The Genius' First Love

495 Memories In A Dream

Collet was shaking tremendously then. She hated her mother for doing such a crime and cannot decide whether to hate her father all the way more because he was choosing favorites, and the favorite unfortunately wasn't her. Knowing that she cannot rely on her parents anymore and both of them were just using her-her mama then used her to gain his papa's favor and her papa for using her as a replacement of Ava-Collet thought of relying on herself just then. She had enough with all her parent's drama and trouble and she guessed right then, she'll just take matters smartly on her hands. She had done it before and succeeded, what's the difference of doing it now?

"As I said, since you are my mother and your crimes will definitely drag my reputation down, I will help you" Collet announced as she was ready to leave, "But dear mother, this will be the last time you'll ever use me. Once you get out from here, you must go back to Mexico where you belong,"

Salsa was surprised at Collet's response and the current expression that registered on her daughter's face. Collet then looked nothing like the innocent sweet daughter of hers but someone strong and vicious, with eyes that were flickering nothing but hate.

"You want me to go back to Mexico?" That was the only thing that made Salsa's confidence falter then.

"Yes as I won't give you any chance anymore to drag my name down again," Collet told her the truth. It was obvious the mother-daughter relationship ended then, "Don't worry once I get my money, I'll make sure you live a comfortable life there so long that you won't appear on my face ever again,"

That's what she said last and without need for goodbyes and motherly kisses, Collet left the room leaving Salsa all alone to her thoughts and tears.


Xhemin was sweating and in her sleep, her mind brought her back to the ordeal she suffered six years ago. Her dream passed flashed back to the time she was in the Forest Mansion. She stayed in an empty room where no one came and gave her company except from Dr. Cyan who comes to check on her. Not one in the forest mansion knew Xhemin was there and Dr. Cyan's position as the senior head of research allowed him to smoothly hide Xhemin there. They both had agreed that Professor Shun and the madam shouldn't know anything about her because she doesn't want to drag more people to her problem. On most days, Xhemin sat all day on her bed and not even the sun had seen her skin for a few months. She always likes to be alone in a dark room and eats barely.

Xhemin of course cannot just rely on Ziggy's statement so right away, Xhemin showed herself to Professor Shun asking whether he knew something. He was one of his grandfather's few trusted confidants and Xhemin was sure he had something for her. The old professor revealed indeed that at one time, Dr. Miles admitted she was his biological granddaughter born from his longing and greed and only did Xhemin realize her belief about Dr. Melvin's death was all a lie. That her grandfather lied about when Dr. Melvin died.

Since the Dugmoch's were very secretive about their personal lives and their friends respected them fully, Dr. Melvin's death didn't make it to the news and for a long time, all did think Dr. Melvin was only in Africa doing the things he always loved to do-helping the needy

Professor Shun however only had limited knowledge about Xhemin's birth so realizing that she needed the truth right then it was the professor himself who went to seek for Mr. Cheng whom he knew was very likely to know all the details. Mr. Cheng then who even after two years was still trying to retrieve Xhemin's body from the loch was so relieved to know she was alive and told her everything he knew, from when Melvin and Aviona met, when Dr. Melvin died and how she, Ava Leigh came to Dr. Mile's care.

After that, Xhemin used her grandfather's money, the wealth that was stuck on the capital for many years because he simply didn't need it to help Ziggy and Ang abroad. He learned that when they separated in the port, Ziggy was forced to ask help from Zandra, his sister and the latter arranged a comfortable flight for them abroad but that was the only help she extended for she was afraid that once Zhanglou will learned about her assistance to Ziggy, he will cast her out too. With that, Ziggy and Ang lived in a foreign country with nothing but themselves and Xhemin was just glad they survived until she was able to send help.

What came next was the time she met Clay and her journey for reclaiming his identity as Ava started.


This all came back to Xhemin in a dream and even though somehow didn't terrify her, it crushed her head like a struck of lightning deeply drowning her in some kind light. There she couldn't see a thing but when all faded what's left was the view of Salsa pushing Martin into the window and her crashing her mother's car, with the young Xhemin in it.