The Genius' First Love

Chapter 523 - M Centellear

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"Can we talk about this with Ziggy?" Xhemin requested as she thought of their other best friend who was probably overly worried right then about her absence. She left the Richmond ranch last night without any notice and perhaps her sudden disappearance had caused ruckus already.

"Speaking about Ziggy, I bet he is worried right now," Huzey suddenly remembered. When he left, he knew that Ziggy had taken his place as being the big brother of the family and he did a pretty good job of taking care of everyone, including the children. He never once expected that the youngest sire could pull off the role as a dad to their kids and deep inside he felt utterly proud of how he had grown mature. "You should go home,"

"We are going home," Xhemin corrected. "I'm not leaving without you,"

"Xhem I don't think it's time for me–"

"No Huzey. This is the time for you to come back. You had been gone so long and besides Ziggy needs to see your progress and the effect of the Acamilla Apparaus in you. He deserves that," Xhemin pointed. The successful work on the healing flower was Ziggy's job and so if anyone else deserves to study it further, it should be Ziggy and not any other doctor that attends Huzey.

"But I might be putting you and Ziggy at risk with my presence," Huzey hesitated. The truth was he came back to the country not only to see the family he had left but he was also trying to investigate the sabotage that happened in the Montarini Mining Inc. Even though somehow, Huzey managed to put up another company in Spain which was flourishing really well at the moment, he certainly just would not abandon the livelihood his ascendants left as a legacy. The Montarini Mining Corp had been Montarini's livelihood for decades and he just couldn't let go of that.

"We are all living at risk. Please Huzey, we really need you to come home. It has been a long time, I need you here," Xhemin begged him. However, even before Xhemin asked for it, Huzey had already been considering the fact. Previously, he had a tough time staying especially that they were left with nothing anymore, not even the manor that they lived in. However, for the last few years, Huzey somehow managed to recover some of their losses and his current estimate right then exceeded far greater than they had previously. Thereby, unlike before his situation had far changed for good and he knew by then that like Xhemin, who had recovered her wealth and power, he was now in a good position to defend his friends. The only thing that was making Huzey hesitate was the fact that their current standing at their home country wasn't that good because of the previous issue in the Montarini Mining and so all his transactions inside their home country were all by aliases and his movement was limited provided by the fact that he was already pronounced as dead.

Huzey didn't answer Xhemin's plea but by the way, his face lightened up, Xhemin knew he was considering it. There was a moment of silence before Xhemin spoke again.

"This manor," Xhemin uttered wondering. "How were you able to stay here unnoticed?" She remembered that the manor was also sequestered by the government previously and so the name right then belonged to the latter.

"The government auctioned it, I bought it under my alias," Huzey replied. Just like Xhemin did with his artworks, Huzey had also kept watch of every property that was taken to them as he promised Senior Hans that he would bring everything back under their name.

"You bought it? But wouldn't the cost of sale be far too much than what you currently have?" Xhemin noted. She remembered the news and articles years ago where Huzey was labeled as the rag prince because all of their assets were taken from them, every bit of their wealth and in fact, this led Senior Hans to leave the country and take shelter with their relatives in Spain because nothing was left of them.

"We still had money left when we migrated to Spain," Huzey confessed. "Not much but I was able to make use of it and start anew. After a year of treatment with the Acamilla Apparaus, my eyesight improved and I started from there,"

" A new business?" Xhemin asked as she was ultimately relieved to know that somehow Huzey got by despite everything that happened. It seemed like all the three of them had a rough start after the tragedies that happened but they were able to survive.

With her question, Huzey turned to one of the counters and took something. It was something small and Xhemin didn't have any idea what it was until Huzey presented it to him. It was a ring, adorned by diamonds that instantly sparkled at Xhemin's sight. By the craftsmanship and the uniqueness of the style of the particular jewelry, Xhemin thought of a brand where it might belong.

"M Centellear," Xhemin uttered. "I believe this type of jewelry belongs to M Centellear,"

Although Xhemin wasn't so interested in jewelry, she became well acquainted with it because of Lady Portia. The old woman, being a woman of sophistication and class, certainly knows everything about things that shines and it was because of her why Xhemin became a bit knowledgeable with pieces of jewelry. M Centellear as she knew it was a new brand that started out in Spain and became a hit worldwide because it's brilliant and unique craftsmanship. Every piece was considered a masterpiece and one-piece cost millions, something that only high elites can afford.

"I made this," Huzey told her, and Xhemin's eyes grew big at the revelation.

"You are making jewelry now?" Xhemin gasped and when she was able to fully absorb everything Huzey just confessed to her, her shock was immeasurable. "You owned M Centellear?"


"Montarini Sparkles," Huzey smiled timidly at the thought. The name of it brings so many memories to him as they brought significance to the success of his new venture. "Thats what M Centellear means,"

"It's only now that the name became clear to me," Xhemin really couldn't believe that Huzey owned such a multi-dollar company and calculating Huzey's net worth, it wouldn't be a surprise why he managed to bought the manor back.