The Genius' First Love

498 Pitiful Child

When Collet arrived at the Marble Mansion that same morning, she seemed very upset. After all their troubles with money, she had made arrangements with her manager to work on some modeling projects. She remained a hot talent especially that LGC was irreplaceable at the top and her name being the heiress of it sounded very appalling to all the fans. With this, she had been very careful of her reputation recently especially that her job offers were a lot to mention. However with all that happened to her mother, she was then afraid her career would be threatened.

"Oh dear where have you been?" She found Madam Diana at the very spacious hallway, looking very worried, "I had made all the servants searched all the corners of the house for you,"

Seeing Madam Dianna there all worried for her, Collet's eyes teared up. For where all her tears came from? She had no idea, but she was glad some droplets fell while Madam Dianna was looking at her beautiful face.

"Oh Collet," Madam Dianna's heart sank seeing how Collet cried. Without answering her, the pitiful LGC heiress ran toward the big stairs sobbing and locked herself in her bedroom, feeling all utterly messed up.

Witnessing that, Madam Dianna caught her heart. She was aware of Collet's troubles and she was sure that the same things had made the girl very upset then. Knowing that she had no one anymore, not even her mother can come and comfort her, madam Dianna felt a thorough pity for her especially that Collet was close to her since she was a child.

"Child why don't you open the door for me?" Madam Dianna gently pleaded at her door but she was answered by nothing but Collet's sobs. Knowing that Collet's state was not good, she asked the maidservants to get the master key so she could open the girl's room. When the door finally opened, she saw Collet crying at the end of the bed.

"Oh dear, hush now. What made you so upset?" Madam Dianna went to comfort her. She sat beside her and started robbing her long curls. "I already told you not to worry about your mother, she'll be fine,"

"It wasn't mama that made me upset mother," She told her. "I went to see my sister at the Golden villa today to plead about my mother's case,"

"Oh dear you did not," Madam Dianna was filled with horror. She doesn't really have any opinions with Xhemin herself and all the things she knew about her were about those what the L Empire elders were telling her, and Collet too. As per what she heard, the controversial Ava Leigh is strong-willed, merciless and she respects no relationship in whatsoever form even those that were connected to her biologically.

"She told me then she knew no sister and that she will never accept me," Collet lied greatly but her face flushed the most pitiful angelic convincing face. Madam Dianna's expression of course was thorough with what she had heart.

"She does. I don't know why she hates me considering the fact that she already has everything including Darryl himself," Collet blabbered over and Madam Dianna could only sighed about the fact. Truth was she pitied Collet so much and wished that she could do more for her. She never once became suspicious of Collet's real colors because she had known the girl to be sweet and kind almost all the girl's life and because of that, Collet can easily fool the madam easily.

Madam Dianna's heart was good and Collet was using such character of her to her own personal benefit.


The day next to Collet's visit, Salsa was again pulled out for another guest. She thought it was her lawyer who came for some good news yet she was greatly surprised to see Aviona's face staring down at her when she entered the room. Her face instantly went pale but she was aware that her visitor was most likely Ava Leigh.

"Should I be thrilled of your visit?" Salsa gathered some courage to speak.

"You are shaking I can tell," Xhemin answered calmly. She had never once talked to Salsa personally yet it felt she knew what kind of a person she was. "My face makes you uncomfortable?"

"What do you want Ava Leigh?" Salsa ignored her remarks. "The last time I check you weren't particularly so caring about this family and yet you had your father's suicide investigated and now you care giving me a visit in prison."

"Is that the reason why you were so confident that you can get away from CEO Martin's death because you thought I wouldn't care?" Xhemin's eyebrows curled up as she had hit Salsa right through the chest. Her words were right, Salsa was very confident no one would know about what she did because she thought no one cared for Martin anymore and many wanted him dead already. His brothers didn't care about him, all they wanted was MChan's entertainment which was already in their hands. She and Collet on the other hand can only make use of what he has left when he dies and so instead of waiting for it, Salsa just made his death early. However, unexpectedly, Aviona's daughter, the least of all people she thought would care had secretly hired someone to investigate the case, led to her downfall.

"I am not convicted yet," Salsa denied it.

"The person whom you paid to bear witness that you were on a call with him the moment CEO Martin had jumped off the window had already confessed," Xhemin announced that only made Salsa swallowed a big lump on her throat, "Also the investigators was able to request your provider for the calls you made that day, including the time. Looked like the person you also asked to delete those records was not able to delete them before the investigators did,"

"I didn't mean for it to happen," Knowing that she had no escape against Ava Leigh, she confessed to it but not completely. "Things that day were just so complicated and things just got of hand. It was an accident,"