The Genius' First Love

Chapter 519 - Morgan

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The silhouette standing in the road didn't move as if it was contemplating for a moment whether to step into the ranch. Xhemin was transfixed on where she was as her heartbeat raced against her breathing. Even though the man's face was fully covered by the darkness of the night, she knew it was the diamond prince. Her heart was just sure of it. However, instead of running to him, she watched him choose between going away just like he always does or as she wished, perhaps this time, he'll have the courage to move forward and push the gates open. However, the man chose the former. Huzey walked away again. He first slowly turned his back and started moving, further into the road.

Xhemin's eyes teared up immediately at the sight of him. How many times will he do this to her? How many more times will go choose to stay away rather than coming home, back into the ranch, back into them? Xhemin couldn't just take it. Not anymore, not then. She had gone through much of an emotional turmoil for the last few days and the last thing she'd ever want to deal with was Huzey walking away again. So, just as soon as the first of her teardrops fell, Xhemin's knees moved as fast as it could, down the stairs and into the yard, seemingly trying to chase the man she saw in the dark.

"Huzey!" She called as she pushed the gates open. She was on the road then, bare feet and was searching the place for the man who was there previously. "Don't ever do this to me again and again," She turned from every direction trying to see anything peculiar that would lead her to find the man she watched earlier but the deep black canvass of the night wasn't helping at all. How could Huzey show up in a minute and manage to get away after the next one?

Xhemin was desperate yet it seemed that just like it had always been, Huzey would just mysteriously fade into the shadows leaving no trace at all. Xhemin just cried and when she had enough she stepped back into the ranch as she dried her tears up away. She began feeling cold and so she hugged herself as she paced her way back into the cottage, however, even before she could lose all hopes, she heard a gushing sound from the stable just a few meters away from her. When she looked to check, Xhemin saw one of the horses they owned exiting the barn, it was obvious the horse escaped her pen. Of course, upon seeing it, Xhemin approached the horse intending to bring it back to its pen.

"Do you have trouble sleeping?" She asked the horse as if it was capable of answering. The horse whined and only Xhemin noticed that the horse was actually Summer. Her old horse.

"Hello boy, you've grown," Xhemin started caressing him. She had learned previously that her two old horses, Meadow and Summer were taken by Father Angus. Ang's father managed to take the horses before the L Empire took over, however, Meadow died three years after the ranch was taken. Only Summer was left and perhaps Father Angus brought her back to the ranch when Xhemin announced that she had made arrangements to get the title back.

"C'mon boy, I'll bring you back inside," Xhemin said, but Summer refused to be tamed. It was then that Summer realized the horse went out for a reason and it was like he wanted to go for a run. "It's past midnight Summer. I'll have a stroll with you tomorrow in the woods,"

Summer didn't listen. He stubbornly stood there waiting for Xhemin to ride on him.

"Summer we can't—" Xhemin blurted out but she stopped as soon as she remembered something. She looked at Summer thoroughly as she thought of something and the hair at the back of her hair started standing up, either because of the cold breeze or because of the feelings that were creeping into her.

"O my God! He rode Morgan didn't he?" Xhemin's eyes grew bigger upon her discovery. Morgan was Huzey's horse and Summer was fond of the latter that when they were kids and Morgan came over the Richmond Ranch, Summer would always go out of the stable as a routine. The horse knew that when Morgan comes along, it means Xhemin and Huzey will go for either a race or a usual stroll in the woods. "But I saw some lights earlier,"

Summer neighed this time. Loud and Xhemin was just glad his sudden noise didn't wake up anyone inside the grey cottage. Xhemin's conclusion then became more real to her as she knew that animals don't lie. Horses have far greater connection skills that humans and if ever Summer sensed Morgan nearby, it meant Huzey was just nearby. He's just around, watching them as soon as they arrive at the ranch. With that, so many emotions rushed into Xhemin as another conclusion came to her.

"If he rode Morgan then I know where he is," Xhemin whispered. Without wasting time, she stepped into Summer's back and directed her horse to move. Summer didn't need much of her guidance as he instantly ran and galloped into the dark. Just as Xhemin was suspecting it, Summer was also moving into the direction she thought of earlier. Her rose was trailing off a familiar path and then her tears started falling away. She's going to Huzey this time. She'll make sure of it. He can't escape her now, she'll follow her tonight no matter how far the ride will be.


Soon, the view of the Montarini Mansion became visible to Xhemin. The property was just too big and the night couldn't hide it. Summer didn't go for the front gate but rather Xhemin's horse went into the corner, into an off beaten track only the Dr. Mile's grandchildren knew. The path was all covered with tall grasses now but Summer and Xhemin certainly didn't care. A couple more minutes and Summer stopped and Xhemin found herself gaping at a big familiar tree.