The Genius' First Love

Chapter 562 - Young Adventure

Darryl didn't want to believe it. He wanted not to believe any of Dannah's suspicions, nor the least, consider them. However, no matter how much he wanted to erase it off his mind, the thing lingered deeper than it should.

The idea got him thinking and a deep pain rushed into his system. It was like time reversed and it brought him back to six years ago, the day when he came back from London after he ran away from the proclamation. That was the day that shattered his heart a million times, for that day he learned that his wife died and so was the child he never met. The feeling then was something no one can describe, it was burning hot that it left him nothing but ashes of his heart. He lost all the life in him and all hope. Instantly, he had seen nothing for his present, not even for his future.

Right then, as Darryl was driving his car, passing through a busy street, his heart was racing through the traffic. In his heart, not only pain resided, but anger, resentment, regrets. He wanted to shout it all and cry out loud but instead, he parked his car on the side of the road and started punching the steering wheel, hard. He just hoped that none of the things Dannah said were true because by then, if it is, then he doesn't know how to deal with it.

After a few minutes, Darryl's car ran through the streets again, however instead of heading back to L'Empire, his car turned to another side leading to the airport. He wasn't feeling good then, he couldn't go and attend to all of L'Empires business that day so he decided to flee from all of it for a moment as he tried to console himself.


Wolfe was desperate. He tucked all the things he needed in a small bag he found in his hospital room. He had already taken off his IV drip, it bleed but only a little, something he can handle by himself. Then he changed his clothes into something else and started peaking through the door.

It was almost three in the afternoon. The nurse who constantly checked on him would drop by soon so he needed to leave before then. When he noticed that the pathway was empty, he slipped out of his room and ran as fast as he could to the fire exit. He knew the place already as Ziggy had constantly brought him there and so it was easy for him to determine where to pass through unnoticed. Few minutes more and he was already in the hospital's lounge, blending through all the people that were there. As he walked freely then, no one took any attention of him as they all thought he was just a regular kid and that his parents were nearby. Besides, there was nothing in him that could capture anyone's attention as Wolfe acted calm and confident.

Soon, he reached the exit and immediately called for a cab.

"Hey kid, are you alone?" The driver asked him suspiciously.

"Yes, don't worry I can pay you. My dad gave me enough money for a cab," Wolfe replied hoping the driver would ask nothing more.

"Shouldn't someone be with you?" The driver inquired again, wondering what kind of parents would let their little child go alone.

"My mommy is in this hospital and I went here to visit her," Wolfe let go of a sad puppy face. "My dad however cannot come with me because he needed to work hard to pay for mommy's bills so I had to come alone,"

"Don't you have any grandparents or-" The driver cut his question half way when he noticed that Wolfe was about to cry. He felt guilty immediately knowing that by the way Wolfe acted, he must have no grandparents or anyone to accompany him. They might be in a really hard situation that his dad had to let him go alone. Besides, the kid seemed to be pretty smart so his dad must have confidence in him. With a sigh he then changed his question to something else, "Where are you headed then? Hop in now, I'll make sure to bring you there safe,"

"I need to go to my dad's workplace. He said I should go there after I visit mom since no one is at home," Wolfe replied, still putting up a sad face.

"I see," The driver replied as he hit the main road. "Where is your dad's workplace then?"

"Puente De Amor!" Wolfe said excitedly that he almost forgot his act. Good thing the driver didn't mind the excitement although the old man was caught off guard by the mention of the place.

"Are there people working on that bridge?" The driver was confused, "Wasn't it finished a long time ago? I don't think there's any construction going on then right now, are you sure it's the right place?"

"You've mistaken mister. My dad is not a construction worker but rather a security guard. He was one of those who watched over the bridge," Wolfe explained, very much thankful that he knew so much. Everyone in Hampshire knew Puente De Amor wasn't one of those bridges you can cross every time you want. It was heavily watched by the Ministry of Indigenous affairs and so it has a big gate along the way, making it known that not everyone is welcome and of course, there were guards that looked after it day and night.

"I see," The driver understood then, his suspicions all gone, not knowing that the boy he let in his car was all lying. "Don't worry, I'll go and bring you to your Daddy,"

"Thank you mister," Wolfe smiled satisfactorily. He leaned on the car's seat then and sighed inwardly, relieved. He was very excited because he knew that just a few minutes away, he'll have a chance now to see the bridge he always longed to see. For sure, Willow will be so thrilled when he tells him how he made it to the bridge, alone.

Thirty minutes of travel and Wolfe could already see the bride standing gloriously in a farther distance. His smile went big and he called the driver's attention immediately.

"Excuse me Mister, you can just drop me off the corner," Wolfe requested.

"Are you sure? The gate is still far away, I can drive you until there," The driver worriedly suggested.

"Not anymore please. If you drop me off there, everyone will see and my dad might be reprimanded if his boss sees me," Wolfe made up another excuse to convince the driver, "You know, kids are not allowed at work,"

"I see," Luckily the driver understood. He then pulled over on the side, "I'll drop you here then,"

"Thank you," Wolfe replied as he jumped off the back seat after giving his fare. The driver accepted it and waved goodbye at him. He then left together with his taxi cab leaving Wolfe  alone on the street. The boy was simply feeling so accomplished knowing that finally, he made it through the bridge of his dreams. However, he wanted to get a closer look but he knew he cannot pass through the gate so he tried to find another way in. After all, no one was expecting that some little boy wanted to give a bridge a good tour.