The Genius' First Love

491 Someone To Hold

Even when Martin wasn't much celebrated as the LGC CEO, many came to his funeral. Most consisted of his friends, relatives and even businessmen not related to him but was there to give their condolences to Aviona's daughter because for them, she was his most legitimate child.

Salsa wailed greatly, almost making a scene but never assaulted Xhemin this time as she didn't want everyone to add more stain to her already tainted reputation. Being tagged as Martin's mistress was already enough, she didn't want to go as far being a cruel stepmother and as much as possible she didn't want to cause trouble, especially that the Chan's were there and the division of Martin's estates will soon be executed. If she acts harshly now and ruins the Chan's reputation, they will surely not go easy on her when it comes to her share of Martin's wealth. Worst of all, the Chan's might disqualify her.

"Oh my love, what should I do now? Now that you're gone?" Salsa's voice was the only sound that could be heard right through the peaceful cemetery. "What am I going to do with your two daughters when they only listens to you,"

"Mama enough already," Collet was patting her back. Like most of the Chan's she wore eyeglasses to cover her swollen eyes.

Madam Diana was also there to comfort her. Even until then, President Manuel and Madam Diana had still taken care of the mother and daughter specially that for them, Collet was their ace card against Xhemin.

"Salsa, it's time to let go," Madam Diana gently told her, "Send him at peace,"

Willow, who had attended a funeral for the first time, couldn't understand why the woman was crying loudly. Her dada told her that it was her mommy's father who died and so she thought that if there was someone who should cry louder than anyone, it should be Xhemin. However, she looked at her mom's face and there was no single tear she shed but it was obvious from her eyes that she was sad. Good thing her dada was there, to give her mommy some comfort. Xhemin was then leaning on Ziggy's shoulder as the latter caressed the side of her arms.

Seeing how sad her mommy was over CEO Chan's death, Willow decided to be sad too. However she got no one to comfort her. Too bad Wolfe wasn't there as Mr. Cheng and Emilia took him this morning for a check up. On the other hand, she can't ask her dada to give her a hand since he was busy comforting her mommy and she preferred not to distrubed him, so she looked around to get some comfort from someone else.

In just a few minutes, Willow managed to walk to the otherside of the graveyard where the Lagdameo's were standing. She squeezed herself through the adults at the back until she was standing at the back of Don Samuelle. She then cautiously slid her hands to his and made a grip, then pouted her lips pitifully. Don Samuelle immediately looked down and was surprised to see Willow in their line. He bent down and asked slowly.

"I'm sad. I need someone to hold,`" She announced and her eyes glistened with tears, trying to imitate her mommy's facial expressions.

Don Samuelle did not anymore answer back and instead of allowing the child to continually hold him, he picked her up from the ground and carried her in his arms. Willow was heavy but Don Samuelle simply didn't mind her weight, besides he had carried the girl a couple of times already.

Every guest who caught a sight of Don Samuelle carrying a child was intrigued. Even the Lagdamoe's themselves were shocked and some of them even offered to carry the child for Don Samuelle but the old man politely refused saying Willow was very picky of people who held her.

Even Ziggy himself was caught off guard with such a sight and tensed, not until Xhemin whispered to him that the Lagdameo elder was fond of Willow and told Ziggy to not bother with it for Don Sammuelle might find it disrespectful.

Dannah on the other hand couldn't help but look intently at her grandfather carrying Willow. In fact, she always watched them secretly at L Empire whenever Willow went to the old man's office. Their closeness was something and she of course couldn't deny that sometimes she ended up getting jealous with Willow.

"He must have missed you that much," She heard Dian whisper at her back while giving her a pat. "He was just too proud to accept it previously and when he thought of fixing his wrongdoing, you had grown too old to regale for his silly stories and candies,"

Dannah only gave Dian a sighed and the funeral service went on until the last prayers had been said. The guest then started to disperse while Ziggy went to pick Willow from Don Samuelle.

"The youngest sire of the Montreals," Don Samuelle uttered while he handed Willow to him. The girl's boredom knocked her out and she was already sleeping soundly when Ziggy took her. "It's great to know you are back,"

"I hope you are well Don Samuelle," Ziggy politely gave his respects and asked one of Xhemin's guards to carry Willow to the car. "I'm sorry about my daughter. She kind of forgot her manners most of the times,"


"I don't mind at all but it's good that I had met you today because I'm really dying to ask you something," Don Samuelle was kind of thrilled. Although Director Zhanglou was getting on Don Samuelle's veins lately, he had really no personal grudges against Ziggy so their conversation went on casually "I hope you don't mind me asking this on a funeral,"

"You can ask me anything Don Samuelle, as long as it is not illegal," Ziggy assured him.

"Good to know. I just wondered if there was any chance my granddaughter Dannah was the mother of your Willow?" He went straight to the point and Ziggy was left wondering whether he heard the old man right.