The Genius' First Love

Chapter 521 - No Business

It was a perfect night for a lover's kiss.

As Xhemin and Huzey explored each other's lips, the moon above them was smiling, so were the stars. It flickered through the night as if giving their blessing to new found lovers, kissing in secret under the sky. The breeze too was steady and was flowing slowly, trying as slow as it can to make sure it would not in any way scare out the lovers and disturbed their long passionate kiss. Everything was just so romantic that night, so perfect, blissful and all too beautiful.

But not for everybody.

Because there, just a few meters below the big tree and the kissing lovers, the Lagdameo heir stood still idly. His eyes looked in another direction, staring something else as his heart shattered in pieces. Ironic because everyone told him heart breaks were painful, but he didn't feel anything like that of a sort with what he saw. He just felt nothing inside. He felt nothing because his heart simply went numb.

He can't bear to look at the kiss but he stayed. He stayed hoping that perhaps after the kiss, his estranged wife will remember their love and choose him afterall or that probably the kiss she had with the diamond prince will make her realize how great their love once-their love, his and Xhemin's and she'll come back running for him. It was probably the most foolish thing he had ever hoped for, but that moment, when everything else was just falling out of their places, people were free to hope for anything else right? Including him.

When the kiss deepened, Darryl intentionally flooded himself with many questions. Hoping all the questions would erase the memory of Xhemin, finding back her prince.

First, Darryl questioned fate. He asked whether it was destiny that drove Xhemin and him together or whether it was just one of the mockery fate wanted for him. What did he ever do to fate that it seemed like it was picking on him intentionally?

They say fate brings people into your life for a reason. Then what reason does fate have when it decided to bring him the only woman he was capable of loving? What lesson was fate trying to give him? The lesson of falling in love and breaking apart? Or a lesson of having something you never meant to have?

F*ck Fate.

If that was his reason, then if time curled backwards and he found himself back at the same day he first met Xhemin, he'd grab the girl for himself as long and as fast as he could. Fate can just try to break them after but he will never give it that chance.

Darryl then washed his face with his hands out of anger and frustration. He then dragged his eyes with thorough determination back to the view that killed his heart. The view of his woman kissing another man.

He had to look at it.

He needed to see it.

He needed to feel how much it hurts.

Fate can mock him for anything, but he will bravely face no matter what it brings because his love for Xhemin was far greater than what fate intended it to be.

F*ck Fate. No matter how much it hurts, he'll always choose to love his Xhemin no matter what it takes. He'll love him even how much she'll choose to break his heart.

Unknown to Darryl, he wasn't alone in the ground. Few meters from him, in a fallen tree nearby sat a woman, with long red hair and a pair of red phoenix eyes.

Like the Lagdameo heir did, she also watched that kiss. She watched it the moment it happened and gathered all her courage to continue watching it until it ends. The only difference she had with Darryl was that she had a big smile painted on her lips as she watched Huzey and Xhemin's kiss deepened.

She was happy he was back.

She was happy that the diamond prince can now be happy.

She was happy that for once, after a long time, the prince had finally come back to life.

That was all she ever wanted and all she ever needed to be able to go on.

Time had finally come. The Diamond prince's life started ticking again and so hers needed to be shut and stopped. It was the final chapter of her journal and it's time for her to write it all at once.

Soon, when the kiss finally broke and Huzey dragged Xhemin completely into his room, the girl stood from where she was at. She then started walking away from the Montarini Manor, down to the forest that separates it from the Loch. She was aware that she wasn't the only one watching the kiss and she only laughed inwardly at the thought of Darryl's heartbreak.

"Foolish," She whispered. She knew the man as she had seen her a few moons ago at the theater and during the time she had rescued the prince. However she didn't expect that the man had more story than she ever thought him to have and certainly wasn't expecting his life was all tangled up with the woman the prince loved. "They were meant for each other. They are the one that destiny chose,"

"You had no business breaking them apart," She added, "Whatever destiny holds, no one could break," She spoke her sentiments to the wind as if it was far more a great company and great listener than humans. She had spoken to the wind a couple of times before and it holds all the secrets she had that no one knows.

The woman then walked father and farther away this time and didn't look back as if there was nothing left of her to look at anymore. In her hand was a mask, the one that Huzey used previously to hide his scarred face till he didn't need it anymore and it had gone stuck somewhere with all the things forgotten. The girl then wore the mask on her face hoping that even under it, she could at least hide the desires and emotions that she felt weren't right. So were the tears that secretly flew away, coming out of her eyes without permission no matter how big a smile she wore.