The Genius' First Love

Chapter 520 - The King

Xhemin's eyes were locked into the big tree for a moment and her reaching the place was like a destiny that pulled the universe into a sudden celebration. The dark clouds that flooded the sky suddenly retreated and the big beautiful moon appeared. The trees and everything else became visible in Xhemin's eyes so were the stars that were flickering like with thorough joy. Her heart, however, was pounding and her brain couldn't formulate any thought but rather it played the face of the young Huzey she had never seen in years.

With full courage and determination, Xhemin started clambering up the big tree. Her hands traced the familiar branches that even if she would climb blindfolded, she would still reach the top safe and sound. In just a few minutes, she was already on the top sitting on the topmost branch that surprisingly was still as strong as she could remember. Right from there, she could see the window from Huzey's room and although there was no light emanating from the inside, she knew or rather she was hopeful Huzey was inside. Like Summer to Morgan, Xhemin had a special connection to the Montarini prince, a connection that time cannot cut, a connection that had made strong invisible strings between their lives that no matter where they go, they will always find their way back to each other.

Xhemin sat in the branch comfortably and with closed eyes, she opened her mouth to utter "Pripp-pa-prippa-". Their own made-up language resounded in the stillness of the night and it went imitating the sound of the night insects that were also joining Xhemin's call. However, no one acknowledged Xhemin's call.

She called again, and again and again but no would just open the window for her. She called faintly for the last time, but just like her previous call, no one answered her. Xhemin then opened her eyes and stilled. She didn't move nor make a sound, even her teardrops paused as if she was waiting for something, although most likely what she was waiting for will never come just as her call wasn't answered.

The stillness lasted for almost thirty minutes and even when every hope dropped off that night, Xhemin's heart was still hopeful. Huzey is there. Huzey had to be there. Huzey will come for her, then.

Soon, in the middle of a dead night and while Xhemin waited for something she herself wasn't certain, a crackling sound flowed in, and just as she had always dreamed off, a boy–a man with ocean blue eyes appeared. His long hair flew in and out together with the wind when the window was pushed open and his face bore the expression between grief and joy. It was obvious that he was no longer expecting that Xhemin was there as it had been thirty minutes since she last made a sound. However, as soon as their eyes meet, all his fears and reservations melt off and what was left was thorough longingness.

For a brief moment Xhemin thought she was dreaming but her prince, standing on the same window where he used to be all the time, was something she once had a hard time taking in.

She slowly stood up from the branch to reach his window and Huzey immediately took her hand to support her. She was shaking all over and almost couldn't believe that after so many years, the best friend she and Ziggy lost came back to them whole again.

"I told you many times not to climb this tree ever again," Huzey first spoke and it was obvious he was trying to control the emotion that goes with it.

When Xhemin felt his arms, she felt how real he was. Huzey's voice was still the same and the sound of it stole all the coldness she was hiding in her heart. She kept moving forward and when she was inches from the window, he felt Huzey's arms pulling her up until she was sitting on the window and was now so close to him. She melted before him immediately and her arms found their way to Huzey's neck as the latter pressed her toward his body. They embraced each other as Xhemin cried for the times they missed and to release the tension and longing she had for him for the last eight years she hadn't seen him. She couldn't imagine how she survived without him, but right then she knew, she'll never allow him to leave once again.

Xhemin withdrew her face away from him for a moment and cupped Huzey's face. She wanted to look at him, wanted to see the face she missed so much. Surprisingly, what she saw wasn't one of the things she had expected all these years–his face wasn't anything Ziggy described previously, half-burnt and scarred. Instead what she saw was a face of not of a prince but of a king. Huzey had grown, his face bore the mark of maturity and a.d.u.l.thood but in a way that was rather too unhuman for a man. He looked far more handsome to be described as Adonis, or any beautiful man in history. Perhaps a face of god would suffice, although she wasn't sure even at that. Gone in his face was the trace of injury eight years ago but she could still see some traces of the young Huzey in him. The diamond prince everyone adored.

"Your face," Xhemin gasped as her two hands caressed it.

"Xhemin," Huzey uttered her name and just as he did, Xhemin felt something unnatural. As if his voice was pulling her into a deep daze of something wonderful. Suddenly she felt conscious about Huzey's hand that ran down her h.i.p.s while the other was on her face, wiping the tears she shed. She became aware of the tension as her body heated up. She can also hear her own breathing as it matched the rhythm of Huzey's heart and when she dragged her eyes back to his, she saw so many emotions and one of them is desire.

And, even before they both knew it, they found themselves pulling in for a kiss and when their lips met, everything just fell away.