The Genius' First Love

Chapter 563 - Young Adventure (2)

The guard bowed at Darryl as he passed through the gate. The security in Puente De Amor all knew him as aside from he was the one who made it, he was also the current ambassador of Manggan tribe. That day, Darryl decided to fly to Hampshire to think things through and like he used to do before when he was still living at the Loch, he made a visit to the bridge to find peace. There was nothing more refreshing than the air in Puente De Amor and it was the most peaceful place for him. Six years ago, when life got tough and his pain and loss  became unbearable, the bridge was the place he ran to as it gave him some kind of comfort he cannot find somewhere else.

Few minutes passed and Darryl can be seen walking through the bridge, hands on pockets and with constant sighs. He went to the edge where thick metal rails hung and leaned forward on it so that his face could freely look at the ocean. The blue waters, topped with the cold air was so magical that for once he thought nothing but just the beauty of it.


Wolfe, despite the fact that the bridge was guarded, was able to get through it unnoticed. He just went to find a secluded part of the gate, away from the main gate and climbed into it. The bridge had no history of intruders so the guards weren't really roving around. Therefore, Wolfe was able to come closer to the bridge, pleased and full of awe.

"Marvelous!" He exclaimed to himself. He couldn't explain the feeling that was running to him, but he knew all of it was good. If only Willow was around, it could have been more satisfying.

Wolfe took a camera from his bag and started taking pictures. Since he was small, it was very easy for him tour around secretly, not even one of the guards was able to notice him especially that only the main gate was guarded, the bridge itself wasn't except probably the part where the par line existed, for sure, Manggan Tribe gunta's had surely put up a camp in there. Wolfe took all his time, without minding the heat brought by the sun, it was still four in the afternoon then and so the sun was still aggressive. He roamed around on the bridge's foundation, then climbed around the bridge itself. Not satisfied, he walked through the bridge admiring the arches.

Minutes of tour went to an hour and Wolfe didn't realize he had walked too far already from the starting point of the bridge. When he decided to go back, he realized he was too exhausted already and his mind started to turn. He cupped his little head that was full of sweats and things just went blurry.

Soon, he couldn't support his body anymore and so he collapsed.


Darryl walked through the bridge, remembering how he assembled it piece by pieces. He dried out the last of his savings to complete what people call the legendary bridge of the south. For him, whatever he spent to make such a glorious dream was definitely worth it. Since a lot of things were bothering him, he walked aimlessly toward the par line as if he could reach it by foot. He wondered then how things were going in Manggan Island, it had been years since he left.

The sun was about to set when Darryl decided to turn and go back. It will be night soon and he didn't wear enough clothing to protect him from the night wind. Since beneath the Puente De Amor  was a large body of water, the wind in it is really harsh at night.

Darryl was already walking a few steps back when he heard something. It was a faint voice he thought at first as a bird.

"Im…Imma..." Darryl heard it again and this time he was certain it wasn't just a bird for no bird can certainly talk like that. Darryl examined the place and soon his face caught something peculiar from afar. Knowing that it could be a human, he ran toward it and his eyes fell on a child that was laying on the ground, his camera and backpack beside him.

"Hey boy!" Darryl was shocked to see a child on his bridge. He thought immediately that it was one of the guards' kids. However when he noticed how expensive the frame of his glasses were, he knew he wasn't an ordinary kid. Few seconds more and he recognized him.

"Wolfe?" He called his name. He had seen Wolfe in few occasions, the first was in the shopping center and the rest where when Ang come to pick up Willow in L'Empire, Wolfe sometimes come with them.

"What are you doing  here boy?" He asked again but Wolfe was too weak to answer him back. He just stared at him weakly, glad that someone had found him.

Darryl thought it would be impossible for Wolfe to come here all by himself so he looked around, hoping he could find his companion but no one was there. Desperate to seek some help, he picked Wolfe up in his arms and ran back to the edge of the bridge where his car was. He wanted to call an ambulance but he left his phone in the car and so there was nothing he could do then but run with all his might with the boy in his arms.


Hampshire Hospital

"I left you in charge with him!" Ziggy reprimanded the nurse that was assigned with Wolfe. No matter how angry he was at then, he could not just go on chiding everyone because he knew himself, Wolfe escaped on his own, at his own will. He had already checked the CCTV cameras and they all saw how Wolfe went on his own.

To avoid making the nurse more upset, Ziggy decided to leave Wolfe's room and dialed some numbers. He needed some help in looking for Wolfe, especially that at this point, he had no idea where he went. He had suspicions that Wolfe had probably gone to see the bridge by himself but he thought that unlike Willow, Wolfe wasn't that courageous enough to go on his own. He  must have just been bored in the hospital so he left and went to somewhere nearby or the two kids might have played some bets again, for sure Willow knew something about Wolfe's escape.

The first thing that Ziggy did was call Willow and make her confess if he knew anything related to Wolfe's disappearance. However, to his frustration, Willow only cried terribly knowing that Wolfe was gone and swore she knew nothing about it. Ang too doesn't have any idea where Wolfe went as he had been busy attending Willow's needs in Rivendell Academy. Even the laborers and servants in Richmond Ranch had no idea about his disappearance and Lady Portia almost had a heart attack when she heard of it.

Ziggy called a few people more and later on decided to call some police  and private investigators to look for Wolfe. He also launched a town search for the boy and yet, many hours had passed by and Wolfe's wasn't found, not even a trace of him was uncovered.