The Genius' First Love

Chapter 522 - Heavy

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When Xhemin opened her eyes, it was already morning. The sun was peeking through the heavy of Huzey's room and she was laying down on the prince's bed. A few hours ago, she came here to pursue the prince and their emotional reunion had exhausted her; she ended up sleeping in the Montarini Manor under Huzey's arms. She remembered pretty well every detail of the last night, especially the kiss.

"The kiss," Xhemin whispered as she touched her lips. Things were just so surreal last night she thought it was somehow a dream including the kiss yet waking up then with full vigor and with a clear head, she was very sure it was real.

"God," Xhemin cupped her head as her cheeks turned crimson. What was she thinking of? Why did she ever kiss the prince on his first night of return? She just made things too awkward for both of them and wasn't her relationship with Darryl getting complicated? What she did last night will only make things more hard and complicated than they ever had been.

"Good morning," She heard Huzey spoke and everything in her just chilled. She knew she needed to at least respond to him and so she dragged his eyes to where he was and fake a smile.

"Your smile is fake," Huzey remarked as he paced the room. He was holding a cup with him and he gave it immediately to Xhemin as he sat on the same bed she was in.

"It's not," Xhemin denied as he accepted the cup. Damn! Of course, Huzey would know whether her smile was fake or not, what was she even thinking? Knowing that she cannot do anything with it anymore, she just turned to the cup and realized it was hot milk. She drank from out of frustration of her own self and was thankful that the milk wasn't that hot or else she could have burned her tongue as she drank it with haste.

"How are you doing?" Huzey changed the topic to something more serious and the awkwardness between them seemed to have faded away.

"Good...I mean…I'm trying to feel good," Xhemin looked at him in the eye as she responded with honesty. She smiled, a genuine one this time, "I'm so glad you are here. You just don't know how you make me feel better," She told him and her words were true. She deeply missed Huzey and having him right there while she was mourning again with Winter was soo comforting. In fact, last night was the time that she had a deep long sleep for the last couple of weeks and that was because she utterly felt safe and secure in Huzey's arms.

"I'm sorry about my–"

"No. please don't apologize," Xhemin needed none of his explanations why he had to go away. "Both Ziggy and I understand that you have to do what you have to do. We need no reason for your decision and the only thing we both care about, to be honest, is your return,"

Huzey smiled back at her as if greatly comforted with the fact that his two best friends didn't hold any resentment at him for what he did previously. If there were any reservations inside of him about his return, it's the fact that he felt utterly guilty for leaving them behind and making them believe he was already dead. Just like how Xhemin felt that time, he was also relieved with their reunion and unable to withhold his longing for the girl, he reached for her silky black hair and caressed it just like how he used to do it. While he was doing that, Xhemin freely scrutinized his face, wondering how it healed provided the severity of the injury it suffered before.

"You face," Xhemin couldn't help but remarked, "Ziggy told me the damaged had scattered and affected the healthy skin,"

"And it was Ziggy himself who found the solution," Huzey explained, "Because of Ziggy's prescription, the reconstructive surgery had been possible when previously the doctor's said they cannot fix it anymore,"

"Ziggy?" Xhemin was confused at the mention of their best friend's name, "Ziggy was able to give you a prescription? How?"

"He spent years on researching and experimenting," Huzey recalled. "It was the time when people mocked him for doing such ambitious research. Unknown to them, the youngest sire was more than capable to finish it and of course with the help of Acamilla Apparaus,"

"Ziggy's laboratory got burned down together with the other pot of Acamilla Apparaus," Xhemin emphasis the part that got her confused, "He did another research when he was abroad but you didn't show yourself to him,"

"I had his research draft and the pot of Acamilla Apparaus before the lab got burned down totally. My men were able to save it," Huzey explained further.

Xhemin paused a bit too absorbed all of Huzey's revelation. However, instead of asking further about what happened several years ago, she become more concerned about how the research prescription went on Huzey.

"Are you all healed now? I can see that you can already walk, does it mean that Ziggy's research did restore all the damaged cells you got from the explosion?"

"I'm not a hundred percent healed. I still have my limitations," Huzey elaborated, "Say for example I can only walk for a few minutes and after that my legs will just give up. I can't run and I can't still carry anything heavy. There are a couple more things I can't do,"

"Then better have Ziggy checked on you. After his last research, he made another one and enhanced it. He told me he had a cure designed for you using the last Acamilla Apparaus we have," Xhemin told Huzey in haste as if she was ready to drag Huzey out of the mansion to the ranch. "He sure will be glad to see you. If you only know how much he was worried,"


"I know," Huzey agreed with her but his eyes faltered a bit as if there was something more important he needed to ask her rather than those already mentioned. "Xhem by the way the Acamilla Apparaus, where did you learn about that plant?"

Xhemin was caught off guard with the question.