a moment. Seeing how he was contemplating over her question, Xhemin answered her own question.

"I know you can't. You will never suspect Dannah and your trust in her will be my children's doom"  She simply said upset that Darryl was making the same mistakes that made her estranged from him, "Then I should have lost my children,"

"Dannah had no fault in this," Darryl pushed what he believed was true.

"How can you be sure?" Darryl's appeal became a nuisance to her. "This is when all your promises fall apart. You are too trusting in your family when you barely even know any of them. They might be your family, they might be bonded to you by blood but you don't know what every Lagdameo was capable of doing and yet you trust some of them too much,"


"If I had told you about the children sooner. The culprit who was your own sister could have easily known it. Then Willow and Wolfe could have been dead by now," Xhemin repeated the situations she tried so hard to prevent "And with Dannah's captivity now, I am having hard time accepting the fact that I had been wrong in hiding the children from you,"

"And if I had to be in such a situation again, I would still do the same," Xhemin told her head's high. Many had been making her feel too selfish about the fact that she hid the truth from Darryl, Ziggy was one of those. And yet when Xhemin goes back to the reasons why she did and for what reason, she always ended up on the same resolution-The culprit is not ordinary and telling Darryl about the children will cast a danger in their lives.

"But how about if you are wrong?" Darryl pleaded with her again to reconsider. He knew something was off about the situation. About Dannah being captured, Scar's death and even with Winter's death. Perhaps Xhemin was wrong and the culprit wasn't L'Empire and someone else.

"Then I will greatly apologize and forever be regretful that I wronged you by hiding our children away," She told, almost ready to put an end to their conversation. "But as long as Dannah will continue to deny us the truth and would not give a good explanation why she killed my son, then there is nothing for me to apologize,"

"I did what I have to do. I did what every mother would do," She added, ready to leave the room.