The Genius' First Love

505 The Heiress Man

Collet was watching the waves as it hit the shore. She was wearing a long dress that flew with the breeze as she stood, a big summer hat on her head and a pair of sunglasses. She was like a tourist enjoying a good time in the South but she wasn't there for the fun, she was there to wait for someone.

"It's been a long time Miss," A voice disturbed her solitude and she knew then she wasn't alone anymore. She turned to where the voice came from and saw the person she talked through the phone just hours ago.

"How have you been?" Collet asked and although her question sounded unconcerned, deep inside she meant it. It had been a long time since they talked and a big part of her misses such a person's company.

The person smiled deviously then without any warning, she caressed Collet's shoulders lightly. "Why are you asking? Have you missed me Miss?"

The touch made Collet's shoulder shudder. She cannot deny the attraction such a person had in her but because of her pride and her desire to pursue Darryl, she had always pretended she wasn't affected at all.

"I've told you many times not to touch me," Collet warned him, then proceeded to take off her sunglasses to meet the man's gaze without some distraction. She wanted to see him clearly, assessing whether or not something has changed on him physically since he looked more dashing now than the last time.

"And yet all those times, you dare not stop me," The man's smile turned wider and more wild. Then his hand travelled from Collet's shoulders to her neck, her jaw then finally on her lips. Collet couldn't resist anymore, she bit her lips as she felt the man's touch.

"Ah I like that," He grinned when he saw Collet's reaction to his touch.

Collet had always hated herself for feeling vulnerable under the man's advances, knowing that such a man was nothing like Darryl, except for the fact that he had such an irresistible sex appeal. His manly and handsome face and his raging hot body too was worthy to be noted.

She remembered the first time they met. It was when her personal driver was sick and LGC had to temporarily hire someone to replace him.He was the substitute driver just for a day and gone after. Their next meeting was in a high end club where the man worked as a bartender and although she always ignored the man, many were the times she found herself alone with him.

"I know you are involved in some dirty shits," Collet uttered right through his face.

"That had never been an issue between us," The man replied as he lifted Collet's chin so the girl can look right straight to her face, "I had always been vocal about that to you and the last time I checked you weren't that concerned. All we both are concern about is the pleasure we are giving each other,"

"I want you to do something for me," Collet added to her first statement.

Collet didn't answer as she felt it was not anymore necessary.

The man only sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Can you do it or not?" Collet asked, flushing an already disappointed face.

"It depends on what I'll get with it," The man grinned and the expression that flushed on his face gave Collet some assurance and hope.

"Well you can ask whatever you want," Collet smiled satisfied with the response she got.

"How about you spare me the same devotion you are giving the Lagdameo heir?" He mockingly demanded because he was perfectly sure then that Collet could not give him that.

When Collet didn't answer again this time, he let go of a small chuckle. "Sure you can't. But don't worry you have my back. Just give me the details and let's see where I can bite in,"


Xhemin's tears fell without her consent. She wasn't even aware of it till the warm tears wet her cheeks. Her spine tightened and her fingers started shaking tremendously. Her mind simply went back and the view of her beautiful cold Winter suddenly crept into her mind slowly together with a torturing pain. How could her child's death be just a consequence of some filthy fake heiress jealousy?

Suddenly, Xhemin's anger swallowed all the pain and her insides started burning tremendously and in just a minute, she stood from the bed, her laptop fell on the floor with a cracking sound and she ran out of the house taking her husband's keys.

"Xhemin!" Darryl who was caught off guard of Xhemin's sudden change of mood tried to chase her but he was too late. When he went off the door, his car drove off fast away from his house with his wife in it.

He had caught Xhemin's expression when she left and he was sure it was something he had never once seen before. Her deep ink eyes were burning with rage and her expression was like a hunting lion ready to kill. He wasn't sure what just happened but he was sure something mad will come out from how Xhemin acted. Darryl then was already exhausted and was suffering from a bit of jet lag but his worry about Xhemin made his body refuse to take a pause. Immediately he searched for his phone and called someone.

"Hey, I need you guys to track down my car," Darryl instructed and after that he ran into the streets and called for a cab.