The Genius' First Love

Chapter 564 - Lingering Possibilites

Darryl was calling the Dugmoch's the whole morning but for some reasons they weren't picking up his calls. He even took extra effort to get one of his secretaries in L'Empire to get additional contact from Xhemin's family yet it seemed that they all refused  his calls. It had been eighteen hours since he found Wolfe in the bridge and he hadn't slept a single bit last night worrying about the boy.

When the door in front of him finally opened, he put his phone down and approached the people that just came out the room. Those were the medical team assigned to Wolfe, he brought him in one of the private hospitals in Hampshire where most of the elites frequent to.

He thought of bringing Wolfe in Hampshire hospital but knowing how their paparazzi's were after the Montreal twins, he chose to bring Wolfe somewhere where they can have better privacy. Hampshire hospital, although it had great services, is a semi-public hospital. Dr. Miles made it that way because he wanted its services to be of lower price that even the poorest of the poor in Hampshire can afford in it. Therefore, the restrictions when it comes to the media there wasn't as tight as the one in the hospital where he brought Wolfe.

"President D," They all bowed at him and their team leader, the lead doctor was the one who approached him about Wolfe's condition. Since last night, they had made all the necessary tests and checked up on Wolfe to find out what happened to him. But the initial findings of the doctor didn't sit well and so they have to call specialists and do further tests this morning to know what was really going on.

"How was he?" Darryl's voice showed concern for the boy.

"He is stable at the moment," The doctor told him. Right then, Darryl was acting as  the guardian of the boy since none of the Dugmoch's were present.

"Did you find the reason why he collapsed? Was it because of fatigue? I'm sure it's very hot that afternoon on the bridge," Darryl wanted to clear it. He knew he had to face either Ziggy or Xhemin soon and it would be better if he can explain to them what happened to the boy.

"Well that could have contributed," The doctor relayed, "But with his condition, it's pretty normal for him to get nauseated and faint most of the time,"

"His condition?" The word certainly didn't escape Darryl's ears. He really did think what happened to the boy was only because of mere exhaustion and dehydration, but with how the doctors since last night were acting, he knew there was something more to it and the doctor confirmed it then.

"He had a rare disease somewhat related to leukemia. I had put up some papers for you to read about this disease," The doctor gave him some doc.u.ments to help him understand it. He was the specialist that the hospital called last night when the first set of doctors attending Wolfe had a hard time understanding what went wrong on him. "There's no cure for this disease right now and the only workaround we do is bone marrow transplants. However this workaround doesn't guarantee cure,"

"Bone marrow transplants?" Darryl certainly knew what that treatment was but there was something in that treatment that got him intrigued instantly and so he repeated it for confirmation.

"Yes," The doctor nodded, "I think the boy had constantly been having bone marrow transplants. I can see signs of it and besides if he didn't receive any, he should have long been gone,"

"I wonder who his donor is" The doctor added as he was aware that Darryl was only the acting guardian of the boy for he made it clear last night that he just found the boy in the bridge. "It could be his parents. When it comes this kind of disease, only either of the parent is a match,"

"Either parent," Darryl was shocked he could do nothing but repeat the doctor's words. All the information he got from the doctor just now made Dannah's suspicions almost as true as she believed it. He remembered the time Xhemin's lead researcher went to convince him about cooperating into what they claim as an experiment. Could it be that the experiment they were referring to was a front and the real deal behind it was that he was actually Wolfe's donor?

"Yes, in most cases only either of the parents can be a match," The doctor explained again. "Anyways I need to get some more tests on him. Do we have news of his parents?"

"I'm in the process of reaching on them," Darryl said, his mind still lingered on what the doctor just revealed to him. "Don't worry about it. Just do all the necessary things you need to do and make sure he'll have no complications while his parents are not here yet,"

"No problem President D." The doctor assured him, "We will do our best to give him the best of care. If you'll excuse me then, I need to look on to running more of his tests,"

"Thank you doctor," Darryl replied and after a while he was left alone in front of Wolfe's door with no courage to enter the boy's room. There was gravity that pulled him into it but he decided not to. He was not ready for it, he was not ready to face the lingering possibilities.

He tried to connect all the dots, all the signs, all the obvious things he didn't notice previously. He should have known it. He should have felt it. Perhaps he did, he just ignored it blinded by the fact that no matter how his wife hated him, she'll never do such an outrageous thing.

He laughed inwardly, mocking himself for acting like a fool.

Was this the reason why Xhemin was so desperate she was all willing to be his wife again even though she made it clear he didn't want him anymore?

Did his wife really betray him? Such betrayal was more haunting and painful that the kiss he witnessed in the Montarini mansion.

Was  Wolfe really his son?

Darryl balled his hands in a tight ball. His phone in his right hand almost broke at the force. He needed to know the truth then. He needed to know before Wolfe woke up or else, he won't have the courage to face him.

Did he cry in an empty grave after all?