The Genius' First Love

488 The Road She Traversed

"I understand," Dian smiled bitterly at her. She thoroughly pitied Xhemin for everything that had happened to her yet she didn't want her to see it because she knew it would only make her friend feel bad. "I'm sorry I couldn't do nothing back then for you,"

Dian's emotion was so real and Xhemin felt it. She reached for her hand and smiled, "You did so much for me back then and I'm sorry if I had to go without telling you, I just don't want to drag you over to my personal ordeal. That's too much,"

"I know you did what you had to do," Dian announced and made a firm grip in her hand. "I wish you nothing know but happiness and bliss,"

"Thank you," Xhemin was grateful and after such an emotional conversation, they decided to talk about something else. Something far light and heartwarming that their recent conversation. Dian even did not mention Darryl as she knew things weren't running good between them.

"Well I saw the news about the Montreal Twins," Dian mentioned as they were talking about business. "Wow.. that's a big leap for the Montreals consider their approval rating weren't running good ever since Ziggorioh Montreal disappeared,"

"I know. Director Zhang was indeed making use of the children although the truth was he had nothing to do with them," Xhemin narrated, "Ziggy single handedly raised the children abroad,"

"Really," Dian seemed shocked to hear such news, "How about the mother? I thought he was happily married since the children seemed to be well groomed and well charactered, according to the news,"

"He was never married and about the mother, well I didn't bother asking Ziggy as it seemed he didn't want to talk about it," Xhemin revealed swallowing another pack of guilt for lying. It's not that she didn't trust Dian but the less she knew, the less harm will come upon her.

"Of course. I would also never ask if I were you," Dian kind of agreed with her statement.

After a few hours, Dian and Xhemin's dinner ended well and they were both happy and satisfied with it. It was such a relief on Xhemin's side to know that Dian didn't resent her for pretending to be dead as Dian sure was one of the friends she treasures the most. She only has a few friends in the elite community and her friendship with Dian makes up for all of it.

Dian left the restaurant first as she had a flight to catch while Xhemin was picked up by Clay a little later. When she was at the car trying to get a little rest, she was surprised to know how much Dian's question earlier reminded her of memories she long had forgotten. When she closed her eyes, her mind brought her back to the place she had last seen Ziggy.

"Xhemin why are you here?" Ziggy found her crying in the woods nearby. They all agreed that when things go out of hand in the port, they will find each other in the woods. "Our boat was to leave soon-"

"This will not work out Ziggy," She replied trying to evade his eyes, "Those who were looking for me, they were everywhere, Father Angus is right,"

"I paid the boatman, he'll make sure we are not to be seen," Ziggy assured her.

"And how do you know he can be trusted? If worst comes to worst and that boatman will betray us, I'm not the only one who's gonna be hurt. You, Ang, not to mention the..." Xhemin was shaking her head while her tears continued to fall, "...I can't lose you.. God!"

Ziggy understood what she meant and he too was already too exhausted with all the hiding and chasing but at the moment they just don't have a choice, "Please don't give up now. We'll leave this place...together...come now...please just…"

"No Ziggy…" Xhemin just couldn't do it anymore. "I'm not allowing you to leave with that boat. It's just too risky and it's illegal, Wolfe will surely suffer especially with his condition. If Wolfe will have an attack in the middle of the voyage, he'll not make it,"

"We have no more place to go," Ziggy admitted badly. "And if we stay here, you'll be in great danger,"

"You don't have to worry about me anymore," Xhemin announced and her words only made Ziggy confused.

"Xhemin what-"

"Leave me here," Xhemin said before he could say anything else. "You are only in danger because of me,"

"Of course I can't leave you here!" Ziggy was shocked to hear her outrageous suggestion.

"You can. You should," Xhemin shed more tears this time and Ziggy too. "You have to do it for our family, for Wolfe, for-"

"No there's got to be another way," Ziggy just didn't want to leave her. Xhemin was the only family she had left by then and leaving her was just like leaving a part of him in Hampshire.

"I'm afraid there's none and we don't have time anymore," Xhemin started wiping her tears away, "Wolfe is in a bad condition, he can't survive all this,"

"But Xhemin what am I to do? We have nowhere to go. You know we have nothing left,"

"You are the youngest Montreal," Xhemin reminded him, "Your father may have abandoned you but your remains the dear youngest sire for some. You can use that to your advantage,"

"Xhemin please don't make me do this, I've already lost grandad and Huzey and I can't-"

"You are not going to lose me. I promise you that," Xhemin cupped his head and give him a kiss, "You have to promise me you'll keep everyone safe,"

"You should at least say goodbye to them," Ziggy said as she grabbed her for an embrace.

"I will not be able to leave them if I say my last goodbyes,�� Xhemin bitterly told and started stepping back away from Ziggy's reach "Goodbye my youngest sire,"

After one last look, Xhemin turned her back and started running away. He heard Ziggy chasing and screaming for her for a while until his screams faded in the thickness of the forest. When Xhemin was all alone then, she exhaustedly let herself fall from her feet and cried for hours in the woods alone.

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