The Genius' First Love

506 Her Anticipated Forgiveness

Collet had a late afternoon photoshoot with one of the country's top photographers. She was certainly looking forward to such an opportunity especially that only the big names in the modeling industry get such an opportunity. Right then, she was sitting in the make up room, surrounded by many staff who were all attending to her. After her recent interview, her approval ratings surged up with all the sympathy she got from all her fans and supporters and she received more offers than she had before.

"Miss Collet, look at all these gifts and flowers people sent for you," Her assistant was thrilled with all of it. This photoshoot was anticipated by many of Collet's supporters because they considered it a big leap on Collet's career.

"Not only that, but I also heard Madam Diana had organized a party in the Marble Mansion to celebrate your success. How I wish we can go," The makeup artist hollered loudly intending to let everyone know that a party was to be held in Marble Mansion after the photoshoot.

Collet sighed a little with the makeup artist's announcement. The truth was after her interview, she was greatly chided by President Manuel because of how she dragged Darryl's name into it and was almost thrown out of the mansion. If not for Madam Diana and Collet's desperate apologies partnered with a promise that she'll surely get all her inheritance back because of the interview, President Manuelle should have already kicked her out.

Madam Diana's attitude toward her turned sour for a couple of days but Collet too apologized to her and begged for a second chance. The Lagdameo's madam was a kind-hearted woman and since she cared for Collet as her own, she just easily forgave her and even defended her against President Manuel's fury. Just after a week, everything in the Marble Mansion turned back to normal, especially that Darry didn't suffer much of damage with her interview since it was all Xhemin who was greatly hated for it. Things then went steadily until she got the photoshoot deal and the Madam of the Lagdameo was kind enough to let her do some gathering in the Marble Mansion to celebrate it. So the party wasn't initiated by Madam Diana, it was Collet who expressed her desire for it and Madam Dian just helped her out and allowed it to be held in the Marble Mansion after the photoshoot.

"Are we invited?" One of the studio's personnel asked dreamingly.

"Oh I wish everyone could go," Collet responded with a very polite voice, "But since it was Madam Diana who is hosting it I can't just invite anyone. However I'll surely throw you guys a party after tonight," She flushed a fake smile as if inwardly mocking the studio's personnel for asking an invitation. If no one else was here, she must tell it straight to her face how unqualified she was for that party.

"The Lagdameo elders do still want you for the Lagdameo heir," Same personnel remarked, "It's too bad that the Lagdameo heir was already married,"

"They acknowledge no other daughter in law than Miss Collet so it doesn't matter who the Lagdameo heir marries. No one can replace Miss Collet as the madam of the Lagdameo's, not even that crap sister of hers,"

The studio where Collet was doing her photoshoot was located in one of the high-end buildings in the capital and that was where Xhemin headed to after she left Darryl's apartment in haste. She called someone while she was on the way to look for Collet's whereabouts and in just five minutes, an email was sent to her containing Collet's schedule.

"Speaking about the crap sister, Miss Collet your sister is here," Her manager announced as soon as he received some tips that Xhemin was seen entering the building. "She's heading here I'm pretty sure,"

His sources mentioned to him that Xhemin asked the building's owner for an entrance and the latter sent some of his employees to escort the LGC's owner to the 20th floor. Coincidentally, the studio they were in was on the 20th floor so that's how her manager concluded that Xhemin was intending to see Collet.

"How dare she," Collet's make-up artist hollered while she was still working on Collet's face. There were many people in the studio at the moment aside from the photographer's staff because a certain entertainment channel was also covering the photoshoot. It was intended to be featured on one of their talk shows so the studio was flooded with more people than the usual.

"She must have gone here to ask for forgiveness," Another of her staff butted in. Most of the people in the studio were all from either the middle class or C class socialites who all worked in the entertainment industry so they all favored Collet.

"Well, that probably is the reason why she was here," Someone agreed. "Your sister must have heard how big this pictorial is and that it will be televised so she's taking this opportunity to ask your forgiveness,"

Collet smiled inwardly on what she heard. How stupid was it for her sister to come here to ask her forgiveness? Does she think because there were cameras she'll go easy on her? No. All the people in here were on her side so she can ask Xhemin to kneel on the floor all she wants and all the people in here will still side with her.

"Do you want me to call your lawyer right now?" Her manager asked immediately with a satisfied face, "I mean if your sister is going to ask your forgiveness, she'd better be real on it and give you your rights,"

"Let's all hear what she has to say first," Collet replied. She was trying to hold the urge to laugh out loud for how things suddenly turned to her side. Xhemin must have a hard time with all the protests and the bashing that she came seeking for her forgiveness.