The Genius' First Love

492 Rage

Ziggy's surprise took over him and for a moment, he could not open his mouth.

"I can see that you are surprised," Don Samuelle grinned hoping Ziggy will make an open confession and that their problem of having no heirs will be remedied.

Ziggy chuckled at it. Politely he answered, "I'm sorry Don Samuelle but I'm afraid the answer is no,"

"I see. Since you are smart, help me understand. How can we settle the fact that your child and my granddaughter look very much alike," The old man revealed as he would like to hear Ziggy's word on this.

"I'm sorry, who's very much alike?" Ziggy repeated as the question seemed to have been constructed wrong. Ziggy was not really aware of the fact that Dannah and Willow were very much alike for he thought only their hair, skin and eyes were the same and of course some of Dannah's smartass character. Also he was not familiar with how Dannah looked like when she was as young as Willow and so he did not get the predicament at all.

"Your daughter looked like my granddaughter Dannah when she was her age. Very much alike that I thought my own granddaughter accidentally drank some magic potion that turned her back to being a child." Don Samuelle narrated his wonder.

"Don Samuelle, there must be some disconnect here," Ziggy's brow curled up.

"Oh no youngest sire. I know how my grandchildren looked, especially Dannah since she was my ultimate favorite and I'm telling you there's no single physical trait that they don't share. Willow and her," Don Samuelle swore on it to Ziggy's horror. Not once did he ever think that Willow was a replica of Dannah.

"I really don't know what to say Don Samulle," Ziggy tried so much not to panic. How could he ever miss the possibility of Willow ending up looking like any of the Lagdameo women, most of all Dannah Sammuelle. "Except perhaps from a superstition I have heard when I was in a small village during one of medical mission,"

"And what superstition is that?" Don Samulle was all ears.

"That when a pregnant woman thinks of someone all the time, her child ends up looking like the person she had been thinking off," Ziggy narrated.

"So you are suggesting Willow's mother must have been thinking of my granddaughter when she was pregnant with Willow?" Don Samuelle's expression flushed a doubtful look. "That is interesting,"

"Oh God she must have been the third miss' huge fan," Ziggy concluded, faking that he was very much astonished by the fact. "How come I had never noticed that?"

Their presence of course surprised the mother and daughter who refused to leave the grave. Without a word, one of the officers handed them a patch of paper.

"What is this?" Salsa waved the paper the officer just gave her and was irritated immediately by what she thought was a disrespectful visit.

"This is your warrant of arrest Miss Chan," The officer announced and everyone who had not left the cemetery yet, all stilled with the revelation and waited for what was about to be said next.

"Warrant of arrest?" Salsa was really surprised and her sobs turned into quivers. "Warrant of arrest for what?

"For CEO Martin's death," The officer said right through her face.

"What? Are you out of your minds?" Salsa's tension surged up in an instant. She looked around and saw how every guest was surprised and started whispering against themselves. "How in the world would anyone think I have something to do with my husband suicide?"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Chan but the arrest had been issued. You either come with us peacefully or we'll drag you with us," The officer threatened and Salsa was sure not happy with it.

"You dare not touch me!" Salsa screamed and Collet who was beside her charged herself between the officer and her mother.

"Officer there must be some kind of mistake," Collet, although confused, chose to defend her helpless mother. "Please you need to reconsider this as my family is still mourning and my mom you can't just drag her now. Can't you see she's still devastated?"

"I'm sorry Miss but we have orders to execute," The officers denied Collet's request and started dragging Salsa. The latter was of course hysterical that it needed two officers to drag her away.

"No no mama!" Collet shouted pitifully as Salsa was being taken. She followed the officers until the patrol car and fought her way to free Salsa. Good thing Madam Diana was there to stop her and when she was becoming more aggressive, Darryl helped out to calm the wailing Collet. "Mama, mama!"

"Collet stopped it. Your mama will be fine, we'll have someone sort this out," Madam Diana assured her as Collet was being held by Darryl. The madam of the Lagdameo was really worried about her and found the situation very scandalous, "My poor child,"

Xhemin saw it all from afar and like all the other guests, she was surprised that Salsa was arrested outright. She walked in haste toward the patrol car when Salsa was dragged because she wanted to talk to the officers yet the patrol car already moved when she reached the spot.

"You!" Collet bursted when she saw Xhemin in front of her. "How could you let them drag mother away! You are the head of the family now but it seems that you have no competence at all!"

Xhemin looked at Collet for a moment but decided to ignore her screams. Instead she dialled something on her phone and waited for the line to open.

"You have to do something. Papa will be very frustrated with you!" Collet screamed further. "Or was it you who ordered for mother to be dragged away? So you can keep all father's estate to yourself!"

"Collet stop it you are just shaming yourself!" Darryl squeezed her to stop the girl from screaming, "The cemetery is flooded with guests. Don't anymore add to the scandal as you'll just gonna end up with nothing,"

"They have to know how greedy my sister is!" Collet answered back.


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