The Genius' First Love

472 Moon Theather

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The Moon theater was one of the old buildings in the capital where elites frequented. Previously it was used to hold of big ballet and theatrical performances when movies wasn't invented yet but these days, it is where big auctions are being held and that was the reason for Xhemin's visit right then. She was betting on an important masterpiece that according to her source will be auctioned that night.

When her car halted, Xhemin stepped out and instructed her driver to wait for her in the parking lot. Then she stood at the foot of the theatres' grand entrance watching guests come in pair. For the elites, auctions were the most grand way of shopping so most of the time, you would find couples going together as men would like to show off how much they spoils their wife by betting on expensive auctioned jewelries.

Xhemin didn't really mind going alone however seeing how guests came in pairs, she wished she had called Ziggy to come.

"Would you wish me to escort you milady?" Darryl's voiced echoed at her back and when Xhemin turned, she was real surprise to see him dressed in a blue tuxedo with all smiles that can melt any woman's heart.

"What are you doing here?" Xhemin asked immediately with a voice suggesting how shocked she was to see him.

"You think you can escape me?" Darryl grinned, "It's supposed to be our first night together and yet you ran away from me,"

"I told you I have an important errand," Xhemin reasoned already a bit grumpy at the thought that Darryl followed her all the way just to prove to her she was at his grasped no matter what.

"Errand on a theatre?" Darryl looked at the building with suspicions, "You mean going shopping eh?"

"You won't understand," Xhemin just rolled an eye at him.

"Well I don't really mind spending our first night together going shopping," Darryl concluded and turned his body ready to go through the entrance, offering his arms to her "Shall we?"

Xhemin didn't have much of a choice by then, so she held into Darryl's arms and walked smoothly with him. When they entered the theatres' hallway, people mostly stopped their tracks and looked at them and some started whispering with their companions about the two for it was rather an unusual sight to see the L Empire's president with a woman. When they found out who the woman was, the whispers intensified. However, the guests reactions wasn't that bothering as although they were all taking about them, they had nothing but good words for both.

Soon the auction started and every guest sat comfortably with their auction cards. Darryl and Xhemin themselves sat near the front and everyone was looking forward to what the L Empire president will buy for his rumoured wife. However, the evening went on and Xhemin had not taken a special like for all the jewelries that were presented and they were all sold off to the other elites. All the guest who were observing the couple wondered by then whether Xhemin and Darryl just came to watch as it seemed that they had no plans of buying anything.

"Such a shame I thought I would witness how President Dee would lavish her wife tonight. I wonder how much was he willing to spend on her," One of the socialites whispered.

"Right, it seemed that they had no plan on buying anything. They don't even bid for the items that was auction and here I was thinking how hard was it to buy a good item tonight knowing that President was here,"

"You are all idiots!" One guest interjected, "It was obvious his wife had high tastes on jewelries. She is afterall the heiress of Leigh estates, I'm pretty sure all that was auctioned earlier don't appeal to her,"

"You are right. Wasn't Aviona Leigh like that too?" Another person agreed. "I remember my mom telling me Aviona Leigh only came to the Moon theatre once. She came hoping to buy something rare but went home frustrated as all that had been auctioned didn't suit her taste. She didn't came back after that,"

"Perhaps all the Leighs are like that,"

Like the guests, Darryl too was wondering why Xhemin came in the theatre when she didn't bet on the auctioned items. Perhaps his first assumption as right, she came here because she just wanted to escape their first night together and Darryl could only smile playfully at that.

"Milady you told me you have an errand for tonight," Darryl whispered to her ears with the intention of teasing her, "However it seemed that—"

"Shhhhhhh," Xhemin hushed him immediately and her eyes instantly brightened as if something beautiful caught her eyes. Darryl followed her eyes and it landed on a beautiful painting that was displayed in the stage.

"This ladies and gentleman, our next item is this majestic painting," The host announced loudly with admiration and all the guest gasped and wowed at how beautiful it was. Upon seeing how detailed and flawless such an art, the guest instantly picked up who was the artist who painted it "And yes your suspicions are right, I could see it all in your eyes that you have already guest who painted this. None other than, the Diamond Prince himself! This is the famous, La Tiara, painted by Huzey Montarini a year before he died,"

There were so much noise from the crowd when item was introduced. Huzey's painting were all rare and only the richest of the rich owned his paintings these days. Those who had taken his arts had made sure they benefit much from the Diamond prince arts and they were all sold out in a very high price.

"Our staring price is ten million—"

"fifty million," Xhemin bid immediately and the guest was astounded on how big the money she offered. Right then, Darryl and all the guest understood that the Diamond Prince's painting was the reason why she came at the bidding and Darryl didn't know how to feel with that fact.


"Fifty million, going once—"

"Sixty million," One man shouted.

"Sixty five,"


The bidding went higher and higher which was to be expected as many were after the Diamond Prince's paintings.

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