The Genius' First Love

509 Collet's Party

Collet's photoshoot was cut short because of the incident where she was almost killed by Xhemin. However, instead of feeling bad about it, she felt victorious knowing that a lot of people witnessed how crazy Xhemin was and how she almost killed her. The things that happened in the studio today will surely be the cause of Ava's ultimate downfall-she was sure of that. Also, what made the incident more satisfying was the fact that Darryl witnessed how Xhemin hurt her and the way the Lagdameo heir acted earlier when he defended her, it was like Darryl had finally seen Ava's true colors. Her mother was right. They will soon divorce and soon her place as the next Madam of the Lagdameo will be secured.

There was a party waiting for Collet at the Mansion and she intentionally did not cut off the party for she intended to appear in the Marble Mansion with her injury. She wanted all the guests to see what the famous Ava Leigh caused her. Since the party was held in the Marble Mansion, almost all of their guests were class A socialites and she intended to make them aware of how dangerous and crazy Ava Leigh is, just like her mother and her father.

When Collet arrived at the Marble Mansion, her manager was there assisting her, making it appear that she cannot walk by herself with her injuries. When everyone saw her, there was great distress. Their guests weren't as many as Collet expected as of course not all gave Collet much of recognition in the elites circle anymore and most of the guests only attended out of respect for the Lagdameo's. However, their number was good enough to bear witness on what Collet wanted them to see- that Ava Leigh is a crazy woman.

"Collet, what's all this?" President Manuel approached her immediately as he thought it was rather improper for her to head straight to the main door, where all the guests were being catered, in such a messed-up state.

"I'm sorry uncle my legs are already hurting, I can't manage to walk to the other side of the Mansion anymore," She reasoned pitifully.

"Oh dear, what happened to you?" Madam Diana hollered terribly with what she had seen. All the guests that were having a conversation with her also saw Collet's state and they all were horrified. "Did you have an injury during the photoshoot? How was it?"

"It wasn't the photoshoot that caused this to her Madam," Collet's manager announced. "Her sister suddenly showed up and tried to kill her,"

Just as soon as her manager announced what happened, Collet shed tears. "Please manager, don't anymore raise this. I just want to rest,"

"No Miss Collet. The madam should know how Ava Leigh tried to kill you," Her manager pretended to be reasonable when their words were all scripted.

"Is this true? Do you mean Ava Leigh? CEO Ava Leigh of LGC right?" One of the guests asked.

"Is this true Collet?" President Manuel had his doubts as he thought Ava Leigh, although he didn't particularly like her, was a very smart woman. She would certainly not do anything as reckless as this.

"Yes, uncle. My sister indeed hurt me." Collet looked at him as if she was having a hard time accepting such truth. "Darryl was there. If you don't, believe me, you can ask him,"

"Oh dear, then it must be true!" The guest was all shocked to have heard it. They all have heard about how good of a businesswoman Ava Leigh was and they certainly didn't expect she had this dark side. Did she perhaps inherit Aviona and Martin's mental illness?

"I don't know what had gotten into her, I'm afraid that she might have inherited some of Papa's mental illness," Collet blurted out while crying. "Earlier she was just so scary, I couldn't even defend myself,"

"Oh Poor child," Madam Dianna went to comfort Collet. "What happened must have caused you some trauma. I can see that you are shaking and looked at that bandage on your legs. Is the wound that big?"

"It was deep Madam. She meant to kill her," The manager pressed in.

While everyone was gathering around Collet and her manager to get more information about the incident, the main door suddenly opened and Darryl entered. Upon seeing him, Collet was so delighted that she ran, limping intentionally to him and embraced him.

"Oh, Darryl. Thank you for saving me this afternoon," Collet smiled viciously while her face was buried in his chest. "I couldn't be more thankful. If not for you she could have killed me. The doctor said the wound in my leg was very deep,"

Everyone in the place quieted as they gave way for Collet's appreciation for how Darryl saved her. Darryl, on the other hand, looked at everyone in the room, including his parents who seemed pleased with his act of heroism without knowing how foolish it was of him.

"Please tell me she's behind bars now? I'm really afraid of her Dee I don't know if I can sleep alone on my own because of what she did," Collet added. When Darryl left her in the studio this afternoon, she thought it was because he had the incident reported and had Xhemin brought by the police. Since Darryl witnessed it all, she was sure Darryl would not hesitate to put Ava behind bars.

Everyone anticipated Darryl's confirmation but instead of saying yes. He uttered something else that shocked everyone out in the room.

"When will you stop all this acting Collet?" Darryl's voice was stern and only did everyone realizes he wasn't at all concerned for the girl. "You fooled all of us with that flawless acting of yours,"

The back of Collet's neck shivered on Darryl's words. She withdrew her head from his chest and looked at him, "Darryl what are you talking about? You had seen what Ava did to me this afternoon, you even stopped her. Why are you suddenly accusing me?"

Darryl answered him with nothing but only looked into her eyes with much intensity, trying to see through her.

"Don't tell me she had lured you into believing her lies again when you had witnessed it. There are CCTVs in that studio Darryl. Even if you defend your wife, you can't hide from everyone the truth!" Collet was now resenting him.


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