The Genius' First Love

499 Pathetic

Xhemin looked at Salsa thoroughly and the latter almost melted at her cold stares. She did understand particularly why, but Aviona's daughter suddenly became one of her greatest fears right then, as if she was the reality of all her nightmares.

"I didn't come here for that," Xhemin uttered to Salsa's relief. Exchanging conversation with Ava Leigh about how she killed her father, CEO Chan, was the least of all things she preferred to do.

"What then is your business? Don't tell me you have come to comfort me," There was some mockery in Salsa's voice when she said it.

"I came to know why you had my mother killed," Xhemin answered as if the words were nothing but a usual matter. However, with Salsa's circumstance, Xhemin thought killing people probably was something she was used to doing so there was no reason to dread the conversation.

Surely every vein in Salsa's insides twisted with Xhemin's question. No one, not anyone for the last several years had brought up the conversation as they all thought what happened to Aviona was an accident and yet Aviona's showed up to confront her today as if her situation wasn't bad enough.

"I… I don't know what you are talking about," Salsa tried to get away from Xhemin's questions. "I haven't even met your mother personally so why would you ever thought-"

Just before she was able to finish her words, Xhemin threw some papers into the table. It was some sort of file and Salsa was terrified to open it.

"These are the files of my mother's accident," Xhemin told, "These files clearly involves you,"

"I don't think these files are enough to convict me of Aviona's death," Salsa was sure of it. She had made a clean job previously and made sure no one knew and she was able to get away for a long time, surely Aviona's daughter could not get anything anymore that would drag her to it.

"Look Salsa, I'm not here to convict you of my mother's death,��� Xhemin was rather calm despite the tension that was looming, "I came to ask you as the daughter of the woman you killed. I was motherless for many years and the last thing you could do for me was to tell me the truth,"

"Promise me you'll take care of your sister then I shall tell you everything," Salsa managed to insert a deal on the recent conversation. "I know I can never get out of here anymore and all I could think of is how my Collet would survive out there. Please Ava, she's innocent and she had nothing to do with all of this,"

"I believe Collet is well secured in the Marble Mansion," Xhemin remarked. "She got all she needed there,"

Xhemin didn't answer her plea but Salsa could see through Xhemin's eyes that she was considering her request. Not really considering it, perhaps Xhemin just as everyone told her was a kind and compassionate person and she was sure then she would not turn a blind eye on Collet's situation. Ava Leigh will surely look after her sister.

"Your mother's death was something-"

"Something you carefully planned," Xhemin's eyes were wet then but she tried so hard to hold her tears, "I need not know the details. If I was ever interested in that I should have read all those what's in that document. I just want to know the reason why you had her killed and please don't tell me it's an accident…"

"It's not an accident. I planned it all along," Salsa confessed to it. She knew if Xhemin had strong evidence against her then she should have had her arrested a long time ago but she didn't which only meant one thing, her evidence was not enough to convict her. However, she needed to tell her the truth now so that she could plead through Collet's situation for she knew only Ava can help her with that. "I have Collet that time already and Martin wasn't as good as a father you thought. When you were born, it was like he forgot about Collet. She didn't come back to Mexico ever since and as a mother who wanted a complete family for her daughter, I knew I needed to get rid of you, you and your mother,"

"Then you should have just gotten rid of me, why do you have to kill my mother and waste her life and the things she can do for a lot of people? Didn't you know she was important to a lot of people? She helped a lot of people and if you had let her live, she could have helped more-"

"Martin was so in love with your mother," Salsa told. "If she had lived, Collet will never get to have a complete family because your father will always choose Aviona. He will even choose Aviona more than Collet,"

"You see Ava, I was young and desperate that time," Salsa narrated crying. "I was an actress in Mexico till your father came in the picture and I became an actress no more. My family had long abandoned me and just after several years, your father did the same when he was married to Aviona. He was the only thing that was left of me right then and I just couldn't let him go. When I got pregnant with Collet, I thought your father would finally reconsider our relationship but turns out, he was only willing to give Collet some support and cared nothing, not even giving her his name. That was why Collet was born a Feng."

"I just don't want Collet to grow up like me," Salsa added and smiled bitterly. "Pathetic I know. But as a mother, you would just be willing to do everything for your daughter,"