The Genius' First Love

471 Good Speed

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Darryl's apartment was situated in one of the decent subdivisions in the heart of the capital. The particular lot that he lived in consisted only of a small lot, with a small building and a parking space enough only for one car. It wasn't as grand as Xhemin expected from a Lagdameo heir but of course it was something to be expected from the husband she knew. Darryl as she knew him was a simple man despite the fact that he bear such a grandiose title.

When she entered, she gaped open upon the uniqueness of the house' architectural patter and how the windows and ceilings were made to made it looked like the space was huge. There was a small sitting area in one corner, a decent looking kitchen space and what she adored the most was that the big glass windows that oversees the whole garden from the outside. Unbelievably, Darryl's backyard garden was huge and she wondered by then if he was the one who planted and maintained the crops and plants that grew in there since the garden was so lush and well-tended.

"Madam I had kept your luggage in the bedroom," Darryl's subordinate called for her and Xhemin turned to nod at him politely. He was an old man but he seemed trustworthy and he left cautiously before she could say anything else.

Xhemin then turned to look at the bedroom and only then did she realize there was only one room in the house and much to her frustration, there was only one bed too.

"Darryl, are you expecting me to live in this house?" She confronted him when he entered. He took an important call outside so it was a little later that he entered. Xhemin saw him taking off his shoes at the main door and changed to his slippers with his socks on.

"Do you have problems with the house?" Darryl's eyebrows curled but deep inside he was expecting the confrontation. Although he thought Xhemin deserved a house far grand that what he currently lived in, he thought however that his apartment was the best choice he could bring her at the moment because how less the space can be, the more he can work out his relationship with her.

Truth was that Xhemin adored the house, but the fact that they had to share one bed makes her a little uncomfortable. She was very aware of how their physical attraction to each other and that alarmed her.

"Its so small and I can't possibly live here," Xhemin lied because she can't tell him straight that she was worried of their sleeping situation.

"I'm sorry milady, this is all that your husband could afford," Of course Darryl could see through her that she was lying so he went on the flow.

"After all, I only own half of L Empire," he added with a grin as if half of L Empire was not worth hundreds of millions in his management. He pulled and loosened up his tie but after a minute, he decided to just take the thing off, together with his upper clothing leaving him nothing on top but just his naked tantalizing chest and abs, much to Xhemin's frustration.

"Go and change to something comfortable," Darryl instructed as if she was not capable of deciding what to do on her own, "I'll have dinner ready in few minutes,"

Xhemin did not anymore answer and went inside the bedroom immediately, avoiding the view of Darryl being naked in the kitchen. She had seen that view a hundred times maybe in the island and God knows what happens next, either they eat dinner together or they eat each other.

When she was about to pull out a pajama, Xhemin's phone suddenly rang, she picked it up immediately without giving it a thought when she saw the name that appeared on the screen.

"Please do tell me you have some good news for me," She answered making her when the lined opened, intentionally lowered her voice low and peeked through the kitchen making sure Darryl was busy.

The voice from the other hand brought her some information and by the end of the call, Xhemin became frantic and asked more details, "What time was it supposed to start again?"

After the call, Xhemin looked through her luggage again, this she was looking for something more than a pajama.


Darryl had the table ready but as he was about to call Xhemin so they can have dinner together, she went out of the bedroom herself and the way she looked caught Darryl off guard. She was wearing a very classy black dress that showed off almost her entire shoulder and a bit of her two mounds. The dress fell down until her knees and in her hand was a fur coat she intended to wear to protect herself from the cold of the night that was looming in. She wore a type of make-up that matched her elegant dress while wearing pearl ever white accessories that only add up to how classy she looked.

"Going somewhere?" Darryl seemed to have not expected she would flee on their first night together.

"Got a call I looked forward to. Looks like I have to go tonight," Xhemin reasoned asking him some pure consideration because obviously this errand was totally unexpected.

"Looks like you are going to a formal gathering," Darryl guessed, "However I didn't hear of anyone throwing a formal gathering tonight"

Since Darryl was considered as one of the brilliant businessman these day, elites all around the capital never forgets to send him some invitations and he can particularly recall none of the elite families were throwing any formal party then.

"Well looked like you didn't receive an invitation," Xhemin was a bit delighted that Darryl had no idea where she was going and perhaps she can annoy him a bit knowing that he can't tag along with her "I'm almost late, bye then."


She gave him a polite wave and went for the door, she had called her personal driver already prior and so her car was waiting for her when she came out.

"Miss Leigh, good evening," Her personal driver greeted her which Xhemin reciprocated with a smile.

"Moon theatre please," Xhemin told and went to sit comfortably at the back seat. "Please hurry a bit, I need to catch up on something,"

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