The Genius' First Love

511 Collet's Party 3

"I can't believe the things you are saying right now to me," Madam Dianna shook her head lightly as a severe headache ran across her head. "What kind of a woman kills a child for love?"

"You do not understand," Collet replied, refusing the condemnation that the Madam of the Lagdameo was throwing at her. "I and Dee are supposed to be together. Our future had already been planned all along and that woman...that woman came to ruin it all."

"Oh God! You and your mother...," Madam Dianna almost couldn't take it all. She had thought of all the times she defended the Fengs and catered to them with much convenience and comfort only to be slapped by the truth that they were nothing but because of twisted ambitions or as Collet calls it, love.

"Please auntie…." Collet grabbed her hand to beg her. She was hoping that the Madam would find it in her heart to forgive her, especially that she, of all the Lagdameo, was the one who cared for her the most. "I can still be a good daughter in law. Look Darryl and that woman's marriage will not work out. Darryl will need me in the future. Auntie, please don't kick me out!"

Madam Dianna's headache only intensified. Collet's begging and the revelations that she learned tonight overwhelmed her. She shoved Collet's hands away and having had enough she turned to look at her, "Get off my sight. I can no longer be at the same place as you,"

"Auntie. Auntie, please believe,"

"Collet go before I can hurt you myself. This is too much. Or do you want me to call the guard and drag you from here?"

Collet certainly didn't like the last option. She looked at Madam Dianna for the last time, hoping she could still see some light in her eyes for her but there was none. She turned to look at Darryl who was shaking his head at her, ready to choke her again. Lastly, she looked at all the elites who had witnessed how she had been shamed by Darryl tonight and their expression contained no less than disgust and frustration. With that, Collet ran out of the party hall but instead of going directly in her room to await her punishment, she ran straight to the garden hoping she could find a way out of the Marble Mansion while everyone was still in shock. She was very sure Darryl would call the police any moment from now to arrest her and she certainly just didn't want to spend any moment in jail.

Collet looked through the big garden walls that separate the Marble Mansion from the rest of the estate. Perhaps if she can find her way up, she can escape from the police. With what happened at the party, she was sure Darryl or any Lagdameo had already ordered the guards on the gates to make sure she cannot step out. She saw some vines that hung on one portion of the wall and so she grabbed the thing and started climbing up. She had successfully made it halfway when the vine gave up and she fell back to the ground.

"Who's there?" Collet's tremors came back.

"Oh, how bad of you to forget about me in a short time," The voice replied. It was the voice of a woman and when she stepped out of the shadows, Collet saw the Lagdameo third miss, walking toward her briskly with a shard blade on her hands. She too was holding a portion of a vine which she threw at Collet's face as she stopped just an inch from her. From what it looked like, it seemed that Dannah cut off the vines so Collet would fall.

"Dannah," Collet gasped, and to be honest, out of all the Lagdameo she encountered tonight, it was Dannah who made her feel more terrified. Madam Dianna and Darryl were both lawful people and so even at the verge of their anger, Collet knew they would always choose to spare her life but with the Lagdameo's third Miss, she can't be sure with her safety. Dannah was known as the worst of all the Lagdameo siblings. She's wild, she's crazy minded and unforgiving. Most of all, she knew she spent the most time with Franco Lagdameo and that fact alone made her far more dangerous than anyone else.

"Yes?" Dannah answered her call sarcastically. While looking at Collet horrifyingly, she played with the blade she had with her hand, pressing it to the skin of her beautiful face till it reached her mouth, she then licked it as if she was hungry for some blood. "Oh, it's been a long time I hadn't use this knife,"

"Dannah what do you want?" Collet who was on the ground tried to lengthen their distance by pushing her body far from Dannah, yet the more she pushed, Dannah just walked forward to her.

"Nothing. I just thought of playing a little game with you," Dannah relay to her while her emerald eyes turned vicious and playful.

"Dannah please…."

"Wrong statement. You should ask what game it is rather than asking me a favor," Dannah's expression when she said this made Collet's stomach jump the hell out of her. Danna looked nothing less than a psycho right then, a psycho with a sharp blade with her.

Collet swallowed a mouthful and very much terrified she obeyed Dannah's suggestion in order not to piss her off. "What game is it then?"

"It's called an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I've read it somewhere but I would like to make some small revisions with the game especially with the name," Dannah smiled this time to her. "How about we change the name to blood for blood or much better to life for a life?"

Hearing Dannah's words, Collet felt like she just had a real heart attack. Without waiting for more words from Dannah, she quickly stood on her feet and ran for her life.