The Genius' First Love

497 Living Conditions

"Are you still not going to tell her the truth?" Xhemin was surprised to hear Clay at her back. It was obvious he heard their conversation, probably everyone in the villa did since Collet did not withhold her voice.

"Do you think that's still necessary?" Collet asked Clay.

"In my opinion it is," Clay told honestly. He was aware of how Xhemin was feeling towards Collet, especially the guilt that she was feeling. He knew that Xhemin somehow felt responsible for how Collet's character turned out because she was nothing but her replacement in their father's heart. Growing up in a place like that was probably worse than growing up without parents. "She'll have to know Miss Leigh because in the future it might become a problem for you,"

"But Collet had gone so much lately," Xhemin sighed as he turned to face Clay at her back. "This is the least thing I could do for her,"

"I don't think you are giving her a favor Miss, I'm sorry," Clay disagreed with her. "You'll just giving her some reasons to continue acting up,"

Xhemin gave Clay a bitter smile. She admits that Clay's words all make sense, well as far as she was concerned, Clay was always good at his words especially when it comes to people related to her mother and CEO Martin and that was something he liked about him ever since they met. The boy was introduced by Mr. Cheng to her, as it was the old manager himself who had raised Clay after Aviona's death.

With what happened to Aviona after Clay helped her escape the Golden Villa, Clay's father got terrified when Clay confessed to him. His father knew how far the extent of CEO Martin's anger can go, especially that the Golden villa's servants witnessed how Aviona was locked pitifully in the mansion. Afraid for his son's life, he called the number Aviona gave them and Clay was taken under Manager Cheng's custody.

As per the Golden villa, nobody knew how Aviona's took hold of the keys and since Martin got emotionally sick after Aviona's death, no one looked into the details anymore. Clay then grew up away from his parents for years, as Manager Cheng sent him abroad where he finished his studies. When he came back, he worked in Aviona's foundation and after few years of hard work, he became the President of A Heart's, faithfully working on with Aviona's missions and visions even with the limited resources and support they get from LGC. With his expertise as Aviona predicted him to be, Clay was able to maintain the A Heart's management very well.

"You are kind hearted Miss Leigh, like your mother," Clay continued her words, "But such a kind and patient heart was also the same reason why she wasn't able to leave CEO Chan. She always thought she had something to do with how your father was acting up because she wasn't able to give him a child and later on when you came, that same characteristics brought her more trouble,"

"No. What I'm saying is that, just don't be too kind and patient. There should be an extent to everything. Everything including how you are treating the Lagdameo heir,"


"I know I'm not in the position to tell this to you Miss Leigh. I am nothing but just your subordinate but like your mother, I treat you as someone like a family to me and I just don't want you wake up one day and felt like you lost your chances of being happy,"

"I am happy Clay,"

"You sure are...but not completely happy," Clay told and Xhemin's heart sunk at how real his words were. "I just hope that when all this will end, your heart will not lack anything anymore,"

"Thank you Clay," Xhemin decided to shut the conversation down because she was feeling some burn in her heart that shouldn't be there. In addition, it was still very early in the morning and she didn't want to spend the rest of the day being bothered but every truth that Clay told her.

"I'll see through your schedules this morning," Clay shifted their conversation to something else. "Please be at the table already, the children waiting are waiting for you, as well as lady Portia. They all expect you to be have breakfast with them,"

Just that and Xhemin was reminded of breakfast. "Oh right. How was my grandaunt these days? I never had time to check on her this week,"

"The children are giving her good company. Especially Wolfe and she was there at almost all of Wolfe's treatment," Clay reported the old Lady's activities. Lady Portia had been keeping herself busy with Willow and Wolfe and making sure she never missed out a chance of being their grandmother.

"She shouldn't go with Wolfe on treatments, it's not good for her to be exposed to things like that. The last thing I'd ever wish for my grandaunt was for her to worry about Wolfe's treatments," Xhemin suddenly became worried of her.

"She's not worried. She believes in the treatments because you made them possible. However, she didn't want for Wolfe to go in treatments alone. The youngest sire and you were busy and Ang was always occupied with Willow's activities. At least Wolfe got her grandma always with her," Clay explained and Xhemin could only cup her head with all of it. The children were there with her but she was rather too busy that she couldn't even accommodate them most of the time, she felt more guilty thinking about it.

"This set-up sure doesn't work well," Xhemin criticised.

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