The Genius' First Love

473 La Tiara

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"Eighty million," Another shouted desperately.

"A hundred fifty million," Xhemin betted again and Darryl could only look at her unbelievably on how she was spending so much for a painting. However, knowing who painted it and how important was he to Xhemin, Darryl didn't dare to protest. Truth was, there some hurt that floated up in him knowing that until then, Xhemin had not forgotten him, not in the island and not even after six long years. Huzey was a very lucky man even when he died early.

"A hundred fifty one," The offered continued despite how big the price went and Xhemin was already tempted to offer five hundred thousand at least on her next bid just to make sure she can have it.

"A hundred fifty five,"

Xhemin sighed deep. She doesn't really have all night to with all these biddings and so she wanted to end it right. "Five hundred—"

Before Xhemin could finish her words, there was a sudden black out and in just a minute everyone in the room could see nothing. Many panicked and shouted but no one dared to stand on their seats afraid that they will toppled other guests. Xhemin herself panicked as the darkness was like eating one's courage but when she felt Darryl's arms around her, guarding her protectively as if someone was going to snatch her away, Xhemin relaxed.

"Are you okay?" Darryl whispered to her. Even when she couldn't see him, she knew his eyes were all fixated on hers.

"What's happening?" Xhemin asked.

"I don't know although I have a suspicion," Darryl expressed, "I just hope I'm wrong knowing how much you like that painting,"

"What do you mean?" Xhemin asked in confused.

"Shhhhhh" It was Darryl who shushed her this time as if he heard something unusual apart from all the guests complaining about the lights.

Xhemin quieted and just like how Darryl was doing it, she too tried to observe the place even though it was dark. Right then, she became fully aware of a presence of an uninvited guest who joined them and the thought of what's that person's business in the auction hall when all the lights were out gave her an instant fright.

"Oh Darryl, it's the painting—" Xhemin's words was cut off when the lights returned to everyone's relief. They all turned to look at their companions making sure no one was hurt however someone shouted with horror!

"The painting is gone!"

Xhemin's world fell apart upon the realization. She stood at her seat and fixed her eyes at the place where the painting was once placed but all that's left was painting stand.

"It must be the master thief!" Someone expressed, "The master there is with us tonight!"

"Oh God!" Xhemin gasped and Darryl could only support her shoulder making sure she won't fall on her feet. He had seen how she desperately wanted that painting and the incident that night would surely take a toll on her.

The next few minutes were filled with all screams and panic. The theatre management advised everyone to leave the building immediately knowing that the master thief must still be lingering inside and it wouldn't be safe for the guests. The police then flooded the whole theatre as the guests exited the building. Darryl and Xhemin then walked out the auction hall toward the exit together with the other guests and there were chaos all around.

As they were walking off, Xhemin bumped into someone who like them was also in a hurry.

"I'm sorry," Xhemin lifted her head to apologize and her eyes fell on a beautiful woman with features that made her lost her head for few good seconds. She was all so perfect, like an international model with the most attention capturing phoenix-red eyes. She was wearing a big sophisticated black hat that almost hid her same red hair.

"It's okay," She replied and hearing her voice brought Xhemin some familiarity as if she had heard her voice before. It was mesmerizing too because Xhemin instead of asking the woman if they had met before couldn't stand to open her mouth.

"Are you both alright?" Darryl got their attention in just a split of second when he noticed Xhemin was transfixed to the girl and almost couldn't bring herself to go on. Confused as to her reaction, he too looked the girl and surprisingly, the girl and Darryl both recognized each other.

"You?" Darryl could not believe his eyes. It was a very long time and he almost forgot about her after all the things that happened to him.

"I'm sorry but I have to leave. Have a good night to you both," The girl responded politely and left as fast as she could.

"Hey wait!" Darryl attempted to follow her but she instantly evaporated in the crowd of guests that was exiting the Moon theatre just like how she escaped away from him before, fast like a wind. Not easily giving up, Darryl searched for her for a while until he realized that Xhemin was there.

"I'm sorry about that," Darryl went back to her and apologized for his hasty actions of chasing other woman in front of his wife.

'How dare you leave me for chase another woman' Xhemin thought as she didn't like how Darryl went to follow the girl, leaving her all alone.

"Do you know her?" She sounded annoyed and angry.

"I think so," Darryl admitted that only got Xhemin more irritated. "She's the one who saved him,"

"Saved what?"

"Your prince," Darryl could already sense Xhemin's anger so he dare not lie to her, "During the time you both have an accident in your birthday. I saw her saving Huzey"

Darryl's revelation came as a shock to Xhemin. She surely did not expect such a story as Darryl seemed to have not mentioned it to her before. If all that was true then does it mean that girl knew her Diamond Prince?


"Darryl you'd better not lie to me," Xhemin could only settle with such a statement for her brain could not process more because of all the things that took place that night.

"Why would I?" Darryl told her. "I already forget about it to be honest and only remembered when I saw her today. Her eyes, I could not forget that. I'm sure it's her."

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