The Genius' First Love

494 Salsa's Retribution

Neither Salsa nor Collet was ready for the answer and the question made Salsa let go of a loud guffaw.

"Your papa?" She hollered after laughing for a few good minutes. "Oh yes your papa,"

"He was supposed to be our saving glory. Our hope for getting back LGC from your bitch sister but turns out, he was nothing but some sort of a jerk," Salsa hollered straight to Collet's face. Then she let go of Collet and sat back to her seat as if her own laugh exhausted her.

"I tried so hard to help your papa recover," Salsa told Collet. When Martin was brought to the psych ward, she was the only one who visited him. Not one, not even a single MChan's went to look after him only Salsa. Like she did before, she applied so many strategies to help him recover but none of them work. However, one day when she mentioned to him that he needed to come back because Aviona's child was taking everything away, Martin responded, like Ava's name was some sort of force that was pulling him back and so Salsa kept mentioning Xhemin till Martin had almost recovered. However, when Martin was almost cleared off his mental illness, he was always looking for Ava 'til Salsa realized that Martin, instead of harboring any hatred for Ava for what she had done for her and Collet, it seemed that he however was favoring that child.

The revelation of course struck Salsa hard as Martin was his only hope yet he turned to be useless toward her goals. She was then afraid that Martin would favor Ava more than her and Collet and they would end with nothing.

"But your papa needs no one but your sister," Salsa hissed bitterly, "He was favoring her more than anything,"

"That is not true. He just misses sister but it doesn't mean that-

"Of course it means that he loves her more than you. If not then why do you have to pretend to be Ava all these years?" Salsa slapped the truth to her. "You were nothing but just a replacement for Aviona's child, that bastard child!"

"Papa does love me.I only pretended till he was okay. After that he had loved me deeply. He even loved me more than you ever did," Collet retorted back at her mother. The words Salsa uttered were simply unacceptable to her and no matter what, she will never ever believe that she was nothing compared to her sister. "You can tell me anything else but you can never let me believe that my papa never loved me,"

"Of course he never loved you," Salsa was sure of it, "All he thinks of is himself and that Aviona Leigh who has long been dead. We both are nothing but just an accessory to him,"

"I will never believe you,"

"I have nothing to do with your past," Collet did not let her mother get into her brain. Although it frustrates her that they were not on the same page, she just would not want to taint her father's memory "I don't care what tricks you did to get my father's attention but the last thing you could ever do was let me believe he does not care for me,"

"Oh my dear child, you don't know anything," Salsa was shaking angrily because she did not think her daughter was this hard to convince. "If you know a single thing about the past, your heart will surely be broken,"

"As I said to my mother, I don't care about anything that happened in the past. I have nothing to do with it. You made decisions you needed to do and I shall make mine. I know you are frustrated and this place is making you sick. But I promise you I'll take you out of here," Collet assured her mother and tried to gather some courage to ask the same question she had asked earlier, "But I wanted to know. I want you to be honest with me, did you kill my papa?"

Salsa looked unto her daughter's eyes. She had not once thought that they would come to this point but here they are.

"You are still my mother and I will do everything in my power to help you. But I just want to know, I have every right to know,"

"Yes I did," Salsa answered to Collet's horor. And as if her confession wasn't enough, she added. "I had pushed him off that window,"

Collet's tears intensified. "Why?"

"Because he's useless to us," Salsa told. "He would rather give Ava LGC and ask her forgiveness and if I allow him so, we would both end up with nothing. He even wanted to give Ava the MChan's Entertainment because he said it was because of LGC that his company was still standing until now,"

Collet did not expect such an answer. Did her papa really want to give Ava everything and leave her with nothing. "That is simply isn't true,"

"That is not true, that is not true," Salsa mimicked her, "Is there anything else you can say other than that? Why don't you call your father's lawyer, he was the one who told me about your papa's plans. Then after that, come back to me and tell me that I was lying to you,"

Martin on one of his lucid intervals managed to call his lawyer and asked to have some documents be prepared on his behalf. The previous CEO of the Chans was trying to gain Ava's forgiveness and favor by giving her back everything without any protest on his side. He even offered MChan's Entertainment and some of the properties he acquired when he became CEO of the LGC. Hearing all this made Salsa's rage unstoppable and she went to Feather HealthCare to argue with him and their argument ended in an accident. It wasn't her intention first to kill him, but the lawyer made it clear to him that once Martin will die, everything he owned will become legally hers and Collet, then some to Ava but of course, she had already enough, she don't think Ava Leigh will still be interested of what Martin left. With that, when the accident happened, instead of being sorry, Salsa instead felt victorious.

After the accident, Salsa called for help and acted as if Martin jumped out of the window while she was on the phone with someone.