The Genius' First Love

Chapter 565 - Turned to Ashes

Despite the doctors' refusal and Huzey's plea, Xhemin flew back to Hampshire as soon as she heard of Wolfe's disappearance . She reached Richmond ranch that morning and wanted to turn all the tables down in search of Wolfe. The grey cottage then was full of Willow's cries.

"Hush Little Miss, everyone is searching for him. I'm sure he'll be fine," Ang was trying his best to calm her down.

When Xhemin entered, she cried even more.

"Mommy! Huhuhu" She immediately clung to Xhemin for comfort. Xhemin had been away for many days as she had been hospitalized and her presence then got Willow more emotional.

"Hush Willow," Xhemin kneeled down to meet her eyes and wiped her tears away. "Mommy's gonna do everything to find Wolfe okay? I'll make sure he'll be home just fine,"

"Hu hu hu," Willow just cried, not able to say anything in response.

"Ang, bring Willow to her room," Ziggy, who was just on the phone a few minutes ago went to welcome Xhemin and Huzey. The latter knowing the urgency of the situation grabbed Willow in his arms and brought her upstairs.

"Any news?" Huzey himself called everyone in his side whom he thought could help them in finding Wolfe, but until then he had no reports from them.

Ziggy just shook his head helplessly. It's been nineteen hours that Wolfe went missing and he doesn't know what to do then. He had searched everywhere and until then his men were working on the fields searching for his little boy to no avail.

"Where could he be?" Xhemin, like Ziggy, was feeling helpless. Although they knew Wolfe went by himself, she couldn't still help but think that someone might have taken him. All these years she spent too many sacrifices just to make him safe and yet here they were, helpless and without a single idea where he could be.

"Calm down Xhem," Huzey was there to support her. He knew how she was feeling and with the fact that she came right straight from the hospital where she herself was admitted, he knew how fragile she was at the moment, "It won't help if you panic,"

"I've already searched everywhere," Ziggy breathed out a deep sigh. "If there's any place that he went, it could be the bridge. I promised to bring him there but I went personally to check the bridge and all they told me was that there was no other visitor that day except from the Lagdameo heir,"

When Wolfe fainted on the bridge, it was Darryl himself who brought him to the hospital through his car. The guards and bridge personnel were not able to see anything and since Darryl was in a hurry he didn't inform the gatemen about a child he saw. He just drove right straight to the hospital knowing Wolfe was already unconscious. That was why when Ziggy went to check in the bridge, they all shook their heads saying no.

"The Lagdameo heir?" Xhemin who was already walking to and fro in the room stopped immediately as she turned his head to Ziggy. "Didn't you say the Lagdameo heir?"

"Yes, Darryl went there yesterday," Ziggy replied. "He owns the bridge and he was the island ambassador so it's not unusual why he was there,"

As soon as she heard the confirmation, Xhemin grabbed her phone from her bag. Darryl had been calling her since yesterday afternoon but she chose not to answer it. She thought he was calling her about Dannah Samuelle's dilemma and she was just not ready for any talk about it then. Also, Huzey strongly advised she should not answer it yet because she was still recovering.

"He had been calling me since yesterday," Xhemin told as she dialled Darryl's number, "Clay also told me someone from L'Empire wanted to speak to us. Don't you think it's a coincidence?

"Sh*t!" Ziggy cursed upon the realization. The servants also told him about the Lagdameo heir calling since yesterday and he didn't return his calls because he was terribly busy about Wolfe's disappearance. "He had been calling since yesterday here. He must have him!"


It took Darryl a few hours before he finally decided to enter Wolfe's room. The doctor told him he was already conscious and was just resting. When he opened the door of his room, he saw him lying idly on his bed, his eyes closed.

Darryl walked toward  him slowly. He was careful to not make any sound as he didn't want to wake him up. When he was inches away from his bed, something cracked under his feet. He stepped into something and when he looked down, it was an eyeglass, probably the one the boy was wearing. Darryl picked it up and realized he broke its frame.

He sighed and wiped his nose in frustration. Of course his frustration didn't just come from unintentionally breaking the boy's glasses, it was also with the fact that despite so many signs, he did not recognize his own son. He was still having doubts then, hoping he was just being delusional but all the evidence he had proved there was a big possibility he was his.

Darryl looked at Wolfe. He wanted to touch him then but the lingering feelings he had toward him doesn't allow him so. He was afraid that the moment he touched him, he would not be able to let him go. He might not have the strength to return him to his mother if that happens and he'll only hurt Xhemin more than he was doing now.

While Darryl was freely looking at the sleeping boy, the door of his room swung open and Xhemin whose face bore all the fears and worry in this world, entered. The moment her face landed on Wolfe, some tears fell from her eyes and she immediately ran to him as if he was something she didn't want to lose.

"Wolfe," She called on him and as soon as she got a hold of him, Wolfe moved.

"Imma," He replied immediately as her presence woke him up. It was obvious from his voice that he had been expecting her for long. He finally opened his eyes and when he did, Xhemin was so relieved while Darryl's heart leaped out from his chest!

The boy turned to look at Darryl as if he heard the thuds of his heart and when their eyes met, all of Darryl's doubts turned to ashes.

Wolfe's eyes dug on the Lagdameo heir eyes, mirroring it. It was hazel, very much like his.