The Genius' First Love

507 Broken Vases

Everyone anticipated Collet's entrance, especially that Collet's assistants managed to announce to everyone that Xhemin was coming with the intention of asking her forgiveness. They all waited for the scene to unfold before them, where the LGC CEO would beg forgiveness for her evil deeds, more specifically her bullying against her own sisters.

Collet was frantic about it as Xhemin begging at her feet would surely be a good sight to see. She'll make sure the LGC CEO would regret what she did and would acknowledge the fact that she still was and still is an LGC heiress. It's time for Ava Leigh to know that she's not an easy nemesis at all and somehow she had to be careful about how she treats her. Perhaps now, Ava will learn to give her some respect as she was nothing but her equal as half of everything she owns, belonged to her.

They all waited for an eternity before Xhemin showed up in the studio of her photoshoot. She now had some employees escorting her, all of which was the building's personnel. When the owner of the building heard she was here, he sent many of her staff to cater to whatever her errand was.

Everyone expected Xhemin's forgiveness but nothing like that happened when she showed up. Instead, as soon as her eyes landed on Collet and in just span in seconds, they saw Xhemin paced the room toward Collet, gave her a huge slap on her face and dragged her out from her swivel chair toward one of the walls, pressed her body hard on there while she was grabbing her hair.

"Ahhhhhhh! Help! Help! I'm hurt! Ava, what are you doing?" Collet screamed in pain as everyone was thunderstruck.

In self-defense, Collet tried to get back at Xhemin by grabbing her but she was just too strong for her. Instead, Xhemin kicked her knees making Collet fall in her knees. Her knee joints dropped to the floor hard and in an attempt to support herself, she grabbed onto a nearby vase and it fell to the floor with her. The place was then filled with Collet's cry and the sound of cracking vases. The broken pieces fell on the floor and injured Collet's legs.

Seeing the blood. Only did some people recover from their shock and attempted to stop Xhemin. However, Xhemin's stares cut them off halfway.

"Dare to stop me, anyone of you who dares- I'll make sure you'll suffer far more than she does," Xhemin threatened like she was a madwoman. Her eyes were filled with thorough anger, burning out of her skin, and burning the one receiving her fury. The LGC CEO never knew how angry she was until she was able to reach Collet. It was like the pain and hotness within her will not subside until she wouldn't see Collet bleed with tears.

"You're crazy! You won't get away with this! I have so many witnesses!" Collet screamed while she was in pain. She was all calling for help but everyone was too afraid to help especially that Xhemin came with men, bigger and stronger than them.

"Yeah someone should call the police so we can hand out this murderer," Xhemin replied to the statement and her words didn't slip past everyone's ears. They all looked at each other confused as to what Xhemin meant. Then, while grabbing Collet's hair, she lifted her chin up so she could look through her eyes, "Did you have a good time killing him?"

"What are you talking about? You are crazy! You are just like your mother, you're both crazy bitch!"

"And you are like your mother, you are both murderers," Xhemin's tears fell by then but her expression didn't change. Collet's color, however, turned pale as if something struck something inside her.

"I'm asking you, did you have a great time killing him?" Xhemin repeated, "Did you celebrate when he died? Did you laugh so hard when his name was all over the news and everyone announced him dead?" Xhemin's last question came out of her mouth very loud as she screamed it out to Collet's face.

"What are you talking about?" Collet asked almost in fear as it seemed like Xhemin knew about what she did. She looked at Xhemin's face searching for the answer but all she saw was Xhemin's tears.

"Xhemin!" Someone called for her at the door and when everyone turned to the newcomer, they all saw the Lagdameo heir thoroughly surprised at the blooded scenery he saw. Just as fast as he came, he ran toward the two and broke their physical contact. Xhemin stumbled at the floor with her tears, while Collet moved away from Xhemin immediately dragging Darryl with him.

"Dee! She hurt me! She hurt me!" Collet's cry was all over the room and only with Darryl's presence, everyone moved. Collet's assistants ran toward Collet who was grabbing Darryl's shirt desperately holding onto it as if her life depends on it. She was too scared of Xhemin and she used that opportunity to get everyone's sympathy for her.

"Oh God Miss Collet," Her assistant's scream when they saw her injuries.

"Dee thank you for coming here. I thought I'm going to die tonight," Collet was clinging to Darryl, sobbing at his chest while Darryl's eyes were with Xhemin who seemed to have realized what she had done.

Xhemin seemingly woke up from her blurred rationality and she looked unto her bloodied hands and immediately wiped them with her dress. She still wasn't feeling right and she looked at Darryl with thorough resentment as if he did an unforgivable thing. Darryl rescuing Collet was the least of all the things she expected right then and she knew that with Darryl right there, she would not be able to hurt Collet anymore.

With that, Xhemin tried to stand on her feet. Her shaking knees made her stumble and the building's personnel tried to help her but she all shoved them away. With shaking knees and heavy heart, Xhemin exited the studio and tried to walk out of the scene swallowing all her pain and anger that didn't find relief on her hurting Collet. Instead, it only intensified.