The Genius' First Love

500 Flesh And Blood

"Do everything for a daughter?" Xhemin mimicked her statement in a question. Then she let go of a mocking laugh as if Salsa's words bore nothing but lies. "Such a good actress you are aren't you?"

Salsa was confused as to Xhemin's response. She had put so much emotion on her words but it flew empty through the girl's ears.

"Have you taken me for a fool Salsa?" Xhemin added, her expression this time bore some anger. "Now I know the reason why you had my mother killed and this time I'm sure it wasn't out of a motherly love but greed,"

Xhemin hated the fact that she had to come here for nothing. She hoped that somehow, Salsa had some little goodness left in her heart so she came here to know at least to give her some chance to redeem herself. However, hearing her lies made Xhemin aware she wasn't sorry and regretful about the past.

Xhemin, or Ava Leigh, knew that Salsa had a big contribution to her mother's death. The people who made her mother���s car crash were someone sent by her. At first, they all thought it was just a simple accident but with all that Dr. Miles men knew and everything that Mr. Cheng found out on his investigation, it looked like it the accident was a perfectly staged murder. That day, when Aviona escaped the Golden Villa, many of Martin's men chased her and Salsa used that opportunity to intervene and send some other party she paid to kill her mother. She knew Martin would never hurt Aviona no matter what, so she used the opportunity to kill her and made it look like an accident. If Dr. Mile's men hadn't witnessed what happened in the scene of the crime where Salsa's hired men tried to kill Ava, they will never suspect such a thing and because it was the men did a clean job, Mr. Cheng had a tough time with his investigation. Salsa was right, they don't have much evidence against her and Dr. Miles had to prioritize making sure Ava was safe so Mr. Cheng left the investigation on the loop until then.

Xhemin, on the other hand, knew that even though the investigation was left suspended for a few decades, she was confident she'd know the truth once she dug into it. However, she didn't want to waste more time on it and decided to ask the truth directly from Salsa's mouth. She needed no evidence to prove that it was Salsa who killed her mother because she within herself was convinced her father's mistress did it. However, because Xhemin was worried about Collet, whom she thought was the most innocent of all these, she became uncertain whether to have Salsa pay for what she did. But now, another loved one of her was victimized by Salsa and so Xhemin reconsidered. She came here to give Salsa a chance to confess the whole truth and be sorry for it because that was all that Xhemin needed to move on peacefully from the past, but unfortunately, all she heard from her was all lies.

Xhemin didn't hold herself from laughing sarcastically with Salsa's words. She was then convinced that perhaps she was an actress because she can perfectly fake emotions that much. The woman even dared to use the motherhood card? What a shame?

"Tell me Salsa which in all the things you did were for Collet's sake?" Xhemin asked in incredulity.

"All of it. I had to come between Aviona and Martin for Collet's sake... I had to endure being treated badly by all the elites in this country for Collet's sake. I had to pretend to be your mother even until Martin's last breath for my daughter's sake? I just had to fight for her rights being Martin's child? Tell me, Ava Leigh, was it not enough of suffering? So please, all I need is for Collet to get what is legally hers, that's all I want,"

"Salsa I'm amazed how good of an actress you are? The motherhood affection and all, promise they were really convincing," Xhemin complimented but such weren't good words. "If I didn't know the truth then I would surely be convinced and had probably cried by now for how good a mother you are,"

Salsa's tremors intensified. "What truth are you talking about? I'm already in prison what good will come of me if I still lie,"

"There are lots," Xhemin retorted willingly to enumerate everything to Salsa's face, "First you'll have MChans and CEO Martin's estate which in my estimate still costs a considerable amount, enough for you to live comfortably as you die,"

"But those legally belonged to your sister?"


Salsa didn't like how Xhemin was mocking Collet's claims so she pressed in, "She's your father's daughter Ava! Please you can't just let her go with nothing. If you do that, your father will not be in peace when he knew is true daughter, his flesh and blood, gets nothing,"

"His true daughter, his flesh and blood…good choice of words... The question is which part of Collet flesh is my father's?" Xhemin asked and the horror that came through Salsa's face was so taunting she could not even respond to such.

"Salsa, you told me earlier that you are just a mother who wanted to give her child what she deserves, then shouldn't you be chasing Collet's real father than mine?" Xhemin added, her expression now was hard. "Well, of course, you won't because probably Collet's real father unlike my father Martin wasn't worth millions,"

"Collet is Martin's daughter…" Salsa was shaking when she insisted trying to lift her head as much as she could, "I have a paternity test,"

"Which you faked?" Xhemin said, "Salsa... I thought you were so close with my godmother previously...did she forget to tell you who my real father was?"


Salsa almost didn't want to hear anything further yet Xhemin wasn't finished. "My real father is Dr. Melvin Dugmoch, heir to Feather HealthCare Corporation. Do you know what that means? That means I can access all of Feather HealthCare exclusive confidential files and the last time I checked CEO Martin's files, I was so sure he was impotent,"