The Genius' First Love

Chapter 567 - The Lagdameo Genealogy

"I have to do it," She answered. Tears were about to fall again from her already red eyes but she refused to let them fall at this moment. It wouldn't help at the moment. She summoned all the courage she had right then, praying all of it will be enough for her to get through with this dreaded conversation.

"At my expense?" Darryl started resenting her. With all the things they had been through together previously, he hoped that somehow his wife  would not cause this outrageous betrayal. "How could you, my love?

Xhemin closed her eyes for a brief moment, wanting to break away from him. She swallowed the urge to cry and replied bitterly, "Yes even at your expense,"

As she said the words, a huge amount of pain swept them both off. Darryl clung to his balled fist while Xhemin, with her weakening knees held unto the empty hospital bed beside her.

Darryl tried to open his mouth many times to question Xhemin but he couldn't just voice out anything. Right then he felt like the biggest mistake he had was to hold on to the belief that his feelings still mattered to Xhemin and yet she just told him she didn't, straight to his face then. He knew somewhere in the past he had some share of faults, but for him it was all not enough for Xhemin to deny him this truth.

"I'm deeply sorry," Xhemin knew she had been selfish. However, only through that selfishness she was able to protect what was left of her. If only he knew.

"I deserve the truth!" Darryl for the first time, shouted his heart out, "F*ck milady! Six years I spent crying on that empty grave for nothing! You made such a fool out of me! Six years for that f*cking empty grave!"

"It wasn't empty!" Xhemin's tears cannot be held anymore. It fell endlessly in her beautiful messed up face.

Darryl got confused in an instant, "What do you mean it's not empty? My son that you f*cking deny me is there at the other room alive! And now you are telling me the grave isn't empty? So who did you buried there? So who owns that f*cking grave right there at the loch where I wept for six F*CKING YEARS!"

"Your son too! I gave birth to two boys and one died at the hands of L'Empire!" She threw the truth at his face right then and Darryl got stuck on where he stood for a few minutes, shocked.

The truth shook all of Darryl's insides. He wanted to pause for a moment and suck it all, hoping somehow he'll find relief with it,  yet too many questions flooded in his mind in an instant.

"And whose daughter is Willow?" Darryl asked, his anger has not subsided yet but he acknowledged it would not help if he lost his cool.

Xhemin cleared her throat for a moment. When she opened her mouth, her voice was still shaking yet she tried to answer his question. Darryl already knew half of it, lying would be useless at this point "Ours too,"


"I gave birth to two boys and a girl," She said. "I gave birth to triplets,"

The truth at the moment shut Darryl off. It was all laid down in front of him then but there was a part of him that wasn't accepting it. Triplets. He had managed to plant three seeds on her when the entire Lagdameo clan was having a hard time bearing children. Besides, if he relies on pure genetics the possibility of him siring triplets is beyond possible. There was just no history of twins, all the more triplets in the Lagdameo genealogy.

"The wild gin works," Xhemin uttered knowing Darryl was confused. She herself couldn't believe it the first time she learned of the three children  but she acknowledged the Manggan island was full of mystery plants that their current scientific technology had not explored yet.

"Why did you not tell me?" Darryl's anger subsided then. He was no longer angry and what caught his heart then was all resentments toward the fact that Xhemin denied him of Wolfe and Willow for long. "I thought I lost everything six years ago and here were are right then, me cursing myself for not being able to identify my own children,"

"Winter died," Xhemin's cries was all over the room. "My poor Winter died already. I cannot take any risk anymore. I had to keep Wolfe and Willow away,"

"But Xhemin you knew, you knew how much I will do everything to protect them," Darryl understood her reason but it was not enough reason for him knowing just like her, he himself was willing to do everything to keep the children safe, "If only you had told me, you should had save us both from some misery,"

"Telling you about them was a big risk," Xhemin reasoned more, "Darryl they are after my children because they are the last heirs of your family. If the culprit will know about them, they'll do the same thing they did to my poor Winter,"

"Xhemin all these are only suspicions," Darryl answered, trying to ease out all her assumptions, "How could you deny me of my children just because of suspicions that L'Empire had something to do with the accident you had six years ago,"

'They are not suspicions and you know that!" Xhemin's frustration about the fact that Darryl was not accepting her reasons was making her upset, "L'Empire played a big role in my accident. If it wasn't L'Empire itself then it's someone inside L'Empire. I know, you might not believe me but I did not rise from the ashes and came back from the dead to chase L'EMpire if I know this isn't true. I know it. I can feel it. I know Winter died because of L'Empire,"

Xhemin's words made Darryl realize something, "This is the reason why you want L'Empire. Am I right?"

"Yes," Xhemin replied immediately. Tears were falling from her eyes yet she met Darryl head one. "I need L'Empire. I need to have L'Empire so I can find the culprit. I need L'Empire so I can protect my children.