The Genius' First Love

510 Collet's Party 2

There was complete silence and what was left was the tension that was running between Darryl and Collet.

Collet's eyes grew big at how things suddenly turned out. She was shaking both in fear and anger as she laid on the ground with one of her hands on her red face. She didn't say a word because the way the Lagdameo heir looked at the moment, sweet-talking him will surely not work.

Darryl moved as he walked slowly toward Collet. Fury and rage within him showed up on his face and as he stepped forward, Collet's tremors aggravated. She had never feared Darryl that much until then because all the memories she had involving him were all something wonderful, romantic, pleasant, and not once did she think that at some point in her life, she'd fear him.

When Darryl was standing just an inch from Collet's feet, he froze and looked at Collet's face. Even with a swollen face, she still looked angelic and if he wasn't aware of what she did, he'll never be disgusted with her as he was right at the moment.

"It's time for you to confess Collet," Darryl uttered and everyone heard it. "Did you have my son killed?"

Just when Darryl asked, there was a huge sigh of disbelief in the crowd. Even Madam Dianna and President Manuel shook at what Darryl asked Collet. They both looked at each other in unbelief and immediately thought of how heartbreaking and foolish it would turn out for them if Darryl's accusation were true.

Collet was not expecting it. But even when it was Darryl himself who asked it, she gathered all her courage to deny the accusation "Do you hear yourself, Dee? Do you certainly believe I could kill your–"

"Don't ever lie to my face ever again!" Darryl's voice filled the whole room making everyone shiver. Collet herself turned her head away to avoid Darryl's eyes and ended up crying.

"I swear Collet, one more lie and I don't know what I can do with you anymore" Darryl threatened and by the way he said it, everyone knew those words contained raw truth.

"Darryl please understand…." Collet's fear made her tear flow tremendously. She didn't know what to do at the moment anymore and if there was a single chance that she could escape Darryl's fury at the moment, she'd make a run for it.

"Understand what?" Darryl cupped his head frustratedly. "My family has been good with you. My mother loved you unconditionally and we even gave you shelter and food and clothed you...what did we ever do to deserve what you did to us? You all made us a fool…."

"You are so unbelievable. And God! How did you manage to tame your conscience with the fact that after you killed my son, you lived and leeched on my family?" Darryl was mocking her. He wasn't aware anymore of how harsh his words were as he was merely venting out his frustration about the fact that they took and cared for the person who murdered his son.

"Lemuel! Lemuel!" Madam Dianna was already crying when she went to stop her son from killing Collet. President Manuel and some of the guests ran after her to save Collet from Darryl's assault. The scene that took place there was very disturbing that everyone either cried or felt terrified of what they had all witnessed and realized.

"Enough my son, don't become a murderer just because of her," Madam Dianna sobbed as she tried to make Darryl calm down. Darryl ended up letting Collet go and his expression was something no mother would want to look at. He was so broken, devastated, and betrayed.

Collet was then under the arms of a guest, trying to catch her breath. She cried too at the realization that Darryl was determined to hurt her for what she had done. She couldn't believe her fate right then as everything seemed to be turning far away from what she desperately dreamed of. Didn't she intentionally commit that crime six years ago so she has a future with Darryl? From what it looks now, such a future will remain only a daydream.

"I'm sorry," Collet tried to apologize. "I'm sorry Dee but I swear I didn't mean to kill him. It wasn't my plan. Things just got out of–"

"It wasn't your plan? You hired someone to do it and you are telling me right now that it wasn't a plan all along? Do you think I'm that foolish Collet?" Darryl cut her off, not allowing her to redeem herself.

Collet was silenced with this fact as she hadn't thought Darryl already knew this much.

"Tell me, Collet. Who helped you do it. I'm sure you cannot pull such a flawless plan by yourself. Tell me? To whom did you conspire to kill my son?"

Collet only shook her head, still crying.

"Oh, really you don't want to tell. Why? Was the person who conspired with you present in this room? The last time I checked you weren't that smart to make such a great murder," Darryl blurted out, very unwilling to believe that the murder was done by Collet alone. Someone helped her. Someone assisted her in the attempt to kill her wife which led to the death of her son.

"Dee please…" Collet was already begging. She looked so pitiful, especially because her face was so angelic yet with her dirty deeds revealed, one could only sigh disgustedly at her. "Please hear me for once. I know that woman-"

"Enough!" A huge slap landed on Collet's face. This time it wasn't Darryl who made it, it was Madam Dianna. Her hands were then shaking after it hit Collet's cheeks and Collet's eyes bulged out of shock, certainly not expecting that the woman who was always on her side, had turned hostile to her too.

"Auntie," There was resentment in Collet's eyes when she called for her.

"How dare you call me that after you killed my grandson!" Madam Dianna hollered at Collet. Right then she felt utterly foolish for unknowingly, she had raised a snake on her own home. A snake who managed to bite them in secret and devoured their future."You don't have any idea how you upset me right now Collet...Oh, do not upset disgust me,"

"Auntie I only did what I had to do," Collet reasoned with her. "You know how I love your son and I would just do anything to be with him,"