The Genius' First Love

489 Someone She Hated

While Xhemin was drowned in her thoughts, her phone rang suddenly and instantly she picked it up. It was Manager Cheng on the other line and she was kind of curious as to what the Manager had to tell her. Ever Since Ziggy came back, he took charge of Feather HealthCare and so if there was someone Manager Cheng was most likely to call right then, then it would be Ziggy.

"Manager Cheng," Xhemin welcomed him.

"Miss Leigh, I'm sorry but you have to come to the hospital immediately," The Manager announced and his voice brought some sudden tension in Xhemin's spine. The old man sounded not happy about what he was about to tell her.

"What is it? Did something happen?" Xhemin raised the question immediately.

"Miss Leigh, your father," The manager's voice was forlorn. "He's dead,"

"My father had long been dead," Xhemin answered confused.

"No I'm not talking about your biological father," He clarified, "I'm referring to your legal one. Martin Chan is dead,"

With the shock that went on her, Xhemin's phone fell from her hand and she started shaking tremendously. Clay caught her expression and he stopped the car on the side of the road to check on her.

"Miss Leigh are you okay?"

"Clay let's go to Feather HealthCare Hospital right now," Xhemin instructed immediately.

"Yes Miss," Clay caught the haste in her voice and so he spent no time to delay. He turned the car immediately and instead of going home, he drove the car to the location Xhemin mentioned. As they arrived, both Ziggy and Manager Cheng welcomed her.

"What happened? I thought he was just emotionally unwell," Xhemin inquired. "How come he died just so suddenly?"

"He committed suicide," Manager Cheng revealed. "I'm sorry Miss Leigh, my condolences,"

"Suicide?" Xhemin's brow curved upward, "Nobody told me CEO Chan had suicide tendencies,"

"He never had one, not until today," Ziggy uttered the news meaningfully as if he himself couldn't believe what happened. Martin Chan was one of their VIP patients and so the surveillance on him was very tight and so one among them expected this sudden turn of events.

"How did he do it?" Xhemin's feelings were all mixed and it was obvious from her expression that she was not at all pleased to know that such VIP clients slipped through a tight supervision.

"He jumped from the window," Manager Cheng almost couldn't say it. In the history of Feather HealthCare nothing so tragic like this happened and so Martin Chan's suicide hit them all hard. "He was in the 30th floor"

"30th floor?" Xhemin asked, confused. "The psych ward is only up on the third floor," Xhemin took notice. Feather HealthCare Psych ward had a separate compound and the building that was there was only until the third floor and so Xhemin wondered why CEO Chan was on the 30th.

Hearing it pained Xhemin's heart. Did Martin Chan kill himself when he had learned that she had come back to claim what was hers? Was it her fault he died?

"It's not your fault," Ziggy whispered to her as they walked to the hallway toward the morgue. He noticed the expression that painted on Xhemin's face and he suddenly became aware of how she was feeling. When they reached the morgue however, the tension only agitated.

At the morgue's entrance, Salsa was there crying hard and Collet was comforting her. When her stepmother laid eyes on Xhemin, her expression became more bitter and she ran toward her screaming.

"You! You are the one who killed your father!" Salsa pointed a hand on Xhemin aggressively to everyone's shock. Good thing Ziggy and Manager Cheng were there to stop her from assaulting Xhemin, "This is all your fault! You ungrateful brat!"

"Martin was so disgusted with how you treated me and your sister. He couldn't believe her own daughter grew up as a selfish ingrate!" She screamed again and again and Xhemin almost cried at her accusations but she tried so hard to remain calm and unaffected when deep inside it was like she had been stabbed to death.

"Mama please stop! Surely papa will not like it if you treat your sister like that," Collet was there crying pitifully as she embraced her mother. "Please for father's sake let us not argue anymore,"

"What are we to do now that your papa is gone my sweet child," Salsa was already crying terribly on the floor. She looked very exhausted and spent while she wailed further, "I don't think I can live without your papa. How it breaks my heart,"

Ziggy knew that the sight of Salsa and Collet crying broke Xhemin's heart. Without waiting for her to shed a tear, he grabbed and dragged her toward the morgue. There inside was Martin's body and Ziggy did not let go of her hand the moment they stood at the side of it.

"Do you want to see him?" Ziggy asked and Xhemin honestly didn't know what to answer him. Even right then her feelings were all conflicted as she never once had seen the man and never did she imagined that their first meeting would be this way.

Ziggy sighed looking at Xhemin's expression. Without waiting for a reply, he pulled the sheets to reveal Martin's dead face and the moment he did, Xhemin's tears fell one by one. She didn't know why she was crying right then especially that she was aware that Martin was the one who killed her grandfather but seeing his lifeless body made her become aware that somehow, deep inside her heart, she somehow longed for him.

"Papa," Xhemin whispered and the sound of her calling Martin papa only melted down some hatred and anger she had toward him, and what remains was the fact that Martin was first her father even before he became someone she hated.