The Genius' First Love

493 Compassion

Collet had been crying for days. She wanted to go and see her mama but Madam Diana had forbidden her until they could sort things out. The madam of the Lagdameo thought that with all the things that had happened to Collet, she must be spared from a more stressful situation so she had their family's lawyer go and settle things out for Salsa.

However, after a thorough look on the case, the Lagdameo's lawyer announced that the evidence against Salsa was strong and that it might take them a long time to sort everything. Therefore knowing that Salsa might stay under custody for a while, Madam Diana then allowed Collet to visit her mother.

Collet right then was sitting in the room that was all gray and there nothing in there but a table and two chairs. She had never been to such a place before and she felt very uncomfortable sitting there alone. Soon the other door opened, the one in front of her and a lady officer was seen with Salsa guiding her out. Her hands were on cuffs and she looked like nothing close to the mother Collet once knew off physically.

"Mama," Collet was in tears again when she saw how messed up her mother had been. She ran to hug her.

"Collet my child. Have courage. These days are no days for the weak," Salsa held her head up high encouraging Collet not to try anymore. "Sit so we can talk on what you must do,"

Collet obediently followed her mother. The lady who was with Sansa previously, went away to give them some privacy and Salsa turned to wipe Collet's tears.

"Madam Diana had sent the best lawyers for you," Collet tried to comfort her mother even when her expression didn't need much of comforting.

"I knew and they'd better be." Salsa was really not thankful about the help as she was already expecting it. In their whole stay in the marble mansion, Salsa was quite aware of how soft Madam Diana was especially with Collet and she knew no matter what, the madam of the Lagdameo will always take care of her daughter, "Madam Diana is your key to become the madam of the Lagdameos. Your sister and Darryl's relationship is a total failure. Very soon President D will realize how he fool was and when that time comes, surely Madam Diana will do anything in her power to make you become Darryl's wife,"

"Are you sure that their marriage is falling apart, mother?" Collet, although surprised with her mother's revelation, managed to be interested in the topic.

"I am sure my dear. So no matter what, do not leave the Marble mansion," Salsa instructed carefully. "Now that your father is dead. His estate will be divided and I'll make sure you get all of MChan's entertainment and everything that your father left,"

Salsa's mind was focused on getting what she thought belonged to Collet rightfully and that includes MChan entertainment which currently is being managed by Martin's brother and the some properties of the Chans. Martin afterall was one of the heirs of the Chans and although they were not as rich as the Leighs, they still were worth millions.

MChan entertainment on the other hand in her belief just needed some smart managing and if ever it will go bankrupt, she can find ways to get something out from it while it still standing like how Martin's brother is leeching of on it.

"Mama I'm entitled to half of everything including the LGC and I will insist on that," Collet reminded her mother. For how would her mother just settle on some craps when she was entitled to the gold? "President Manuel assured me I'll get whatever was mine,"

"My sweetie, do not anymore go against your sister," Salsa sweet talked her. She was not aware that it was a mistake to make Xhemin an enemy. If only she knew, she should have been easy on her, that she may take compassion and help them get what Collet deserves. Rumours had it that Xhemin was kind and compassionate to those in need and if she only knew that things will go this way, she should have bowed to her and asked her help in getting whatever Martin left. MChan's should have been in their hands by then. "Instead be kind to her from now on so she will help you get your inheritance from you father,"

"Mama that simply cannot be. How in the world would you ever think she will help me when she's even denying me LGC?" Collet was not expecting all those she had been hearing from her mother. Did the solitary somehow get into her head?

"You listen to me!" Salsa raised her voice to more of Collet's dismay. She grabbed on Collet's two arms very tights squeezing her had.

"Mama you are hurting me," Collet was not liking her mother's expression as it terrifies her. If she was not her mother, she could have ran away from her. "Please let me go,"

"You listened to me Collet," Salsa told her in a voice that was rather threatening, "When I say you go and be kind to your sister, you do it. And when I say you keep on making sure Madam Dianna pity and likes you, then you must do it. You must do everything I say or you will end up like me, you will end up with nothing,"

"Mama please, you are scaring me,"

"You should be scared, that's good. Now let me give you some motherly advice. If you don't want me to stay in prison forever and for you to end up in the streets, or be thrown to mexico back to my family who cares for nothing but shit, you must use that mind of yours as I have used mine,"

"For how did you think you were able to enjoy everything while your sister hid for many years? You and I lived lavishly for a long time with nothing but gold and diamonds in our bed. That was all but thanks to me. So now you do as I say or you'll be surprised on how your life would turn out to be. I did everything for you back then, and I will do everything for you now. Anything. So you do as what I say,"

Collet couldn't help but cry at how violent Salsa was with her. She never saw this side of her before and now it seemed like everything that they were accusing her was true.

"Is that why you killed papa?" Collet questioned.