The Genius' First Love

490 She Bore No Hate

Xhemin was sitting in Manager Cheng's office after she had a visit in the morgue. Her eyes were swollen and seeing how unhappy she was, Manager Cheng was able to confirm that even after everything that Martin did, Xhemin still had a heart for him.

"That Martin Chan is somehow lucky," Manager Cheng stated while he was serving Xhemin some tea, "After everything he had done, the child he despised still ended up longing for him,"

Xhemin smiled bitterly. "Did he really despise me that much?"

"Now that you've asked, I think I had to correct my statement," Manager Cheng looked down at Xhemin. "I don't think he despised you. He was mad when he learned that you weren't his daughter which somehow is natural for someone provided the circumstances. But after that, he was so devastated when you and your mother died and it somehow turned him mentally unstable. Well he was already mentally unstable even before what happened to you and your mother and the tragedy was his breaking point," The old manager recalled. He was all aware of Martin's medical history as Feather HealthCare have all records for it.

"Do you think if he wasn't mentally unstable, we could have been a happy family?" Xhemin asked, trying to breathe through the stung she felt in her heart.

"You already know the answer my child," Manage Cheng sat in front of her to give her full audience.

Xhemin looked at him helplessly as if she was ashamed to share her own beliefs about Martin Chan but she went for it anyway, when she saw how Manager Cheng was very much interested to hear her side, "I believe he would have been a great father. If he wasn't mentally unwell and if grandfather had explained things to him, he would have not blamed mother for it. He would be mad for a couple of days but he'll surely still take me as his child just like how he took mother for who she is, wooed her for nine years and married her even when he knows he'll always live under my true father's shadows forever," Xhemin's tears fell again and she ended up sobbing hard even before she could withhold herself, "Was it very foolish of me to think of that we could have had a happy ending? Was it ungrateful and bad for me to cry and long for him knowing he was the one who killed my grandfather, Dr. Miles?"

"No it was not foolish of you to think of that," Manager Cheng's voice soothed her. "To be honest I somehow think the same specially that I am fully aware of his medical history. For how would your stepmother be able to control him if he wasn't desperate for you and Aviona. You and your mother were what he wanted and Sansa was aware of that that's why he tricked him to believing Aviona and you were still at his side by pretending, stepping into your mother's shoes and forcing Collet to do the same. Also the way Martin loved Collet could tell how much he loves you since at first, he thought Collet was you,"

"That's what I thought," Xhemin agreed, still in tears, "And I really believe that when he went to conduct a nationwide search of me, he didn't mean any harm. He just really thought mother was still alive and he was desperate to see her again,"

"You are right and I know somehow that you care for him despite everything, because you no matter how much your life had changed, you still is out Little Miss, kind and ever gentle," The old manager wiped the tears in her cheeks, "Hush now my little Miss, even though Martin was dead. I know he will be at peace knowing you bore no hate for him,"

"I could not hate a man whose only sin was that he fell desperately in love with my mother and knowing he was suffering from mental illness, I could not condemned him for all the other things he did no matter how sinful they were,"

"Let it all go. I'm sure he'll be at peace now," Manage Cheng sighed very much relieved that Xhemin and he had this conversation. However, Xhemin's next words caught him by surprise.

"I'm sorry Manager Cheng but I can't just let this go, not just yet," She announced.

"Miss Leigh?" The old man's face was confused.

Xhemin flushed a very determined face as her ink eyes dug onto him. "I want to have someone investigate his death...I don't know why but I'm feeling something is odd the way he died,"

Manager Cheng thought about it for a second, "You mean?"

"He had gone through hell when my mother died and even when he was mentally ill that time, he didn't once think of ending his life," Xhemin noted. "I don't think he committed suicide. Something happened. Only God knew what is it but I really do hope I am wrong,"


"For your own peace Miss Leigh. I'll have someone look onto it." Manager Cheng granted her request. "I also think it is somehow necessary especially with the fact that Feather HealthCare is involved in this,"

"Please make the investigation private," Xhemin carefully instructed, "I don't want anyone to know, not even Salsa and Collet,"

Manager Cheng, in response nodded gently.